Cover: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries, 4th Edition by Marvin J. Greenberg

Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries

Fourth Edition  ©2008 Marvin J. Greenberg Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Marvin J. Greenberg

    Marvin J. Greenberg

    Marvin Jay Greenberg is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of California at Santa Cruz. He received his undergraduate degree from Columbia University, where he was a Ford Scholar. His PhD is from Princeton University, his thesis adviser having been the brilliant and fiery Serge Lang. He was subsequently an Assistant Professor at U.C. Berkeley for five years (two years of which he spent on NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships at Harvard and at the I.H.E.S. in Paris), an Associate Professor at Northeastern University for two years, and Full Professor at U.C. Santa Cruz for twenty five years. He took early retirement from that campus at age 57. His first published book was Lectures on Algebraic Topology (Benjamin, 1967), which was later expanded into a joint work with John Harper, Algebraic Topology: A First Course (Westview, 1981). His second book Lectures on Forms in Many Variables (Benjamin, 1969) was about the subject started by Serge Lang in his thesis and subsequently developed by himself and others, culminating in the great theorem of Ax and Kochen showing that the conjecture of Emil Artin that p-adic fields are C2 is "almost true" (Terjanian found the first counter-example to the full conjecture). His Freeman text Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History had its first edition appear in 1974, and is now in its vastly expanded fourth edition. His early journal publications are in the subject of algebraic geometry, where he discovered a functor J.-P. Serre named after him and an approximation theorem J. Nicaise and J. Sebag named after him. He is also the translator of Serre’s Corps Locaux. In later years, he published some articles on the foundations of geometry, most of whose results are included in his Freeman text. His latest publication appeared in the March 2010 issue of the American Mathematical Monthly, entitled "Old and New Results in the Foundations of Elementary Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries"; a copy of that paper is sent along with the Instructors Manual to any instructor who requests it. Professor Greenberg lives alone in Berkeley, CA, and has an adult son who lives on the boat his son owns. His main interests outside of mathematics are (1) golf, where he is a founding member of the Shivas Irons Society based on Michael Murphys classic book Golf in the Kingdom (now made into a movie); (2) the economy and the stock market, where he is very concerned about the hard times that have befallen the U.S., due in large part to the fiat fractional reserve monetary system that enabled very dangerous levels of debt to be transacted; and (3) the quest for enlightenment, the topic of a course he taught at Crown College, UCSC, around 1970.

  • Headshot of Marvin Jay Greenberg

    Marvin Jay Greenberg

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Euclid’s Geometry
Very Brief Survey of the Beginnings of Geometry
The Pythagoreans
Euclid of Alexandria
The Axiomatic Method
Undefined Terms
Euclid’s First Four Postulates
The Parallel Postulate
Attempts to Prove the Parallel Postulate
The Danger in Diagrams
The Power of Diagrams
Straightedge-and-Compass Constructions, Briefly
Descartes’ Analytic Geometry and Broader Idea of Constructions
Briefly on the Number ð


Chapter 2 Logic and Incidence Geometry
Elementary Logic
Theorems and Proofs
RAA Proofs
Law of Excluded Middle and Proof by Cases
Brief Historical Remarks
Incidence Geometry
Isomorphism of Models
Projective and Affine Planes
Brief History of Real Projective Geometry


Chapter 3 Hilbert’s Axioms
Flaws in Euclid
Axioms of Betweenness
Axioms of Congruence
Axioms of Continuity
Hilbert’s Euclidean Axiom of Parallelism


Chapter 4 Neutral Geometry
Geometry without a Parallel Axiom
Alternate Interior Angle Theorem
Exterior Angle Theorem
Measure of Angles and Segments
Equivalence of Euclidean Parallel Postulates
Saccheri and Lambert Quadrilaterals
Angle Sum of a Triangle


Chapter 5 History of the Parallel Postulate
Clairaut’s Axiom and Proclus’ Theorem
Lambert and Taurinus
Farkas Bolyai


Chapter 6 The Discovery of Non-Euclidean Geometry
János Bolyai
Subsequent Developments
Non-Euclidean Hilbert Planes
The Defect
Similar Triangles
Parallels Which Admit a Common Perpendicular
Limiting Parallel Rays, Hyperbolic Planes
Classification of Parallels
Strange New Universe?


Chapter 7 Independence of the Parallel Postulate
Consistency of Hyperbolic Geometry
Beltrami’s Interpretation
The Beltrami–Klein Model
The Poincaré Models
Perpendicularity in the Beltrami–Klein Model
A Model of the Hyperbolic Plane from Physics
Inversion in Circles, Poincaré Congruence
The Projective Nature of the Beltrami–Klein Model


Chapter 8 Philosophical Implications, Fruitful Applications
What Is the Geometry of Physical Space?
What Is Mathematics About?
The Controversy about the Foundations of Mathematics
The Meaning
The Fruitfulness of Hyperbolic Geometry for Other Branches of Mathematics, Cosmology, and Art


Chapter 9 Geometric Transformations
Klein’s Erlanger Programme
Applications to Geometric Problems
Motions and Similarities

Ideal Points in the Hyperbolic Plane
Parallel Displacements
Classification of Motions
Automorphisms of the Cartesian Model
Motions in the Poincaré Model
Congruence Described by Motions


Chapter 10 Further Results in Real Hyperbolic Geometry
Area and Defect
The Angle of Parallelism
The Curvature of the Hyperbolic Plane 
Hyperbolic Trigonometry 
Circumference and Area of a Circle 
Saccheri and Lambert Quadrilaterals 
Coordinates in the Real Hyperbolic Plane 
The Circumscribed Cycle of a Triangle 
Bolyai’s Constructions in the Hyperbolic Plane 


Appendix A
Appendix B
Name Index
Subject Index

Product Updates

Additional Coverage
This edition offers greater coverage of key events and contributors throughout history including additional information on the Pythagoreans, Plato, Euclid, Proclus, Saccheri and Bolyai.

Revised Coverage
This edition offers clearer coverage of Models, Isomorphism of Models, Axioms of Betweenness, Axioms of Congruence, Geometry without a Parallel Axiom, Measures of Angles and Segments, Angle Sum of a Triangle, Similar Triangles, and Saccheri and Lambert Quadrilaterals.

New Coverage
A new section has been added to discuss pi (Chapter 1)
New section on Straightedge and Compass, Constructions (Chapter1)
New Section on "Brief Historical Remarks" (Chapter 2)
New Section on "Consistency" (Chapter 2)
New Section on "Brief History of Real Projective Geometry" (Chapter 2)
New section on "Equidistant Curves" (Chapter 5)
New section on the "Beltrami’s Interpretation" (Chapter 7)
New section on the "Fruitfulness of Hyperbolic Geometry for Other Branches of Mathematics, Cosmology, and Art" (Chapter 8)
New Section on “Bolyais Constructions in the Hyperbolic Plane” (Chapter 10)

More than 50% additional projects added to the text, plus new exercises included in every chapter.


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