Cover: Principles of Economics, 7th Edition by Jeff Holt

Principles of Economics

Seventh Edition  ©2019 Jeff Holt


  • Headshot of Jeff Holt

    Jeff Holt

    Jeff Holt is an Associate Professor at Tulsa Community College. He has taught more than 200 sections of both Principles of Macroeconomics and Principles of Microeconomics. He was named the Tulsa Community College "Instructor of the Year, Business Division", in 1988. He received the Tulsa Community College "Award for Teaching Excellence" in 2000.
    Professor Holt wrote the first edition of his textbook to provide his students with a clear, concise, and low-cost Principles of Economics textbook. His students response to the textbook was so positive that Professor Holt decided to market subsequent editions of the textbook to other colleges and universities.
    Professor Holts teaching philosophy is to strongly emphasize the fundamental concepts, to explain the concepts in a straightforward manner, and to illustrate the concepts with numerous examples. He frequently incorporates story-telling and humor into the examples.
    Professor Holt received both his undergraduate degree and his Master’s degree from the University of Tulsa.

Table of Contents

Introduction: A Brief History of U.S. Economic Growth
Chapter 1: Scarcity and Choices
Chapter 2: Trade and Economic Systems
Chapter 3: Demand, Supply and Equilibrium
Chapter 4: Inflation and Unemployment
Chapter 5: Measuring Total Output: GDP
Chapter 6: The Aggregate Market
Chapter 7: Classical Economic Theory
Chapter 8: Keynesian Economic Theory
Chapter 9: Fiscal Policy
Chapter 10: Money, Money Creation, and Inflation
Chapter 11: The Federal Reserve System, the Housing Bubble and Great Recession
Chapter 12: Monetary Policy
Chapter 13: Taxes, Deficits, and the National Debt
Chapter 14: Economic Growth
Chapter 15: Less Developed Countries
Chapter 16: International Trade
Chapter 17: Elasticity
Chapter 18: Utility
Chapter 19: The Firm
Chapter 20: Production and Costs
Chapter 21: Perfect Competition
Chapter 22: Monopoly
Chapter 23: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Chapter 24: Factor Markets
Chapter 25: Labor Unions
Chapter 26: Interest, Present Value, Rent and Profit
Chapter 27: Market Failure
Chapter 28: Public Choice and Government Failure
Chapter 29: Government Regulation of Business
Chapter 30: Agriculture and Health Care
Chapter 31: Income Distribution and Redistribution

Product Updates

Principles of Economics by Jeff Holt is a clear, concise and economical alternative to the typical textbook. This text includes a built-in study guide that enables students to reinforce concepts and better comprehend the material. The book is spiral bound which allows it to lie flat when open, making it easier for students to work the problems in the study guide.

For adoptions or to request the password for access to the complete digital desk copy, contact Jeff Holt at

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