Cover: Evolution, 3rd Edition by Douglas Emlen; Carl Zimmer


Third Edition  ©2020 Douglas Emlen; Carl Zimmer Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Carl Zimmer

    Carl Zimmer

    Carl Zimmer is one of the country’s leading science writers. A columnist for The New York Times and a regular contributor to magazines like Scientific American and National Geographic, he is the author of thirteen books, including Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea and A Planet of Viruses. Zimmer is a lecturer at Yale University, where he teaches science writing. He is a three-time winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Journalism Award and the winner of the National Academies Communication Award. You can learn more at the authors website:

  • Headshot of Douglas J. Emlen

    Douglas J. Emlen

    Douglas J. Emlen is the recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering from the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House, multiple research awards from the National Science Foundation, including their five-year CAREER award, and a Young Investigator Prize and the E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award from the American Society of Naturalists. His research has been featured in outlets including the New York Times and National Public Radio’s Fresh Air. He is a professor at the University of Montana.

Table of Contents

The Whale and the Virus: How Scientists Study Evolution 1
From Natural Philosophy to Darwin: A Brief History of Evolutionary Ideas 28
3  What the Rocks Say: How Geology and Paleontology Reveal the History of Life 52
4  The Tree of Life: How Biologists Use Phylogeny to Reconstruct the Deep Past
5  Raw Material: Heritable Variation Among Individuals 140
6  The Ways of Change: Drift and Selection 176
7  Beyond Alleles: Quantitative Genetics and the Evolution of Phenotypes 226
8  The History in Our Genes 264
9  From Genes to Traits: The Evolution of Genetic Networks and Development 308
10  Natural Selection: Empirical Studies in the Wild 352
11  Sex: Causes and Consequences 390
12  After Conception: The Evolution of Life History and Parental Care 434
13  The Origin of Species 466
14  Macroevolution: The Long Run 508
15  Intimate Partnerships: How Species Adapt to Each Other 548
16  Brains and Behavior 588
17  Human Evolution: A New Kind of Ape 632
18  Evolutionary Medicine 684

Product Updates

Summer 2024 Updates:

Evolution: Making Sense of Life is supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s online learning platform. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for students. It houses all of our renowned assessments, multimedia assets, e-books, and instructor resources in one powerful platform.

Engage Students with Interactive COVID-19 Podcast Assignments and Activities

Enhance your lessons with the COVID-19 podcasts by incorporating new assignments and in-class activities! Our updated homework assignments and worksheets provide a structured framework, helping students better grasp and retain critical information.

Third Edition Updates (2020):

Updated scientific research in every chapter

  • Rearranged Chapters 8 through 10 so that discussion of history of genes and adaptation fall immediately after quantitative genetics allowing for a more cohesive story of the science.
  • Updated coverage and treatment of: early Earth, physical linkage, linkage disequilibrium, and inversions maintaining linkage disequilibrium, gene control regions, geological processes that drive variance, macroevolution of individual clades as a way to observe long-term evolutionary trends, flexible behavior in animals with focus on new research on synaptic plasticity,  evolving pathogens, and more.

Helping students make sense of evolution

The new edition of Evolution: Making Sense of Life is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for students. It houses all of our renowned assessments, multimedia assets, e-books, and instructor resources in a powerful new platform.

Evolutionary Biologist, Douglas Emlen and Science Writer, Carl Zimmer continue to improve their widely-praised evolution textbook. Emlen, an award-winning evolutionary biologist at the University of Montana, has infused Evolution: Making Sense of Life with the technical rigor and conceptual depth that today’s biology majors require. Zimmer, an award-winning New York Times columnist, brings compelling storytelling to the book, bringing evolutionary research to life through a narrative sure to capture the attention of evolution students.

With riveting stories about evolutionary biologists at work everywhere from the Arctic to tropical rainforests to hospital wards, the book is a reading adventure designed to grab the imagination of students, showing them exactly why evolution makes such brilliant sense of life.

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Douglas Emlen; Carl Zimmer | Third Edition | ©2020 | ISBN:9781319235260

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