Cover: Psychology, 8th Edition by Sandra E. Hockenbury; Susan Nolan


Eighth Edition  ©2018 Sandra E. Hockenbury; Susan Nolan Formats: Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Sandra Hockenbury

    Sandra Hockenbury

    Sandra E. Hockenbury is a science writer who specializes in psychology. Sandy received her B.A. from Shimer College and her M.A. from the University of Chicago, where she was also a research associate at the Institute of Social and Behavioral Pathology. Prior to co-authoring Psychology and Discovering Psychology, Sandy worked for several years as a psychology editor in both academic and college textbook publishing. Sandy has also taught as an adjunct faculty member at Tulsa Community College.

    Sandy's areas of interest include positive psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and the intersection of Buddhist philosophy, neuroscience, and psychology. She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Association of Psychological Science (APS), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Sandy is a member of the Board of Trustees of Shimer College and recently served as a volunteer with Nomads Clinic, a nonprofit organization that brings medical care to remote areas in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and the Tibetan Plateau.

  • Headshot of Susan Nolan

    Susan Nolan

    Susan A. Nolan is Professor of Psychology at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, where she has been a 2020 College of Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year. Susan has researched curricula and assessment in psychology education, the interpersonal consequences of mental illness, and the role of gender in science careers. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation. Susan was the 2021 president of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. She also is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association for Psychological Science. She holds an A.B. from the College of the Holy Cross and a Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Susan is fascinated by the applications of psychology to the “real world,” both locally and globally. She served as a representative from the APA to the United Nations for 5 years, and was a recipient of the Fukuhara Award for Advanced International Research and Service from the International Council of Psychologists. She was a 2015–2016 U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she and her husband have a home, as well as a 2023 U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Australia. An avid traveler, Susan uses the examples she encounters through these experiences in the classroom, in this textbook, and in the statistics textbooks that she co-authors.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introducing Psychology
Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Methods

Section 2: Psychobiological Processes
Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior
Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception
Chapter 4: Consciousness and Its Variations

Section 3: Basic Psychological Processes
Chapter 5: Learning
Chapter 6: Memory
Chapter 7: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion

Section 4: The Development of The Self
Chapter 9: Lifespan Development
Chapter 10: Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 11: Personality

Section 5: The Person in Social Context
Chapter 12: Social Psychology

Section 6: Psychological Problems, Disorders, and Treatment
Chapter 13: Stress, Health, and Coping
Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders
Chapter 15: Therapies

Product Updates

Major Updates
Hundreds of new references. New sections on important research developments and trends in a wide range of areas such as sleep stages, impacts of the “gig economy,” “learning styles,” autism spectrum disorder, animal personality, increasing access to mental health care, and the use of social media for diagnosis.

Curating Psychology: Streamlining Coverage for Effective Instruction
As part of the significant updates in this edition, Sandra Hockenbury and Susan Nolan have taken very seriously their role as curators of psychology, helping the instructor of introductory psychology to survey the vast field without overwhelming beginning students in details and data. Just as important as choosing what new studies to add and which research trends to emphasize is choosing which topics to condense, reorganize, or deemphasize. In Psychology 8e, the authors have carefully asked themselves again and again, “What does the introductory student need to know?” The end result: Despite significant new material, each chapter in the 8th edition is pages shorter than in the previous edition, and even more effectively focused for an introductory audience.

Pedagogical System
Carefully designed to help students identify important information, test for retention, and learn how to learn. Sandra Hockenbury and Susan Nolan continue to adapt and improve Psychology’s proven system; in this edition,  replacing the Key Points section, new visual end-of-chapter Concept Maps show the relationships among concepts and help students consolidate memory of new information. And, in recognition of the far more effective self-testing opportunity available in LearningCurve, the static, in-text Concept Reviews of previous editions have been dropped. Now, at the end of major sections, there is more emphasis on prompting students to test their understanding with LearningCurve’s adaptive quizzing.

Increased Integration of Successful Digital Package
In addition to Psychology’s unique, acclaimed Think Like a Scientist feature, highlighted in the margins of each chapter is an all-new array of LaunchPad videos and activities that have been carefully selected by Sandra Hockenbury and Susan Nolan for precise relevance to specific topics as they are covered in this edition.

New Media Option!
Achieve Read & Practice
Achieve Read & Practice
marries Macmillan Learning’s mobile-accessible eBook with the acclaimed LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. It is an easy-to-use yet exceptionally powerful teaching and learning option that streamlines the process of increasing student engagement and understanding. instructors can assign reading simply, students can complete assignments on any device, and the cost is significantly less than that of a printed book.

With Achieve Read & Practice:
• Instructors can arrange and assign chapters and sections from the eBook in any sequence they prefer.
• Assignments come with LearningCurve quizzes offering individualized question sets, feedback, and eBook references that adapt to correct and incorrect answers. If students struggle with a particular topic, they are encouraged to re-read the material and answer a few short additional questions.
• The Read & Practice gradebook tracks student performance individually and for the whole class, helping instructors prepare for class and one-on-one discussions.



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