Cover: Learning and Memory, 4th Edition by Mark A. Gluck; Eduardo Mercado; Catherine E. Myers

Learning and Memory

Fourth Edition  ©2020 Mark A. Gluck; Eduardo Mercado; Catherine E. Myers Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Mark A. Gluck

    Mark A. Gluck

    Mark A. Gluck is a Professor of Neuroscience and Public Health at Rutgers University–Newark and Director of the Rutgers Aging and Brain Health Alliance. His research focuses on the cognitive, computational, and neural bases of learning and memory; on the consequences of memory loss due to aging, post-traumatic stress disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease; and on how sleep and exercise can improve cognition and brain health. His international collaborations have included research in England, Hungary, China, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, and the Palestinian West Bank.
    Locally, he is active in community-engaged research in and around Newark, New Jersey, where he partners with local churches, senior centers, and federally subsidized low-income housing to promote brain health and Alzheimer’s disease awareness among older African Americans. Gluck is co-author, with Catherine E. Myers, of Gateway to Memory: An Introduction to Neural Network Modeling of the Hippocampus and Learning (MIT Press, 2001), is co-editor of three other books, and has published more than 130 peer-reviewed journal articles. In 1996, he was awarded an NSF Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers by President Bill Clinton and also received the American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, the Defense Advanced Projects Research Administration, and multiple divisions of the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Strokes. Find more on his research and career at and

  • Headshot of Eduardo Mercado

    Eduardo Mercado

    Eduardo Mercado is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.  His research focuses on how different brain systems interact to develop representations of experienced events, and how these representations change over time.  Dr. Mercado currently uses techniques from experimental psychology, computational neuroscience, electrical engineering, and behavioral neuroscience to explore questions about auditory learning and memory in rodents, cetaceans, and humans.

  • Headshot of Catherine E. Myers

    Catherine E. Myers

    Catherine E. Myers is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neuroscience at the New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, as well as a Research Scientist with the Department of Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Health Care System. Her research includes computational neuroscience and experimental psychology, focusing on human learning and memory and how these abilities can be disrupted in conditions such as amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, opioid use disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. She has published more than 130 peer-reviewed journal articles and is co-author (with Mark Gluck) of Gateway to Memory: An Introduction to Neural Network Modeling of the Hippocampus and Learning (MIT Press, 2001), as well as author of Delay Learning in Artificial Neural Networks (Chapman and Hall, 1992). Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Aging, and National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse), the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Science Foundation via the NSF/NIH Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) program. More information on her research is available at

Table of Contents


Introductory Module

CHAPTER 1 Fundamental Themes in the Psychology of Learning and Memory

CHAPTER 2 The Neuroscience of Learning and Memory

Learning Module

CHAPTER 3 Habituation, Sensitization, and Familiarization:

Learning About Repeated Events

CHAPTER 4 Classical Conditioning:

Learning to Predict Significant Events

CHAPTER 5 Operant Conditioning:

Learning the Outcome of Behaviors

CHAPTER 6 Generalization, Discrimination Learning, and Concept Formation

Memory Module

CHAPTER 7 Episodic and Semantic Memory:

Memory for Events and for Facts

CHAPTER 8 Skill Memory:

Learning by Doing

CHAPTER 9 Working Memory and Cognitive Control

Integrative Topics Module

CHAPTER 10 Emotional Influences on Learning and Memory

CHAPTER 11 Social Learning and Memory:

Observing, Interacting, and Reenacting

CHAPTER 12 Development and Aging:

Learning and Memory Across the Lifespan

Glossary G-1

References R-1

Name Index NI-1

Subject Index SI-1

Product Updates

Learning and Memory 4th edition has been thoroughly revised to feature the most updated research, include timely examples relevant to students lives. New coverage includes:

  • New discussion of technologies for personal monitoring, such as use of electrodermal activity for measuring habituation and sensitization (Chapter 3).
  • New discussion of the newly defined Internet gaming disorder (Chapter 5).
  • New coverage of developments in functional neuroimaging, including high-resolution fMRI studies to show how "memory" patterns are encoded in the cortex (Chapter 7), and new information on how techniques of optogenetics are helping tease apart cause and effect in the brain substrates of emotional learning and memory (Chapter 10).
  • Updated coverage of the ongoing debates about the role of the hippocampus in semantic memory (Chapter 7) and about adult neurogenesis in humans (Chapter 12).
  • New material on how sleep disruption may contribute to memory decline in aging (Chapter 12).
  • Expanded discussion of behavioral economics, including new material on delayed discounting, self-control, and altruism (Chapter 5).
  • Added discussion of theories of memory consolidation (Chapter 7).
  • Expanded discussion of learning sets (Chapter 8).
  • Added material on the "tend-and-befriend" concept in the coverage of "fight-orflight" responses (Chapter 10).
  • New discussion of classic taste aversion conditioning as a means of helping patients tolerate the side effects of chemotherapy (Chapter 4).
  • New material on the importance of variability in training (Chapter 6) and on the claim that 10,000 hours of deliberate practice is necessary to become an expert.

(Chapter 8).

  • A new box on using insights from memory research to optimize study habits (Chapter 7).
  • New discussion of the role of sleep and of the possibility of using targeted memory reactivation during sleep to enhance memory (Chapter 7).
  • New material on how environmental enrichment affects development (Chapter 12).

Take your students to the forefront of high-impact learning and memory research

With real-world examples, fascinating applications, and clear explanations, this breakthrough text helps uninitiated students understand the basic ideas and human impact of groundbreaking learning and memory research. Its unique organization into three sections—Behavioral Processes, Brain Substrates, and Clinical Perspectives—allows students to make connections across chapters while giving instructors the flexibility to assign the material that matches the course.

The new edition again offers the book’s signature inclusion of human and non-human studies and full-color design and images. You’ll find even more meaningful real-life examples; new coverage of learning and memory research and brain-imaging; an expanded discussion of the role of genetics in producing individual differences; new material on the role of sleep in memory, and more.

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Mark A. Gluck; Eduardo Mercado; Catherine E. Myers | Fourth Edition | ©2020 | ISBN:9781319207373

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