Cover: Introductory Statistics: A Problem-Solving Approach, 3rd Edition by Stephen Kokoska

Introductory Statistics: A Problem-Solving Approach

Third Edition  ©2020 Stephen Kokoska Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Stephen Kokoska

    Stephen Kokoska

    Steve Kokoska received his undergraduate degree from Boston College, and his M.S and Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire. His initial research interests included the statistical analysis of cancer chemoprevention experiments. He has published a number of research papers in mathematics journals, including: Biometrics, Anticancer Research, and Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. He has also presented results at national conferences, written several books, and been awarded grants from the National Science Foundation, the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, and the Ben Franklin Program.

    Steve is a long-time consultant for the College Board and conducted workshops in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and China. He was the AP Calculus Chief Reader for four years, and has been involved with calculus reform and the use of technology in the classroom. He has been teaching at Bloomsburg University for 25years and recently served as Director of the Honors Program.

    Steve has been teaching introductory statistics classes throughout his academic career, and there is no doubt that this is his favorite course. This class (and text) provides students with basic, life-long, quantitative skills that they will use in almost any job and teaches them how to think and reason logically. Steve believes very strongly in data-driven decisions and conceptual understanding through problem solving.

Table of Contents

Data Set files needed to complete exercises and examples in the book can be downloaded from the open-access student companion website. Data Sets are available in Excel, CSV, Minitab, R, JMP, TI, SPSS, PC-Text, and Mac-Text formats.

Chapter 0 Why Study Statistics
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Inference
Chapter 2 Tables and Graphs for Summarizing Data
Chapter 3 Numerical Summary Measures
Chapter 4 Probability
Chapter 5 Random Variables and Discrete Probability Distributions
Chapter 6 Continuous Probability Distributions
Chapter 7 Sampling Distributions
Chapter 8 Confidence Intervals Based on a Single Sample
Chapter 9 Hypothesis Tests Based on a Single Sample
Chapter 10 Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests Based on Two Samples or Treatments
Chapter 11 The Analysis of Variance
Chapter 12 Correlation and Linear Regression
Chapter 13 Categorical Data and Frequency Tables
Chapter 14 Nonparametric Statistics

Optional Sections
(available online at
Section 6.5 The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution
Section 12.6 The Polynomial and Qualitative Predictor Models
Section 12.7 Model Selection Procedures

Product Updates

Focus on Statistical Inference. The main theme of this text is statistical inference and decision making through the interpretation of numerical results. The process of statistical inference is introduced in a variety of applications and statistical settings all using a similar, carefully delineated, four-step approach: Claim, Experiment, Likelihood, and Conclusion.

Step-by-Step Solutions. The solutions to selected examples are presented in logical, systematic steps.  This approach helps guide the reader through the necessary calculations in order to find a solution and interpret results.

Solution Explanations. Each part in a solution is explained, or justified, so that the reader can easily follow each step in a solution.

A Closer Look. The details provided in these sections offer straightforward explanations of various definitions and concepts. The itemized specifics, including hints, tips, and reminders, make it easier for the reader to interpret, comprehend, and learn important statistical ideas.

How To Boxes. This feature provides clear steps for constructing basic graphs or performing essential calculations.  The title in a How To box is color coded and easy to locate with each chapter.

Definition/Formula Boxes. Definitions and formulas are clearly marked and outlined with clean, crisp color-coded lines.

Data Sets. All data sets presented in the examples and exercises are available on the text’s website ( in various formats.  This makes it easy for students and instructors to use the most familiar and comfortable technology.

Grouped Exercises. There is a wide variety of interesting, engaging exercises on relevant topics, based on current data, at the end of each section.  These problems provide plenty of opportunity for practice, review, and application of concepts.  Exercises are grouped according to:

  • Concept Check: True/False, Fill in the Blank, and Short Answer exercises designed to reinforce the basic concepts presented in the section.
  • Practice: Basic, introductory problems to familiarize students with the relevant applications and solution methods.
  • Applications: Realistic, appealing exercises to build confidence and promote routine understanding.
  • Extended Applications: Applied problems that require extra creativity and thought.
  • Challenge: Additional exercises and technology projects that allow students to
    discover more advanced concepts and connections.

At the end of each chapter, Chapter Exercises help to test the students overall understanding of the chapter’s concepts and to practice for assessments. Answers to odd-numbered section and chapter exercises are given at the back of the book.

Chapter Summary. A table at the end of each chapter provides a short summary and page reference for each key concept, relevant notation, and formula.

Theory Symbols. In only a few places in the text, more advanced material is offset with blue, half-moon symbols. This material can be skipped by the typical reader, but provides more complete explanations of various topics.
In this completely redesigned third edition, Steve Kokoska combines his animated, interactive teaching style and friendly writing with contemporary real-world examples, modern pedagogical features, and the use of technology.  The exposition presents precise mathematics with clear, often humorous, writing and a distinctive, organized solution process with reasons for every step.  The following new features and enhancements build on the strong foundation set in previous editions. 

Worked Example Videos. A video series focused on bringing Steve’s problem solving approach to life for students, via an audio/visual modality.  Our community has ranked the five most difficult examples in every chapter, and these whiteboard-esque videos walk our learners through the application of the 4-step problem solving methodology used throughout the project.

Examples and Exercises. Over 30% of the Examples and Exercises have been updated with an even greater liberal arts character; a wide variety of interesting and contemporary topics are included.  New applications include the chance of discovering a pearl in an oyster, air quality, trace minerals, and pickleball.

Chapter App.  Each chapter begins with a unique, real-world problem, providing an interesting introduction to new concepts and an application to begin the discussion.  Throughout the chapter, where relevant, Chapter App references provide questions and context that build up to the concluding Chapter App exercise. 

Looking Back and Looking Forward. At the beginning of every chapter, the revised Looking Back feature includes reminders of specific concepts linked to earlier sections that will be used to develop new skills. The Looking Forward list includes the learning objectives for the chapter now linked to each section.

New subsections. Each section has been carefully broken down into smaller subsections to better facilitate comprehension and retrieval of information.  Students now have a natural break to pause and reflect on what they have just learned, and to assess learning by trying specific exercises.

Common Error. This new marginal feature corrects common conceptual and computational errors in a just-in-time fashion.  

Rapid Review. Icons in the text indicate key content where Rapid Review assessment can be found in your SaplingPlus course. Rapid Reviews provide a math refresher with short review quizzes or videos for help remembering basic math skills.

Focus on R software. Wherever possible, a technology solution using R is presented at the end of each text example.  This allows students to focus on concepts and interpretation and gain a basic understanding of and familiarity with this widely-used open-source statistical program. 

Check It Out. This marginal feature offers students a chance to stop and consider an important concept further in an informal way.

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