Cover: Oral Presentations in the Composition Course, 1st Edition by Matthew Duncan; Gustav W Friedrich

Oral Presentations in the Composition Course

First Edition  ©2006 Matthew Duncan; Gustav W Friedrich Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Matthew Duncan

    Matthew Duncan

  • Headshot of Gustav W. Friedrich

    Gustav W. Friedrich

Table of Contents


1. Choosing a Topic
        Consulting with Others
        Researching Ideas
        Making a Choice

2. Determining Your Purpose
        Informative Presentations
        Persuasive Presentations
            Propositions of Fact
            Propositions of Value
            Concerns about a Problem
            Propositions of Policy
        A Final Word

3. Analyzing Your Audience
        Types of Audiences
             The Selected Audience and the Concerted Audience
             The Passive Audience
             The Pedestrian Audience and the Organized Audience
             Box: Audience Characteristics and Strategies
        Audience Attitudes
             Hostile Audiences
             Sympathetic Audiences
             Neutral Audiences
        Communication Barriers
             Barriers That Involve Content
             Barriers That Involve Audience and Delivery

4. Adapting Your Ideas and Evidence
        Listening and Learning
        Choosing Forms of Support
             Visual Aids
        Choosing Forms of Proof
             Motivational Proof or Pathos
             Ethical Proof or Ethos
             Logical Proof or Logos

5. Organizing Your Presentation
        Creating an Outline
        Choosing an Organizational Pattern
             Chronological Pattern
             Topical Pattern
             Spatial or Geographical Pattern
             Cause-Effect Pattern
             Problem-Solution Pattern
             Compare and Contrast Pattern
             Box: Patterns of Organization

6. Developing Effective Introductions, Transitions, and Conclusions
        The Introduction
        Language Choices
        The Conclusion

7. Using Visual Aids
        Choosing Effective Visuals
        Choosing a Mode of Delivery
             Chalkboard or Whiteboard
             Overhead Transparencies
             Presentation Software
        Designing Visual Aids
             Contrast and Spacing
        Avoiding Technical Problems

8. Practicing, Polishing, and Delivering the Presentation
        Modes of Speaking
             Impromptu Speaking
             Extemporaneous Speaking
             Speaking from a Script
             Speaking from Memory
        Voice and Body Language
        Dealing with Stage Fright
        Polishing the Presentation

9. Presenting as a Group
        Dividing the Work
        Transitioning Between Speakers
        Acknowledging Non-Speaking Group Members

10. Evaluating Presentations
        Checklist for Evaluating a Presentation
             The Speaker’s Delivery
             Content and Coherence
             Argument and Persuasion
        Thinking Critically about Your Own Presentation

Product Updates

The ideal supplement for any writing class that includes an oral component, Oral Presentations in the Composition Course: A Brief Guide offers students the advice they need to plan, prepare, and present their work effectively. With sections on analyzing audiences, choosing effective language, using visual aids, collaborating on group presentations, and dealing with the fear of public speaking, this booklet offers help for students’ most common challenges in developing oral presentations.


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