Cover: Essentials of Environmental Science, 2nd Edition by Andrew Friedland; Rick Relyea

Essentials of Environmental Science

Second Edition  ©2016 Andrew Friedland; Rick Relyea Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Andrew Friedland

    Andrew Friedland

    Andrew Friedland is the Richard and Jane Pearl Professor in Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College and co-author of the Environmental Science for the AP Course, 3e® textbook series. He was the founding chair of the AP® Test Development Committee (College Board®) for Environmental Science. He has a strong interest in high school science education, and in the early years of AP® environmental science he participated in many trainer and teacher workshops. For more than 15 years, Andy has been a guest lecturer at various Advanced Placement® Institutes for Secondary Teachers and in high school APES classrooms. He also served on the College Board AP® Environmental Science Curriculum Development and Assessment Committee. Andy regularly teaches introductory environmental science and energy courses at Dartmouth and has taught courses in forest biogeochemistry, global change, and soil science, as well as study abroad courses in Kenya. He created an online introductory environmental science course that is accessible through and YouTube. Andy received a BA degree in both biology and environmental studies, and a PhD in earth and environmental science, from the University of Pennsylvania. For almost four decades, he has been investigating the effects of air pollution on the cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and lead in high-elevation forests of New England and the Northeast. During the last decade, he has examined the impact of increased demand for wood as a fuel, and the subsequent effect on carbon stored deep in forest soils. Andy has served on panels for the National Science Foundation, USDA Forest Service, and Science Advisory Board of the Environmental Protection Agency. He has authored or coauthored 80 peer-reviewed publications and one other book, Writing Successful Science Proposals, Third Edition (Yale University Press). In 2015, he was named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Andy is passionate about saving energy and at his home has installed a 4 kW photovoltaic tracker that follows the sun during the day.

  • Headshot of Rick Relyea

    Rick Relyea

    Rick Relyea is the David Darrin Senior ‘40 Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences and the director of the Darrin Freshwater Institute at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received a BS in environmental forest biology from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, an MS in wildlife management from Texas Tech University, and a PhD in ecology and evolution from the University of Michigan. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters and presented research seminars throughout the world. Rick was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh for 15 years, where he was named the Chancellor’s Distinguished Researcher and received the Tina and David Bellet Teaching Excellence Award. In 2014, he moved to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to direct The Jefferson Project, which is the most technologically advanced research endeavor to study freshwater lakes. Rick has a strong interest in high school education, including hosting high school science teachers who conduct research in his laboratory. He is co-author of Environmental Science for the AP® Course, also published by BFW publishers.

Table of Contents

Ch. 1  Introduction to Environmental Science
Ch. 2  Matter, Energy, and Change
Ch. 3  Ecosystem Ecology and Biomes
Ch. 4  Evolution, Biodiversity, and Community Ecology
Ch. 5  Human Population Growth
Ch. 6  Geologic Processes, Soils, and Minerals
Ch. 7  Land Resources and Agriculture
Ch. 8 Nonrenewable and Renewable Energy
Ch. 9  Water Resources and Water Pollution
Ch. 10 Air Pollution
Ch. 11 Solid Waste Generation and Disposal
Ch. 12 Human Health Risk
Ch. 13 Conservation of Biodiversity
Ch. 14 Climate Alteration and Global Change
Ch. 15 Environmental Economics, Equity, and Policy

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