Cover: Food Matters, 3rd Edition by Holly Bauer

Food Matters

Third Edition  ©2021 Holly Bauer Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Holly Bauer

    Holly Bauer

    Holly Bauer (PhD University of California, San Diego) worked as a journalist before she began teaching college composition. Currently, she teaches academic writing at the University of California, San Diego, where she has received distinguished teaching and service awards as the Associate Director of the Analytical Writing Program. Dr. Bauer regularly teaches writing courses focused on the themes of food, water, and sustainability. She has taught writing for more than 20 years in various segments of public education in California, including high school, community college, and state university institutions. She is a long-time teaching consultant for the San Diego Area Writing Project and is involved in several programs aimed at fostering meaningful cross-institutional partnerships with high school, community college, and university writing instructors. Her academic essays have been published in South Atlantic Quarterly and Writing on the Edge, and she is a frequent presenter at professional conferences.

Table of Contents

[[New selections are marked with an asterisk]]

About The Bedford Spotlight Reader Series

Preface for Instructors

Contents by Discipline

Contents by Theme

Contents by Rhetorical Purpose

Introduction for Students

Chapter 1. What Is the Purpose of Food?

Michael Pollan, Eat Food: Food Defined

Eric Schlosser, Why the Fries Taste Good

Jill McCorkle, Her Chee-to Heart

Marion Nestle, Eating Made Simple

Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Lily Wong, Eating the Hyphen

*Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung, Are You Really Appreciating the Apple?

Chapter 2. What Forces Affect Our Food Choices?

United States Government, Nutritional Guidelines

Dhruv Khullar, Why Shame Won’t Stop Obesity

David H. Freedman, How Junk Food Can End Obesity

*Joe Pinsker, Why So Many Rich Kids Come to Enjoy the Taste of Healthier Foods

*Barry Yeoman, The Hidden Resilience of "Food Desert" Neighborhoods

Mary Roach, Livers and Opinions

*Taffy Brodesser-Akner, Why I’ve Never Learned to Cook

*Stephen Satterfield, I’m a Black Food Writer. Here’s Why We Need More Like Me

Chapter 3. What Does It Mean to Eat Ethically?

Margaret Mead, The Changing Significance of Food

Barbara Kingsolver, You Can’t Run Away on Harvest Day

Bill McKibben, The Only Way to Have a Cow

Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

Yuval Noah Harari, Industrial Farming is One of the Worst Crimes in History

Blake Hurst, The Omnivores Delusion: Against the Agri-Intellectuals

*Amanda Little, Stop the Rot

*Chapter 4. How Does Our Food System Contribute to the Climate Crisis?

Jonathan A. Foley, Can We Feed the World and Sustain the Planet?

*Alejandra Borunda, Grocery Stores Are Packed with Plastic. Some Are Changing

*Georgina Gustin, Can a Climate Conscious Diet Include Meat or Dairy?

*Rowan Jacobsen, The Biography of a Plant-Based Burger: One Man’s Mission to Make Meat Obsolete

*Nicole Walker, How to Cook a Planet

*Paul Greenberg, Heartland

*Bren Smith, The Least Deadly Catch: Ocean Farming in the Climate Change Era

*Abaki Beck, How One Tribe Is Fighting for Their Food Culture In the Face of Climate Change

Chapter 5. What is the Future of Food?

David Biello, Will Organic Food Fail to Feed the World?

Robert Paarlberg, Attention Whole Foods Shoppers

*Joon Yun, David Kessler, and Dan Glickman, We Need Better Answers on Nutrition

Richard Marosi, Hardship on Mexico’s Farms, a Bounty for U.S. Tables

Frances Moore Lappé, Biotechnology Isn’t the Key to Feeding the World

*Bob Quinn and Liz Carlisle, Recycling Energy

*Selina Wang, The Future of Farming is Looking Up

*Sentence Guides for Academic Writers

Index of Authors and Titles

Product Updates

16 new reading selections provide more perspectives, topics, and disciplines, for even more flexibility in structuring your course. For example,

  • Taffy Brodesser-Akner, in "Why Ive Never Learned How to Cook," touches on the gender expectations tied up in cooking and food.
  • Paul Greenberg, in "Heartland" writes about the connection between American agriculture, seafood, and our health.
  • Abaki Beck, in "How One Tribe Is Fighting for Their Food Culture in The Face of Climate Change" draws attention to the intersection between climate change, culture, and privilege.

A new chapter on food and the climate crisis. Based on feedback from instructors, Food Matters now features a new chapter on the climate crisis, "How Does Our Food System Contribute to the Climate Crisis?" Chapter 4 asks students to consider the complex relationship between how our food choices and food production both contribute to and will be affected by climate change. Essays include a look at underwater regenerative farming pioneered by Bren Smith, Rowan Jacobsen’s deep dive into plant-based meat, Alejandra Borunda’s investigation about plastic food packaging, and more.

An appendix, "Sentence Guides for Academic Writers." This section helps with an essential skill: working with and responding to others’ ideas. A practical module helps students to develop an academic writing voice by giving them sentence guides, or templates, to follow in a variety of composing situations.




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