Cover: Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism, 2nd Edition by Bruce J. Schulman

Lyndon B. Johnson and American Liberalism

Second Edition  ©2007 Bruce J. Schulman Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Bruce J. Schulman

    Bruce J. Schulman

    Bruce J. Schulman is professor of history and American studies at Boston University. He is the author of The Seventies: The Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics (2001), a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt: Federal Policy, Economic Development, and the Transformation of the South, 1938–1980 (1991). A frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, San Jose Mercury News and numerous other publications, Schulman has held research fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, and the Marjorie Kovler Fund of the Blum-Kovler Foundation. In 2004, the Organization of American Historians named him to its Distinguished Lectureship program. Schulman is currently at work on a volume for the Oxford History of the United States series covering the years 1896–1929.

Table of Contents

  1. "The Perfect Roosevelt Man": Young Lyndon Johnson, 1908–1948
    From the Hill Country to Capitol Hill
    The New Deal
    The Best Congressman a District Ever Had
    Money and Politics, Texas-Sized
  2. Democratic Leader: Senator Johnson, 1948–1960
    Shifting Right: Cold War Liberalism
    "E=LBJ": The Senate Leader
    Becoming a National Figure: The Leader and the Issues
  3. "Let Us Continue": LBJ and the Kennedy Legacy, 1960–1964
    The Vice President
    Years of Frustration: JFK and the Liberal Agenda
    "Let Us Continue": The Transition
    President in His Own Right
  4. The Great Society
    Johnsonian Liberalism
    Chief Legislator
    The Not-So-Great Society: Implementing LBJs Program
    Assessing the Great Society
  5. Shall We Overcome? LBJ and the Civil Rights Revolution
    "We Shall Overcome": The Voting Rights Act of 1965
    Fire in the Streets
    A New and Bewildering Stage: Toward Affirmative Action
    LBJ and Civil Rights
  6. "That Bitch of a War": LBJ and Vietnam
    "A Fat, Juicy Worm": The United States and Vietnam, 1945–1963
    Americanizing the War, 1963–1965
    "Lyndon Johnsons War"
    The Credibility Gap and the Home Front
    "No More Vietnams"
  7. Dumping Johnson: The Decline and Fall of American Liberalism
    Guns, Butter, and Stagflation
    The End of the Johnson Era
    "Let us Continue": Johnson Assumes the Presidency
    The Kennedy Legacy: LBJs First Speech as President
       1. Lyndon B. Johnson, Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress, November 27, 1963
    The Warren Commission: Johnson Applies "The Treatment" to Senator Russell
       2. Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Russell, Phone Conversation, November 29, 1963, 8:55 p.m.
    Shaping the Debate: LBJ Persuades Washington Post Publisher Katharine Graham
       3. Lyndon B. Johnson and Katharine Graham, Phone Conversation, December 2, 1963, 11:10 a.m.
    Perspectives on the Great Society
    Launching the Great Society
       4. Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks at the University of Michigan, May 22, 1964
    "A Time for Choosing": A Conservative Criticizes Johnsonian Liberalism
       5. Ronald Reagan, Address on Behalf of Senator Goldwater, October 27, 1964
    A Poverty Warrior Defends the Great Society
       6. Joseph A. Califano Jr., How Great Was the Great Society?, 1986
    A Conservative Thinker Assails the Great Society
       7. George Gilder, From Wealth and Poverty, 1981
    Poverty: The Statistical Record
       8. U.S. Census Bureau, Persons Below Poverty Level and Below 125 Percent of Poverty Level: 1959–2002
    Racial Conflict and the Civil Rights Revolution
    "We Shall Overcome": The Voting Rights Speech
       9. Lyndon B. Johnson, The American Promise: Special Message to the Congress, March 15, 1965
    A New Militance in Black America
       10. James Farmer, "We Must Be in a Position of Power": Address before the CORE National Convention, July 1, 1965
    From Civil Rights to Affirmative Action
       11. Lyndon B. Johnson, "To Fulfill These Rights": Commence-ment Address at Howard University, June 4, 1965
    War at Home and Abroad: Martin Luther King Jr. Opposes the Vietnam War
       12. Martin Luther King Jr., "Beyond Vietnam": Speech at Riverside Church Meeting, April 4, 1967
    LBJ Outlines His War Aims
       13. Lyndon B. Johnson, Peace without Conquest: Address at Johns Hopkins University, April 7, 1965
    Johnson Agonizes Over Vietnam
       14. Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Russell, Phone Conversation, May 27, 1964, 10:55 a.m.
    The Decision to Escalate -- 1965
       15. Jack Valenti, From A Very Human President, July 1965
    "We Can Win in Vietnam": Hawks Criticize LBJs Strategy
       16. James Burnham, What Is the President Waiting For? June 28, 1966
    The Student Left Opposes LBJ
       17. Paul Potter, "The Incredible War": Speech at the Washington Antiwar March, April 17, 1965
    The Establishment Bows Out: Walter Cronkite Calls the War a Stalemate
       18. Walter Cronkite, Mired in Stalemate, February 27, 1968
    The End of Liberalism
    LBJ Insists on Guns and Butter
       19. Lyndon B. Johnson, Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union, January 12, 1966
    The Liberal Coalition Breaks Up
       20. George C. Wallace, Speech at Madison Square Garden, October 24, 1968
    An LBJ Chronology (1908–1975)
    Questions for Consideration
    Selected Bibliography

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