Cover: General Chemistry, Reactions First, 1st Edition by Kevin Revell

General Chemistry, Reactions First

First Edition  ©2025 Kevin Revell Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Kevin Revell

    Kevin Revell

    Kevin Revell teaches introductory, general, and organic chemistry at Murray State University, and also serves as the assistant dean for the MSU Jones College of Science, Engineering, and Technology. A passionate educator, his teaching experience includes high school, community college, small private, state comprehensive, and state flagship institutions. His work encompasses curriculum, technology-enhanced pedagogy, assessment, and active-learning design. He has hosted multiple science education workshops, and is the senior editor for, an online community for college-level instructors implementing active-learning pedagogies. A synthetic chemist by training, his research involves the synthesis and evaluation of functional organic materials. With his wife, Jennifer, Kevin has three children – James, Julianne and Joshua – and two grandchildren.

Table of Contents

1 Matter and Measurement

1.1 Chemistry and the Scientific Method

1.2 Describing Matter

1.3 Units of Measurement

1.4 The Quality of Measurements

1.5 Unit Conversion

2 Atoms

2.1 Atoms: The Essential Building Blocks

2.2 The Periodic Table of the Elements

2.3 Uncovering Atomic Structure

2.4 Describing Atoms: Identity and Mass

2.5 Atoms in Compounds: Formula Mass and Percent Composition

2.6 The Mole Concept

3 From Elements to Compounds

3.1 Ions

3.2 Ionic Bonds and Compounds

3.3 Covalent Bonding

3.4 How Ionic and Covalent Compounds Differ

3.5 Techniques for Finding Chemical Formulas

4 Chemical Reactions

4.1 Chemical Equations

4.2 Classifying Reactions

4.3 Describing Aqueous Reactions: Molecular and Ionic Equations

4.4 Solubility and Precipitation Reactions

4.5 Acid-Base Neutralization Reactions

4.6 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in Aqueous Solution

5 Stoichiometry

5.1 A Review of the Mole Concept

5.2 The Mole Concept in Balanced Equations

5.3 Calculations with Limiting Reagents

5.4 Molarity and Solution Stoichiometry

5.5 Theoretical and Percent Yield

6 Energy

6.1 Energy, Work, and Heat

6.2 Heat and Temperature

6.3 Enthalpy Changes in Chemical Reactions

6.4 State Functions

7 Quantum Mechanics and Electronic Structure

7.1 Light, Energy, and the Bohr Model

7.2 The Wave Nature of Matter

7.3 Electronic Structure: The Quantum Model

7.4 Describing Electron Configurations

7.5 Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table

7.6 Periodic Properties of the Elements

8 Molecular Structure and Bond Energy

8.1 Covalent Bonding and the Octet Rule

8.2 Drawing Lewis Structures

8.3 Resonance

8.4 Simplified Structures for Large Molecules

8.5 Energy and Covalent Bonds

8.6 Energy and Ionic Bonds

9 Molecular Shape, Polarity, and Advanced Bonding Models

9.1 Shapes of Molecules

9.2 Polar Bonds and Molecules

9.3 The Valence Overlap Model and Hybridization

9.4 Molecular Orbital Theory

10 Gases

10.1 Describing Gases

10.2 The Gas Laws

10.3 Molar Mass and Gas Density

10.4 Mixtures of Gases

10.5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases

10.6 Gas Stoichiometry

10.7 Real Gases

11 Intermolecular Forces, Liquids, and Solids

11.1 Intermolecular Forces

11.2 Mixtures and Solubility

11.3 Phase Changes

11.4 Classifying Liquids and Solids

11.5 Solid-State Structures

12 Solutions

12.1 Describing Concentration

12.2 Factors that Affect Solubility

12.3 Determining Ion Concentration

12.4 Colligative Properties

12.5 Vapor Pressures of Solutions

13 Kinetics

13.1 Reaction Rates

13.2 The Rate Laws

13.3 The Integrated Rate Laws

13.4 Half-Life and Radioactive Decay

13.5 Rates and Reaction Mechanisms

13.6 Energy and Reaction Rates

13.7 Catalysts

14 Equilibrium

14.1 Dynamic Equilibrium

14.2 Equilibria involving Solvents, Pure Liquids, and Solids

14.3 Gas Equilibria: Kp

14.4 Relating Different Equilibrium Reactions

14.5 Using Equilibrium Expressions to Predict Change

14.6 Le Chatelier's Principle

15 Acids and Bases

15.1 Introduction to Acids and Bases

15.2 Acid-Base Equilibrium Reactions

15.3 Reactions Involving Acids and Bases

15.4 Autoionization and the pH Scale

15.5 Calculating pH for Aqueous Solutions

15.6 Properties of Acid-Base Conjugate Pairs

15.7 How Structure Affects Acid and Base Strength

15.8 Measuring Acid and Base Concentration

16 Buffers and Titration

16.1 Buffers

16.2 Buffer Solutions and pH

16.3 Calculating pH Changes in Buffer Solutions: FiRE and ICE

16.4 Preparing and Using Buffer Solutions

16.5 Titration and pH Changes

16.6 The Lewis Acid/Base Model and Coordination Complexes

17 Thermodynamics

17.1 Energy and Spontaneity

17.2 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

17.3 Entropy in Chemical Systems

17.4 Gibbs Free Energy

17.5 Calculating ΔG under different conditions

17.6 Free Energy and Equilibrium

18 Electrochemistry

18.1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

18.2 Balancing Redox Reactions

18.3 Voltaic Cells

18.4 Cell Potentials, Spontaneity, Free Energy, and Equilibrium

18.5 Applications of Electrochemistry

19 Nuclear Chemistry

19.1 Nuclear Changes

19.2 Radioactivity

19.3 Working with Radiation

19.4 Uses of Radioactive Nuclides

19.5 Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions

19.6 Nuclear Power: Fission and Fusion

20 Metals, Metalloids, and Modern Materials

20.1 Metallurgy

20.2 Properties of Metals

20.3 Coordination Complexes

20.4 Properties of Coordination Complexes

20.5 Metals, Metalloids, and Electrical Conductivity

20.6 Materials Science

21 Organic Chemistry and Biomolecules

21.1 Organic Chemistry and the Carbon Cycle

21.2 Organic Structures

21.3 Major Functional Groups

21.4 Classes of Organic Reactions

21.5 Polymers and Plastics

21.6 Biomolecules: An Introduction

22 Chemical Analysis

22.1 Preparing Samples for Analysis

22.2 Interpreting Data: An Introduction to Statistics

22.3 Chromatography: Separating Mixtures

22.4 Spectroscopy

22.5 Methods for Determining Structure

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Kevin Revell | First Edition | ©2025 | ISBN:9781319429935

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