Cover: Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 6th Edition by Paul Levy

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Sixth Edition  ©2020 Paul Levy Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paul Levy

    Paul Levy

    Paul E. Levy was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, the youngest of his family's five children. He received his BA in psychology and economics from Washington and Lee University and earned his MA and PhD in industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology from Virginia Tech. A faculty member at the University of Akron since 1989 and chair of the Department of Psychology for 18 years, Paul has been very involved in the development and training of hundreds of graduate students there. During his tenure, he has also provided many undergraduates with their first exposure to the field of I/O psychology through his Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology course. Paul's consulting and research interests include performance management, feedback, coaching and development, and leadership. He has published his scholarly work in many of the top psychology and management journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Academy of Management Journal. In 2022 Dr. Levy was invited to join the Office of the President at The University of Akron as the VP and Chief of Staff (COS) to President Gary Miller. He brings much of his I/O background to inform his work as the COS and is loving his recent career change. Paul is married to Sylvia Chinn-Levy and has three sons — Christopher, Sean, and Jared — who have always managed to keep things interesting and never cease making him proud. Paul is an avid reader of fiction and nonfiction, a huge sports baseball and basketball fan, a runner, and a lifelong fan of the Baltimore Orioles.

Table of Contents

Part I History and Research Methods of I/O

Chapter 1 I/O Psychology: Then and Now

What Is I/O Psychology?

How Are I/O Psychologists Trained?

I/O Today: The Scientist-Practitioner Gap

What Do I/O Psychologists Do?

Over a Century of History

Pre–World War I

World War I Through the 1920s

The 1930s to Pre–World War II

World War II to the Mid-1960s

The Mid-1960s to the Mid-1980s

The Mid-1980s to 2000

2000 to Today

Where does I/O Psychology Go from Here?

What Does I/O Psychology Mean to You?

Chapter 2 Research Methods in I/O Psychology

What Is Science?

Goals of Science

Assumptions of Science


Basic Terminology and Research Concepts

Independent and Dependent Variables


Internal and External Validity

Practitioner Forum: Douglas Klein

A Model of the Research Process

Types of Research Designs

Experimental Methods

Observational Methods

Data Collection Techniques

Naturalistic Observation

Case Studies

Archival Research


Online Survey Methods



Validity of Tests, Measures, and Scales



Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of Dispersion

Shapes of Distributions

Correlation and Regression


I/O Today: Big Data

Part II Industrial Psychology

Chapter 3 Job Analysis

Some Terminology

Approaches to Job Analysis

Task-Oriented Techniques

Worker-Oriented Techniques

Practitioner Forum: John F. Binning

Advances and Issues in Job Analysis Practice and Research

Defining the Job: Descriptions and Specifications

Competency Modeling

I/O Today: The Future of Job Analysis

The Many Purposes of Job Analysis

Job Classification

Criterion Development and Performance Appraisal

Selection and Placement

Job Design and Redesign


Job Evaluation

Point System

Comparable Worth

Chapter 4 Criterion Measurement

Defining Criteria and Their Properties

Ultimate Criterion

Actual Criterion

Criteria for the Criteria

The Criterion Problem

Multiple Versus Composite Criteria

Practitioner Forum: Deirdre J. Knapp

Dynamic Criteria

Distinctions Among Performance Criteria

Objective Criteria

Subjective Criteria

Contextual Performance

I/O Today: Diversity and Performance

Chapter 5 Performance Management

The Role of I/O Psychology in Performance Management

Uses of Performance Appraisal

Sources of Performance Ratings

Rating Formats

Practitioner Forum: Laura Finfer

Rating Errors

I/O Today: Should we Eliminate Performance Ratings?

Rater Considerations

Contemporary Performance Appraisal Research

The Importance of the Social-Psychological Context

Providing Performance Feedback

Legal Issues in Performance Appraisal

Chapter 6 Predictors

Testing Formats

Computer Adaptive Testing

Speed Versus Power Tests

Individual Versus Group Tests

Paper-and-Pencil Versus Performance Tests


Cognitive Ability

Psychomotor Tests

Personality Tests

Integrity Tests

Work Samples

Assessment Centers

Practitioner Forum: Matthew O’Connell

I/O Today: Using Remote Assessment for Selection

Biographical Information


Chapter 7 Selection Decisions and Personnel Law

A Brief Review


The Selection Decision

The Process of Test Validation

Validity Generalization

Practical Approaches to Selection

Usefulness of Selection Processes

Legal Issues in Industrial Psychology

Employment At-Will

Adverse Impact

Affirmative Action

Practitioner Forum: Katey E. Foster

Equal Pay Act

Civil Rights Act

Executive Order 11246

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Americans with Disabilities Act

I/O Today: Performance and Disability

Family and Medical Leave Act

Chapter 8 Training and Development

Assessing Training Needs

Organizational Analysis

Task Analysis

Person Analysis

Demographic Analysis

Practitioner Forum: Brodie Gregory Riordan

Learning Context

Instructional Design

Principles of Learning

Individual Differences in Trainees

Characteristics of the Trainer

Transfer of Training

Training Delivery

General Approaches

I/O Today: Gamified Microlearning in Job Training

Employee Development-Based Approaches

Training Evaluation

Training Criteria

Evaluation Designs

Training and Issues Related to Diversity

Sexual Harassment Training

Workplace Diversity Management and Training

Part III Organizational Psychology

Chapter 9 Motivation

Theoretical Perspectives

Need–Motive–Value Theories

I/O Today: Results-Only Work Environments

Cognitive Choice Theories

Self-Regulation Theories

Applications of Motivational Theories to Organizational Problems

Organizational Behavior Management

Goal Setting and Management by Objectives

Job Enrichment

Job Crafting

Practitioner Forum: Anne Herman

Chapter 10 Job Attitudes: Antecedents and Consequences

Attitudes, Intentions, and Behaviors

Why Study Job Attitudes?

A Useful Model

Job Satisfaction


Measurement and Dimensions

Practitioner Forum: Brian Welle


Organizational Commitment



I/O Today: The Relationship Between Unions and Job Satisfaction


Organizational Commitment Profiles

Additional Job Attitudes

Job Involvement and Work Centrality

Perceived Organizational Support

Emotions in the Workplace

Chapter 11 Stress and Worker Well-Being

Stress and Strains



I/O Today: PTSD and STSD

Coping with Stress

Environmental Determinants of Well-Being

Work–Family Conflict

Theoretical Models

Organizational Support and Interventions

Practitioner Forum: E. Jeffrey Hill

Family-Leave Policies

Child-Care Benefits

Elder-Care Assistance

Dual-Earner Couples

Psychological Effects of Job Loss

The Hard Facts

Environmental Determinants—Revisited

Workplace Violence

Chapter 12 Group Processes and Work Teams

Groups Versus Teams

Social Influence in Groups





Group Development

Social Loafing and Other Group Phenomena

Group Decision Making

Decision-Making Processes

Ineffective Decision Making

Work Teams of the 21st Century

Mental Models

Practitioner Forum: Tom Ruddy

Types of Work Teams

Work-Team Effectiveness

I/O Today: Age Diversity in Teams

Current Trends

Virtual Teams

Team Member Selection

Multiteam Systems

Chapter 13 Leadership

What Is Leadership?


Trait Theories

Behavior Theories

Contingency Theories

Contemporary Theories

Practitioner Forum: Scott Erker

New Directions in Leadership Research

Gender and Leadership

Culture and Leadership

I/O Today: Romance of Leadership: How much do leaders really matter?

Emotions and Leadership

Chapter 14 Organizational Theory and Development

Organizational Theory

Classical Organizational Theory

I/O Today: Holacracy: Managing Work without Managers

Humanistic Theory

Open-System Theory

Organizational Development

Why Organizations Need Organizational Development

Models of Organizational Change

Organizational Development Interventions

Practitioner Forum: Steven Walker

Product Updates

1. Chapter 5 has been retitled Performance Management (formerly Performance Appraisal), signifying the broad topic under which Performance Appraisal falls

2. Several new Practitioner Forums have been added to the text, covering topics such as the I/O psychologists role in litigation settlements, innovations in leadership development programs, and Verbal 360 performance appraisals.

3. Several new I/O Today articles have been added, covering topics such as diversity and performance, the debate about eliminating performance ratings, and gamified microlearning.




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