Cover: Exploring Psychology in Modules, 12th Edition by David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall

Exploring Psychology in Modules

Twelfth Edition  ©2022 David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall Formats: Achieve, Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of David G. Myers

    David G. Myers

    David Myers received his B.A. in chemistry from Whitworth University, and his psychology Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He has spent his career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has taught dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.” His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, an Honored Scientist award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, an Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Social-Personality Psychology, a Presidential Citation from APA Division 2, election as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, and three honorary doctorates.

    With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers’ scientific articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly and textbook writing, he digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American. He also has authored six general audience books, including, in 2022, How Do We Know Ourselves? Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind. And he blogs about psychology and life at

    David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for low-income families, and spoken to hundreds of college, community, and professional groups worldwide. Drawing on his experience of hearing loss, which now includes a cochlear implant, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in U.S. assistive listening technology (see For his leadership, he has received awards from the American Academy of Audiology, the hearing industry, and the Hearing Loss Association of America.

    David and Carol Myers met and married while undergraduates, and have raised sons Peter and Andrew, and a daughter, Laura. They have one grandchild, Allie.

  • Headshot of C. Nathan DeWall

    C. Nathan DeWall

    Nathan DeWall is professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky. He received his bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf College, a master’s degree in social science from the University of Chicago, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in social psychology from Florida State University. DeWall received the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, which recognizes excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The Association for Psychological Science identified DeWall as a “Rising Star” early in his career for “making significant contributions to the field of psychological science.” He has been included in the top 1 percent of all cited scientists in psychology and psychiatry on the Institute for Scientific Information list, according to the Web of Science. DeWall conducts research on close relationships, self-control, aggression, the psychology of religion, and intellectual humility. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the John Templeton Foundation, he has published 225 scientific articles and chapters. DeWall’s research awards include the SAGE Young Scholars Award from the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology, the Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Research on Aggression, and the Early Career Award from the International Society for Self and Identity. His research has been covered by numerous media and entertainment outlets, including Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Harvard Business Review, USA Today, National Public Radio, The Guardian, the BBC, and Netflix. He has lectured nationally and internationally, including in Hong Kong, China, the Netherlands, England, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Australia, and France.

    Nathan is happily married to Alice DeWall and is the proud father of Beverly “Bevy” and Ellis. He also enjoys taking care of the family dog, “Artie.” As an ultramarathon runner, he completed numerous races, including the Badwater 135 in 2017 (dubbed “the World’s toughest foot race”). In his spare time now, he enjoys hiking, attending live concerts, setting up and maintaining aquariums, watching sports, and playing guitar and singing in local rock bands.

Table of Contents

Thinking Critically With Psychological Science
Module 1: The History and Scope of Psychology
Module 2: Research Strategies: How Psychologists Ask and Answer Questions

The Biology of Behavior
Module 3: Neural and Hormonal Systems
Module 4: The Tools of Discovery: Having Our Head Examined
Module 5: Brain Regions and Structures
Module 6: Damage Response and Brain Hemispheres
Module 7: Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology, and Behavior

Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind
Module 8: Consciousness: Some Basic Concepts
Module 9: Sleep and Dreams
Module 10: Drugs and Consciousness

Developing Through the Life Span
Module 11: Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn
Module 12: Infancy and Childhood
Module 13: Adolescence
Module 14: Adulthood

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Module 15: Gender Development
Module 16: Human Sexuality

Sensation and Perception
Module 17: Basic Concepts of Sensation and Perception
Module 18: Vision: Sensory and Perceptual Processing
Module 19: Hearing, Skin, Chemical, and Body Senses

Module 20: Basic Learning Concepts and Classical Conditioning
Module 21: Operant Conditioning
Module 22: Biology, Cognition, and Learning

Module 23: Studying and Encoding Memories
Module 24: Storing and Retrieving Memories
Module 25: Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Improving Memory

Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Module 26: Thinking
Module 27: Language and Thought
Module 28: Intelligence Assessment and Dynamics
Module 29: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Intelligence

Motivation and Emotion
Module 30: Basic Motivational Concepts, Affiliation, and Achievement
Module 31: Hunger
Module 32: Theories and Physiology of Emotion
Module 33: Expressing and Experiencing Emotion

Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing
Module 34: Stress and Illness
Module 35: Health and Happiness

Social Psychology
Module 36: Social Thinking and Social Influence
Module 37: Antisocial Relations
Module 38: Prosocial Relations

Module 39: Classic Perspectives on Personality
Module 40: Contemporary Perspectives on Personality

Psychological Disorders
Module 41: Basic Concepts of Psychological Disorders
Module 42: Anxiety-Related Disorders
Module 43: Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorders
Module 44: Schizophrenia
Module 45: Dissociative, Personality, and Eating Disorders
Module 46: Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Module 47: Introduction to Therapy and the Psychological Therapies
Module 48: Evaluating Psychotherapies
Module 49: The Biomedical Therapies and Preventing Psychological Disorders

Appendix A: Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life
Describing Data

  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Measures of Variation
  • Correlation: A Measure of Relationships

Significant Differences

Appendix B: Psychology at Work
Work and Life Satisfaction

  • Flow at Work
  • Finding Your Own Flow, and Matching Interests to Work

Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Personnel Psychology

  • Using Strengths for Successful Selection
  • Do Interviews Predict Performance?
  • Appraising Performance

Organizational Psychology

  • Satisfaction and Engagement at Work
  • Effective Leadership

Human Factors Psychology

Appendix C: The Story of Psychology: A Timeline

Appendix D: Career Fields in Psychology

Appendix E: Complete Module Reviews

Appendix F: Answers to the Retrieve It and Experience the Testing Effect Questions

Name Index
Subject Index

Product Updates

Achieve for Exploring Psychology
Achieve sets a whole new standard for integrating assessments, activities, and analytics into your teaching. It brings together all of the high quality features that instructors and students love about its predecessor LaunchPad—interactive e-book, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing and other assessments, immersive learning activities, extensive instructor resources—in a powerful new platform that offers:

  • A cleaner, more intuitive, mobile-friendly interface
  • Powerful analytics
  • Self-regulated learning and goal-setting surveys
  • A fully integrated iClicker classroom response system, with questions available for each unit or the option to integrate your own

Available exclusively in Achieve starting Fall 2021
Introductory Psychology Video Collection
This extraordinary new video collection features over 120 in-demand clips from high-quality sources—classic and contemporary— as well as engaging original content. It’s a remarkably diverse and relevant resource, developed in partnership with a faculty and student advisory board, and encompassing such captivating topics as COVID and stress, Alzheimer’s, loneliness & the brain, Black Lives Matter/racial trauma & racial bias, online dating, and topics related to transgender youth. Videos are closed-captioned with warnings for sensitive content, and each clip includes assignable assessments, with results reporting into the Achieve gradebook.

Also in Achieve:

  • LearningCurve
    In a game-like format, LearningCurve adaptive and formative quizzing helps get students more deeply involved in the coursework. It offers:
    • A unique learning path for each student, with quizzes shaped by each individual’s correct and incorrect answers.
    • A Personalized Study Plan, to guide students’ preparation for class and for exams.

Feedback for each question with live links to relevant e-book pages, guiding students to the reading they need to do to improve their areas of weakness.

  • iClicker Questions
    Our robust collection includes NEW questions for each module, created by Jennifer Zwolinski (University of San Diego), that test student understanding of that module’s research and research design examples.  iClicker is now integrated with Achieve for easy access for you and your students. 
  • Gold Standard Instructor Resources
    Now, in Achieve, these resources have been updated and improved by award-winning instructor Elizabeth Hammer (Xavier University) and are easier to find and use! In addition, Salena Brody (University of Texas, Dallas) created new classroom activities for each module covering diversity in psychology topics. These resources are all designed to help instructors actively engage students in a variety of class settings and help them retain psychology’s key concepts.  

New in the Text
Psychology TODAY

With over 1,000  new citations dated 2018 - 2021 in the Twelfth Edition, instructors know they will get the most up-to-date view of the field--a trademark of the Myers/DeWall texts.  The References section now highlights all these new citations in blue

Improved Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
A lot has changed in the field of psychology since the last edition was written, especially in the fast-moving subfields of cultural diversity, human sexuality, and gender psychology, and in the language we use to refer to varying groups of people. The authors sought extra reviews from experts and teaching psychologists and made extensive updates to this coverage.

NEW Instructor Activity Guides
Available for each module, the guides offer EVERYTHING you need to implement fun new in-person or remote classroom activities.

Introductory Psychology Initiative
Exploring Psychology Twelfth Edition and its resources offer a perfect match for those interested in following the IPI guidelines from the American Psychological Association (2021), with full text coverage of relevant content, and abundant student and classroom activities and assessment opportunities.  You can see how the text and Achieve content meet the Integrative Themes and Learning Outcomes in Tables 1 and 2 in the Preface. 

Improved Student Preface—Student Success: How to Apply Psychology to Live Your Best Life. When we ask teaching psychologists to share the most important lessons they wish to impart to students, they often tell us they want to teach students to think critically, and to apply psychology to their own lives so that they can live better and be more successful. This brief Student Success preface, which previews relevant resources in the text and in Achieve, helps get students on the right path with sections on
• Thinking Critically and Scientifically,
• Self-Control and Self-Improvement,
• Time Management and Study Tips,
• Social Life (including a new section, Embrace Diversity), and
• Finding Meaning and Pursuing Goals.

Innovative engagement. Enduring retention. Convenient modular format. The most effective way to explore psychological science, now with even more support for instructors.

With digital content available for the first time in the breakthrough online platform, Achieve, the new edition of Myers and DeWall’s bestseller, Exploring Psychology, Twelfth Edition in Modules offers creative ways to help students connect with the course, retain psychology’s key principles, and do better in all their classes, not just psychology. Like all previous editions, the authors combine market-leading currency, fresh teaching ideas, fascinating applications, effective new study tools and technologies, and a compassionate and compelling storytelling voice.

This version breaks down the 15 chapters of Myers/DeWall, Exploring Psychology, 12e, into 49 modules which can be assigned in any order. Each module can easily be read in one sitting, responding to research and student feedback showing that shorter reading assignments can lead to better understanding and retention.

Myers and DeWall base their text on the same guiding principles that made Myers the world’s bestselling introductory psychology author:

  • Facilitate understanding by teaching critical thinking, applying principles to students’ lives, and reinforcing learning at every step.
  • Demonstrate that psychology is a science by showing the process of inquiry and sharing the field’s most exciting new discoveries.
  • Emphasize psychologys big ideas, especially  respect for human unity and diversity--what drives us, distinguishes us, unifies us.

With Achieve, our most powerful learning option is also our most affordable. Achieve brings all of the best aspects of the text and digital resources together in one place. Built on best practices in research in psychology and learning science, Achieve provides students with robust tools to succeed in their introductory course, while giving instructors insights into their students understanding and performance. And it is the exclusive home of the extraordinary new resource, the Introductory Psychology Video Collection.

Success Stories

Here are a few examples of how Achieve has helped instructors like you improve student preparedness, enhance their sense of belonging, and achieve course goals they set for themselves.

Prof. Kiandra Johnson, Spelman College

See how the resources in Achieve help you engage students before, during, and after class.

Prof. Jennifer Duncan

Use diagnostics in Achieve for a snapshot into cognitive and non-cognitive factors that may impact your students’ preparedness.

Prof. Ryan Elsenpeter

Here’s why educators who use Achieve would recommend it to their peers.

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Test Bank for Exploring Psychology in Modules

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall | Twelfth Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319433611

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APA Correlation to Quality Principles (.docx)

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Image Slides and Tables (Accessible)

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Instructor's Resource Manual for Exploring Psychology (Online Only)

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall | Twelfth Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319432416

Instructor's Resource Manual for Exploring Psychology in Modules (Online Only)

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall | Twelfth Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319433291
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Lecture Slides for Exploring Psychology in Modules (Online Only)

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall | Twelfth Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319433628
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MCAT Correlation Guide (.docx)

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Test Bank Preface (.docx)

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iClicker Questions for Exploring Psychology in Modules (Online Only)

David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall | Twelfth Edition | ©2022 | ISBN:9781319433284
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