Models for Writers
Fourteenth Edition ©2021 Alfred Rosa; Paul Eschholz Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print
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Alfred Rosa
Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa are professors emeriti of English at the University of Vermont. They have directed statewide writing programs and conducted numerous workshops throughout the country on writing and the teaching of writing. Eschholz and Rosa have collaborated on a number of best-selling texts for Bedford/St. Martins, including Subject & Strategy; Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for College Writers; Models for Writers; with Virginia Clark, Language Awareness; and, with Virginia Clark and Beth Simon, Language: Readings in Language.
Paul Eschholz
Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa are professors emeriti of English at the University of Vermont. They have directed statewide writing programs and conducted numerous workshops throughout the country on writing and the teaching of writing. Eschholz and Rosa have collaborated on a number of best-selling texts for Bedford/St. Martins, including Subject & Strategy; Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for College Writers; Models for Writers; with Virginia Clark, Language Awareness; and, with Virginia Clark and Beth Simon, Language: Readings in Language.
Table of Contents
* indicates a chapter, section, or reading selection that is new to this edition.
Thematic Clusters
Introduction for Students
Part One: On Reading and Writing Well
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Writing the First Draft
Writing a Narrative Essay: A Student Essay in Progress
*Mya Nunnally, Mixed Results (student essay)
Chapter 2: Reading Actively and Critically
Reading Actively: Getting a Basic Understanding of the Essay
*Celeste Headlee, Get Off the Soapbox
*Reading Critically: Taking Your Analysis to the Next Level
From Reading to Writing
Writing from Reading: A Sample Student Essay
Zoe Ockenga, The Excuse "Not To" (student essay)
Part Two: The Elements of the Essay
Chapter 3: Thesis
James Lincoln Collier, Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name
David Pogue, The End of Passwords
Julie Zhuo, Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt
Chapter 4: Unity
Thomas L. Friedman, My Favorite Teacher
Helen Keller, The Most Important Day
Jonathan Safran Foer, Against Meat
Chapter 5: Organization
Cherokee Paul McDonald, A View from the Bridge
*Tim Parks, Do We Write Differently on a Screen?
Dan M. Kahan, Shame Is Worth a Try
Chapter 6: Beginnings and Endings
Dick Gregory, Shame
Sean McElwee, The Case for Censoring Hate Speech
Omar Akram, Can Music Bridge Cultures and Promote Peace?
Chapter 7: Paragraphs
Judith Ortiz Cofer, My Rosetta
Donna Hicks, Independence
*Sarah Smarsh, Heartland
Chapter 8: Transitions
Dan Shaughnessy, Teammates Forever Have a Special Connection
*Pamela Paul, Let Children Get Bored Again
Richard Lederer, The Case for Short Words
Chapter 9: Effective Sentences
Erin Murphy, White Lies
*Pablo Casals, San Salvador
Langston Hughes, Salvation
Chapter 10: Writing with Sources
Tara Haelle, How to Teach Children That Failure Is the Secret to Success
*Markham Heid, We Need to Talk About Kids and Smartphones
Jake Jamieson, The English-Only Movement: Can America Proscribe Language with a Clear Conscience?
Part Three: The Language of the Essay
*Chapter 11: Voice
*Brooklyn White, A Pleasure to Burn: One Familys Hot-Sauce Heirloom
*Wilfred McClay, Curate
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists
Chapter 12: Diction and Tone
David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day
Maya Angelou, Momma, the Dentist, and Me
Robert G. Lake-Thom (Medicine Grizzly Bear), An Indian Fathers Plea
Chapter 13: Figurative Language
Robert Ramirez, The Barrio
*Trish OKane, Of Fledglings and Freshmen
Audrey Schulman, Fahrenheit 59: What a Childs Fever Might Tell Us about Climate Change
Part Four: Types of Essays
Chapter 14: Illustration
Natalie Goldberg, Be Specific
Michael Gardner, Adventures of the Dork Police
*Priscilla Long, Old Things, Used Things
Chapter 15: Narration
Henry Louis Gates Jr., Whats in a Name?
Misty Copeland, Life in Motion
*Grace Talusan, The Gentle Tasaday
Chapter 16: Description
Eudora Welty, The Corner Store
*David Jenemann, The Gloves of Summer
*Mia Schon, Look It Up!
Chapter 17: Process Analysis
Paul Merrill, The Principles of Poor Writing
Marie Kondo, Designate a Place for Each Thing
*Helen Czerski, Spiders Legs Are Hydraulic Masterpieces
Chapter 18: Definition
*Brené Brown, What Is Shame?
Akemi Johnson, Who Gets to Be "Hapa"?
Eduardo Porter, What Happiness Is
Chapter 19: Division and Classification
Martin Luther King Jr., The Ways of Meeting Oppression
Mia Consalvo, Cheating Is Good for You
Amy Tan, Mother Tongue
Chapter 20: Comparison and Contrast
Toby Morris, On a Plate
Bharati Mukherjee, Two Ways to Belong in America
*Tara Westover, Pygmalion
Chapter 21: Cause and Effect
Stephen King, Why We Crave Horror Movies
Brent Staples, Black Men and Public Space
*Melinda Wenner Moyer, Sexism Starts in Childhood
Chapter 22: Argument
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Becoming Disabled
Mary Sherry, In Praise of the F Word
*Farhad Manjoo, Its Time for "They"
*Is College Worth the Cost?
*Ellen Ruppel Shell, College May Not Be Worth It Anymore
*Logan Smith, Think for Yourself and Question the Benefits of Higher Education
*Peter Cappelli, Will College Pay Off?
*How Real Is the Automation Threat?
*Alissa Quart, Automation Is a Real Threat
*Lawrence Whittle, I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords
*Hettie OBrien, The Automation Delusion
Part Five: Guides to Research and Editing
Chapter 23: A Brief Guide to Writing a Research Paper
Establishing a Realistic Schedule
Finding and Using Sources
Conducting Keyword Searches
Evaluating Sources
Analyzing Sources for Position and Bias
Developing a Working Bibliography
Taking Notes
Documenting Sources
MLA-Style Documentation
APA-Style Documentation
Chapter 24: Editing for Grammar, Punctuation, and Sentence Style
Run-Ons: Fused Sentences and Comma Splices
Sentence Fragments
Subject-Verb Agreement
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Verb Tense Shifts
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Faulty Parallelism
Weak Nouns and Verbs
Academic Diction and Tone
ESL Concerns (Articles and Nouns)
Glossary of Useful Terms
Product Updates
Now with Achieve, including new writing tools. Achieve puts student writing at the center of your course and keeps revision at the core, with a dedicated composition space that guides students through drafting, peer review, source check, reflection, and revision. Developed to support best practices in commenting on student drafts, Achieve is a flexible, integrated suite of tools for designing and facilitating writing assignments, paired with actionable insights that make students’ progress towards outcomes clear and measurable. Fully editable pre-built assignments support the book’s approach, and an e-book is included, along with adaptive quizzing and auto-scored reading comprehension quizzes for all of the readings in Models for Writers. For corequisite composition courses, Achieve lets students sign in to their composition and corequisite sections with one easy process–and no additional fees.
24 new, accessible essays on engaging topics. More than one-third of the readings in the thirteenth edition are new, and 20 of which are essays published since 2016. The new selections feature topical themes and a range of diverse perspectives from writers such as:
- Tara Westover on the transition from her isolated, rural family to graduate school at Cambridge University in "Pygmalion," a selection from her memoir Educated.
- Markham Heid on the social and psychological effects of smartphones on children and teens.
- Farhad Manjoo on the cultural power of the singular, gender-neutral they in "Its Time for They."
More attention to critical reading. Chapter 2, Reading Actively and Critically, has been extensively revised in response to instructor feedback. The chapters new organization presents reading as a two-step process: first, students read actively to get a basic understanding of what an author is saying; then they read critically to draw deeper connections. Furthermore, the study questions that follow each reading throughout every chapter of the book have been reorganized so that five Questions for Study and Discussion are followed by three Questions for Critical Reading—a new study sequence that reinforces the way instructors teach reading.
A new chapter on finding one’s voice. New Chapter 11 explains the significance and power of voice, defined as the writers personality as expressed on the written page. The chapter offers examples of compelling voices in professional writing, as well as helpful advice for student writers seeking to discover and express their own voices.
Two timely new thematic argument casebooks in Chapter 22. The three authors in the first casebook, "Is College Worth the Cost?," examine the problem of rising higher education fees and debate whether college is worth the financial investment. In the second casebook, "How Real Is the Automation Threat?," three authors consider the recent trend of jobs lost to automation and offer differing perspectives on the severity of the crisis and possible solutions.
A new student essay in Chapter 1 that guides students through the writing process. The new essay-in-progress — about hair and its connection to race and identity — guides students from the thesis to outlining to the final essay.
Updated APA coverage. A dedicated section in Chapter 23, "A Brief Guide to Writing a Research Paper," aligns formatting and citation examples with the 2020 American Psychological Association guidelines.
A new Students Companion for Models for Writers that provides additional support. This guide offers robust help for students in ALP or corequisite courses and helps beginning college writers develop on-level skills. Coverage includes time management, writing activities in the rhetorical patterns, sentence guides, and additional grammar help.
Alfred Rosa
Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa are professors emeriti of English at the University of Vermont. They have directed statewide writing programs and conducted numerous workshops throughout the country on writing and the teaching of writing. Eschholz and Rosa have collaborated on a number of best-selling texts for Bedford/St. Martins, including Subject & Strategy; Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for College Writers; Models for Writers; with Virginia Clark, Language Awareness; and, with Virginia Clark and Beth Simon, Language: Readings in Language.
Paul Eschholz
Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa are professors emeriti of English at the University of Vermont. They have directed statewide writing programs and conducted numerous workshops throughout the country on writing and the teaching of writing. Eschholz and Rosa have collaborated on a number of best-selling texts for Bedford/St. Martins, including Subject & Strategy; Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for College Writers; Models for Writers; with Virginia Clark, Language Awareness; and, with Virginia Clark and Beth Simon, Language: Readings in Language.
Table of Contents
* indicates a chapter, section, or reading selection that is new to this edition.
Thematic Clusters
Introduction for Students
Part One: On Reading and Writing Well
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Writing the First Draft
Writing a Narrative Essay: A Student Essay in Progress
*Mya Nunnally, Mixed Results (student essay)
Chapter 2: Reading Actively and Critically
Reading Actively: Getting a Basic Understanding of the Essay
*Celeste Headlee, Get Off the Soapbox
*Reading Critically: Taking Your Analysis to the Next Level
From Reading to Writing
Writing from Reading: A Sample Student Essay
Zoe Ockenga, The Excuse "Not To" (student essay)
Part Two: The Elements of the Essay
Chapter 3: Thesis
James Lincoln Collier, Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name
David Pogue, The End of Passwords
Julie Zhuo, Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt
Chapter 4: Unity
Thomas L. Friedman, My Favorite Teacher
Helen Keller, The Most Important Day
Jonathan Safran Foer, Against Meat
Chapter 5: Organization
Cherokee Paul McDonald, A View from the Bridge
*Tim Parks, Do We Write Differently on a Screen?
Dan M. Kahan, Shame Is Worth a Try
Chapter 6: Beginnings and Endings
Dick Gregory, Shame
Sean McElwee, The Case for Censoring Hate Speech
Omar Akram, Can Music Bridge Cultures and Promote Peace?
Chapter 7: Paragraphs
Judith Ortiz Cofer, My Rosetta
Donna Hicks, Independence
*Sarah Smarsh, Heartland
Chapter 8: Transitions
Dan Shaughnessy, Teammates Forever Have a Special Connection
*Pamela Paul, Let Children Get Bored Again
Richard Lederer, The Case for Short Words
Chapter 9: Effective Sentences
Erin Murphy, White Lies
*Pablo Casals, San Salvador
Langston Hughes, Salvation
Chapter 10: Writing with Sources
Tara Haelle, How to Teach Children That Failure Is the Secret to Success
*Markham Heid, We Need to Talk About Kids and Smartphones
Jake Jamieson, The English-Only Movement: Can America Proscribe Language with a Clear Conscience?
Part Three: The Language of the Essay
*Chapter 11: Voice
*Brooklyn White, A Pleasure to Burn: One Familys Hot-Sauce Heirloom
*Wilfred McClay, Curate
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We Should All Be Feminists
Chapter 12: Diction and Tone
David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day
Maya Angelou, Momma, the Dentist, and Me
Robert G. Lake-Thom (Medicine Grizzly Bear), An Indian Fathers Plea
Chapter 13: Figurative Language
Robert Ramirez, The Barrio
*Trish OKane, Of Fledglings and Freshmen
Audrey Schulman, Fahrenheit 59: What a Childs Fever Might Tell Us about Climate Change
Part Four: Types of Essays
Chapter 14: Illustration
Natalie Goldberg, Be Specific
Michael Gardner, Adventures of the Dork Police
*Priscilla Long, Old Things, Used Things
Chapter 15: Narration
Henry Louis Gates Jr., Whats in a Name?
Misty Copeland, Life in Motion
*Grace Talusan, The Gentle Tasaday
Chapter 16: Description
Eudora Welty, The Corner Store
*David Jenemann, The Gloves of Summer
*Mia Schon, Look It Up!
Chapter 17: Process Analysis
Paul Merrill, The Principles of Poor Writing
Marie Kondo, Designate a Place for Each Thing
*Helen Czerski, Spiders Legs Are Hydraulic Masterpieces
Chapter 18: Definition
*Brené Brown, What Is Shame?
Akemi Johnson, Who Gets to Be "Hapa"?
Eduardo Porter, What Happiness Is
Chapter 19: Division and Classification
Martin Luther King Jr., The Ways of Meeting Oppression
Mia Consalvo, Cheating Is Good for You
Amy Tan, Mother Tongue
Chapter 20: Comparison and Contrast
Toby Morris, On a Plate
Bharati Mukherjee, Two Ways to Belong in America
*Tara Westover, Pygmalion
Chapter 21: Cause and Effect
Stephen King, Why We Crave Horror Movies
Brent Staples, Black Men and Public Space
*Melinda Wenner Moyer, Sexism Starts in Childhood
Chapter 22: Argument
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Becoming Disabled
Mary Sherry, In Praise of the F Word
*Farhad Manjoo, Its Time for "They"
*Is College Worth the Cost?
*Ellen Ruppel Shell, College May Not Be Worth It Anymore
*Logan Smith, Think for Yourself and Question the Benefits of Higher Education
*Peter Cappelli, Will College Pay Off?
*How Real Is the Automation Threat?
*Alissa Quart, Automation Is a Real Threat
*Lawrence Whittle, I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords
*Hettie OBrien, The Automation Delusion
Part Five: Guides to Research and Editing
Chapter 23: A Brief Guide to Writing a Research Paper
Establishing a Realistic Schedule
Finding and Using Sources
Conducting Keyword Searches
Evaluating Sources
Analyzing Sources for Position and Bias
Developing a Working Bibliography
Taking Notes
Documenting Sources
MLA-Style Documentation
APA-Style Documentation
Chapter 24: Editing for Grammar, Punctuation, and Sentence Style
Run-Ons: Fused Sentences and Comma Splices
Sentence Fragments
Subject-Verb Agreement
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Verb Tense Shifts
Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Faulty Parallelism
Weak Nouns and Verbs
Academic Diction and Tone
ESL Concerns (Articles and Nouns)
Glossary of Useful Terms
Product Updates
Now with Achieve, including new writing tools. Achieve puts student writing at the center of your course and keeps revision at the core, with a dedicated composition space that guides students through drafting, peer review, source check, reflection, and revision. Developed to support best practices in commenting on student drafts, Achieve is a flexible, integrated suite of tools for designing and facilitating writing assignments, paired with actionable insights that make students’ progress towards outcomes clear and measurable. Fully editable pre-built assignments support the book’s approach, and an e-book is included, along with adaptive quizzing and auto-scored reading comprehension quizzes for all of the readings in Models for Writers. For corequisite composition courses, Achieve lets students sign in to their composition and corequisite sections with one easy process–and no additional fees.
24 new, accessible essays on engaging topics. More than one-third of the readings in the thirteenth edition are new, and 20 of which are essays published since 2016. The new selections feature topical themes and a range of diverse perspectives from writers such as:
- Tara Westover on the transition from her isolated, rural family to graduate school at Cambridge University in "Pygmalion," a selection from her memoir Educated.
- Markham Heid on the social and psychological effects of smartphones on children and teens.
- Farhad Manjoo on the cultural power of the singular, gender-neutral they in "Its Time for They."
More attention to critical reading. Chapter 2, Reading Actively and Critically, has been extensively revised in response to instructor feedback. The chapters new organization presents reading as a two-step process: first, students read actively to get a basic understanding of what an author is saying; then they read critically to draw deeper connections. Furthermore, the study questions that follow each reading throughout every chapter of the book have been reorganized so that five Questions for Study and Discussion are followed by three Questions for Critical Reading—a new study sequence that reinforces the way instructors teach reading.
A new chapter on finding one’s voice. New Chapter 11 explains the significance and power of voice, defined as the writers personality as expressed on the written page. The chapter offers examples of compelling voices in professional writing, as well as helpful advice for student writers seeking to discover and express their own voices.
Two timely new thematic argument casebooks in Chapter 22. The three authors in the first casebook, "Is College Worth the Cost?," examine the problem of rising higher education fees and debate whether college is worth the financial investment. In the second casebook, "How Real Is the Automation Threat?," three authors consider the recent trend of jobs lost to automation and offer differing perspectives on the severity of the crisis and possible solutions.
A new student essay in Chapter 1 that guides students through the writing process. The new essay-in-progress — about hair and its connection to race and identity — guides students from the thesis to outlining to the final essay.
Updated APA coverage. A dedicated section in Chapter 23, "A Brief Guide to Writing a Research Paper," aligns formatting and citation examples with the 2020 American Psychological Association guidelines.
A new Students Companion for Models for Writers that provides additional support. This guide offers robust help for students in ALP or corequisite courses and helps beginning college writers develop on-level skills. Coverage includes time management, writing activities in the rhetorical patterns, sentence guides, and additional grammar help.
Strong support and short essays help students become model writers
For the first time, Models for Writers is available with Achieve, Macmillans new online course space, which includes the complete e-book, auto-scored reading comprehension quizzes, adaptive quizzing, and fully customizable pre-built writing assignments.
The short, accessible readings in Models for Writers reflect the length of essays that students write in college and the topics that matter most. This beloved reader is versatile and flexible: it works in a wide range of courses and at various levels. The text is organized to spotlight the rhetorical strategies that students will use in their own essays, as well as the elements and language that will make those essays effective.
The Fourteenth Edition includes both classic and new selections on relevant themes such as language and race, smartphones and social media, automation, the rising cost of education, and pronouns and gender. This edition also features an extensively revised Chapter 2 on reading actively and critically and a new Chapter 11 on voice as the writers personality as expressed on the page.
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Prof. Kiandra Johnson, Spelman College
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Prof. Jennifer Duncan
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Prof. Ryan Elsenpeter
Here’s why educators who use Achieve would recommend it to their peers.
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Alfred Rosa; Paul Eschholz | Fourteenth Edition | ©2021 | ISBN:9781319304386Models for Writers 14e Achieve Transition Guide
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Sometimes also referred to as a spiral-bound or binder-ready textbook, loose-leaf textbooks are available to purchase. This three-hole punched, unbound version of the book costs less than a hardcover or paperback book.
Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
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Achieve (full course) includes our complete e-book, as well as online quizzing tools, multimedia assets, and iClicker active classroom manager.
Achieve Read & Practice only includes our e-book and adaptive quizzing, and does not include instructor resources and assignable assessments. Read & Practice does integrate with LMS.
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Models for Writers
For the first time, Models for Writers is available with Achieve, Macmillans new online course space, which includes the complete e-book, auto-scored reading comprehension quizzes, adaptive quizzing, and fully customizable pre-built writing assignments.
The short, accessible readings in Models for Writers reflect the length of essays that students write in college and the topics that matter most. This beloved reader is versatile and flexible: it works in a wide range of courses and at various levels. The text is organized to spotlight the rhetorical strategies that students will use in their own essays, as well as the elements and language that will make those essays effective.
The Fourteenth Edition includes both classic and new selections on relevant themes such as language and race, smartphones and social media, automation, the rising cost of education, and pronouns and gender. This edition also features an extensively revised Chapter 2 on reading actively and critically and a new Chapter 11 on voice as the writers personality as expressed on the page.
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These materials are owned by Macmillan Learning or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting Macmillan Learning's textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the Macmillan Learning Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 Macmillan Learning.
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