Cover: Heart of Darkness, 3rd Edition by Joseph Conrad; Edited by Ross C Murfin

Heart of Darkness

Third Edition  ©2011 Joseph Conrad; Edited by Ross C Murfin Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Joseph Conrad

    Joseph Conrad

    Joseph Conrad was a master prose stylist, widely regarded as one of the greatest English-language novelists. Writing in the heyday of the British Empire, Conrad drew upon his experiences in the French and later the British Merchant Navy to create short stories and novels that reflect aspects of a worldwide empire while also plumbing the depths of the human soul.

  • Headshot of Ross C. Murfin

    Ross C. Murfin

    Ross Murfin, E. A. Lilly Distinguished Professor of English and former provost at Southern Methodist University, has also taught at the University of Virginia, Yale University, and the University of Miami, where he was the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences until 1996. He is the author of Swinburne, Lawrence, Hardy, and the Burden of Belief (1978); The Poetry of D. H. Lawrence: Texts and Contexts (1983); Sons and Lovers: A Novel of Division and Desire (1987); and Lord Jim: After the Truth (1992); and the editor of Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties (1983). The series editor of Bedford/St. Martins popular Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism, he has also edited two volumes in the series, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (Third Edition, 2011) and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter (Second Edition, 2006).

Table of Contents

Part One: Heart of Darkness: The Complete Text
Introduction: Biographical and Historical Contexts
The Complete Text 
*Part Two: Heart of Darkness in Cultural Context
Contextual Documents and Illustrations

Part Three: Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in Contemporary Criticism
A Critical History of Heart of Darkness
Feminist and Gender Criticism and Heart of Darkness
     JOHANNA M. SMITH, “Too Beautiful Altogether”:  Ideologies of Gender and Empire in Heart of Darkness 
Deconstruction and Heart of Darkness  
     J. HILLIS MILLER, Heart of Darkness Revisited 
The New Historicism and Heart of Darkness
     BROOK THOMAS, Preserving and Keeping Order by Killing Time in Heart of Darkness 
Postcolonial Criticism and Heart of Darkness  
     PATRICK BRANTLINGER, Heart of Darkness: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or Impressionism?
*Combining Postcolonial, Feminist, and Gender Criticism with Queer Theory
     *GABRELLE McINTIRE, The Women Do Not Travel: Gender, Difference, and Incommensurability in Conrads Heart of Darkness 
*Combining the New Historicism and Postcolonial Criticism with Psychoanalytic Criticism
     *TONY C. BROWN, Cultural Psychosis on the Frontier: The Work of the Darkness in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness 
Glossary of Critical and Theoretical Terms  


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