Cover: Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 7th Edition by Paul Levy; Alison O'Malley; Brodie Riordan

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Seventh Edition  ©2025 Paul Levy; Alison O'Malley; Brodie Riordan Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Paul Levy

    Paul Levy

    Paul E. Levy was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, the youngest of his family's five children. He received his BA in psychology and economics from Washington and Lee University and earned his MA and PhD in industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology from Virginia Tech. A faculty member at the University of Akron since 1989 and chair of the Department of Psychology for 18 years, Paul has been very involved in the development and training of hundreds of graduate students there. During his tenure, he has also provided many undergraduates with their first exposure to the field of I/O psychology through his Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology course. Paul's consulting and research interests include performance management, feedback, coaching and development, and leadership. He has published his scholarly work in many of the top psychology and management journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Academy of Management Journal. In 2022 Dr. Levy was invited to join the Office of the President at The University of Akron as the VP and Chief of Staff (COS) to President Gary Miller. He brings much of his I/O background to inform his work as the COS and is loving his recent career change. Paul is married to Sylvia Chinn-Levy and has three sons — Christopher, Sean, and Jared — who have always managed to keep things interesting and never cease making him proud. Paul is an avid reader of fiction and nonfiction, a huge sports baseball and basketball fan, a runner, and a lifelong fan of the Baltimore Orioles.

  • Headshot of Alison O'Malley

    Alison O'Malley

    Alison (Ali) O'Malley (she/her/hers) began contemplating the psychology of the workplace as a child when she noticed how her parents' moods hinged, in part, on what happened in their workplaces that day. She began formally studying psychology as a 17-year-old member of Dr. Kate Morris's social psychology research lab at Butler University. After college, she entered a PhD program in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Akron, where she, Brodie, and Paul shared five fruitful years in close proximity. Ali taught I/O psychology for the first time as a graduate student using an earlier version of this text. Days after defending her dissertation, Ali returned to Butler University, this time as a 26-year-old faculty member who students insisted on addressing as Dr. O'Malley. Her early career was devoted to exemplary teaching and supervision of high-quality undergraduate research, and she mentored nearly 50 students in her research lab. Many of these students went on to pursue graduate studies in I/O psychology or adjacent fields. Ali also enjoyed developing and teaching courses on conservation psychology and positive psychology. Upon receiving tenure and promotion, Ali made the difficult decision to explore work life outside of academia and transitioned to a global corporate leadership role with John Deere. Her career has since unfolded in consulting and start-ups. Perpetually committed to growth—both her own and others'—she sought rigorous training in leadership coaching and has now coached over 200 leaders around the world. She founded Reflexion Group, a practice dedicated to evidence-based coaching for individuals, groups, and teams, in 2022. Although she enjoys her portfolio career, she anticipates that she will someday return to academia. Ali lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her partner Sean (who she met in Akron and who swiftly received Brodie and Paul's approval) and their dear daughter Ada. She adores bonding with human and nonhuman animals, reading fiction, and admiring art and architecture. She is heavily involved in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

  • Headshot of Brodie Riordan

    Brodie Riordan

    Brodie G. Riordan's first introduction to I/O psychology was during her junior year at Washington and Lee University when a 1983 graduate came back to campus to meet with students and talk about “I/O, I/O, it's off to work I go.” During that talk, the light bulb came on for Brodie, and she knew what she wanted to do not only with her psychology major but with her career. And can you guess who that speaker was? It was Paul Levy! The university didn't offer an I/O psychology course at the time, so Brodie worked with her adviser, Dr. David Elmes, to do an independent study, anchored on reading Paul's I/O psychology textbook together and meeting weekly to discuss what they had read. Not long after, Brodie attended the University of Akron to work with Paul as her PhD adviser. And fortunately, she was assigned the best office mate anyone could ask for, Alison O'Malley. In the years since completing her PhD in I/O, Brodie's career has traversed academia and practice. She has held global leadership roles at Procter & Gamble, Corporate Executive Board (CEB, now Gartner), and McKinsey & Company. She served as a visiting professor at her (and Paul's!) alma mater, Washington and Lee University, and has been a part-time professor in the MBA program at the University of Maryland Smith School of Business. Presently, she is a part-time professor at the School of Continuing Studies at Georgetown University and the founder and principal of Ocular, Inc., an I/O consulting and executive coaching firm. Brodie also works with several partner organizations and is an adviser with multiple HR tech start-ups. Brodie has authored or coauthored three other books, including Using Feedback in Organizational Consulting, Feedback Fundamentals & Evidence-Based Best Practices, and The Coaching Shift. She has also coauthored nearly three dozen peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Brodie and her partner, Tim, live in the Washington, DC, area with their dog, Bowery. Brodie is an avid runner and yogi. She volunteers with several nonprofit organizations and tries to spend as much time in nature as she can.

Table of Contents




CHAPTER 1      I/O Psychology: Then and Now

CHAPTER 2      Research Methods in I/O Psychology



CHAPTER 3      Job Analysis

CHAPTER 4      Criterion Measurement

CHAPTER 5      Performance Management

CHAPTER 6      Predictors

CHAPTER 7      Selection Decisions and Personnel Law

CHAPTER 8      Training and Development



CHAPTER 9      Motivation

CHAPTER 10    Job Attitudes: Antecedents and Consequences

CHAPTER 11    Stress and Worker Well-Being

CHAPTER 12    Group Processes and Work Teams

CHAPTER 13    Leadership

CHAPTER 14    Organizational Theory and Development




Name Index

Subject Index

Product Updates

New Co-authors. Alison O’Malley (Reflexion Group) and Brodie Riordan (Ocular, Inc., and Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies) studied with Prof. Levy and each bring extensive academic and professional experience to this edition.

Achieve. For the first time, this title comes with Macmillan Learning’s teaching and learning platform, which includes the full e-book, assessments, student activities, and instructor resources, all designed for seamless integration with the campus LMS.

Think Like an I/O Psychologist Activities (in Achieve) in each chapter, created by Alison O’Malley and Brodie Riordan, engage students in core concepts and realistic scenarios from the world of I/O psychology. Assessments include multiple-choice and open response questions. Click here to learn more about Think Like an I/O Psychologist Activities.

Updated Research. This new edition tackles the significant world events over the past several years that have impacted our lives and work, including: the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath; the proliferation of remote and hybrid work situations; the increased attention to issues related to diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI); the development of new technologies including machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence; developments in the field of psychological safety related to worker well-being; and recent legislation and court rulings with implications for the workplace.

New Practitioner Forums. Nine of the 13 Practitioner Forum articles are new to this edition, bringing in a fresh group of I/O Psychology professionals to share their insights and experiences with the reader.

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