Cover: Read, Write, Connect, 2nd Edition by Kathleen Green; Amy Lawlor

Read, Write, Connect

Second Edition  ©2017 Kathleen Green; Amy Lawlor Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Kathleen Green

    Kathleen Green

    Kathleen Green is an Associate Professor of English at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California, where she has taught integrated reading and writing courses since 2001. She earned her Ph.D. in English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and served as Assistant Professor of English at Purdue University-Calumet before moving to California. She has taught a wide variety of courses--including film history, film theory, womens literature, African-American literature, and childrens literature--as well as the entire range of English composition courses, from basic skills to developmental to advanced composition. She has published scholarly articles on womens history and popular culture, but prefers working with students just beginning their journeys into higher education. She has served as a faculty tutor in the Pasadena City College Writing Center, has been involved with Writing Across the Curriculum, and has developed online curricula to help students with basic writing and reading skills across many disciplines. Currently, she teaches in the Veterans Learning Collaborative at PCC, a cohort-based program that helps U.S. military veterans make the transition to college learning.

  • Headshot of Amy Lawlor

    Amy Lawlor

    Amy Lawlor is a Professor of English at City College of San Francisco where she has been teaching integrated reading/writing and creative writing since 2008. She earned her M.A. in English as well as a Composition Certificate from San Francisco State University and a Post-Secondary Reading Certificate from Cal State Fullerton.  In the 15 years that she has been teaching college, she has enjoyed working at a number of Bay Area community colleges as well as Pasadena City College where she was exposed to a wide variety of composition curricula and experience teaching integrated reading/writing, reading, composition, Filipino-American literature, Latino-American literature, and other courses, including learning community courses and writing-across-the-curriculum courses. At Pasadena City College, in addition to teaching composition and literature, she worked as a faculty tutor in the Pasadena City College Writing Center and collaborated with Kathy Green in developing online curricula for reading and writing. She is currently co-lead faculty for one of City College of San Francisco’s accelerated courses and calls curriculum and faculty development her primary professional interests outside the classroom.

Table of Contents


PART 1 From Pre-Reading to Proofreading: The Reading and Writing Processes
1      Reading and Responding to College Texts
        How to Approach a Text: Pre-Reading Strategies
             Taking Stock of What You Already Know about a Topic
             Previewing the Text
             Carol S. Dweck, The Perils and Promises of Praise
        Annotating While You Read
             Active Readers Annotate
             Recording Your Thoughts about the Text
             Asking Questions about the Text
             Identifying New Words
             *Example of Annotating
       Finding Main Ideas and Supporting Evidence
             What Is the Main Idea?
             What Is Support?
             How Do You Find the Thesis, Major Points, and Support in an Essay or Article?
       Writing a Summary
             How Do You Write a Summary?
       *Chapter Review
2       Active and Critical Reading
         Reading Critically
         Reading With and Against the Grain
              Read With the Grain
              Read Against the Grain
              Compare Your Notes
         Readings on Money, Wealth, and Financial Literacy
              Sherie Holder and Kenneth Meeks, Teach Your Children the Building Blocks of Finance
              *[Textbook] Paul J. Campbell, Borrowing Models
              *Bureau of Labor Statistics, Education Pays (Chart)
              *Higher One and EverFi, Money Matters on Campus (Infographic)
              *Ken Ilgunas, Out of Debt, On the Road
              Olivia Mellan, Men, Women, and Money
         Working with Multiple Sources
              *Charting to Organize Ideas
          Additional Online and Media Sources
          *Chapter Review
3        Putting Ideas into Writing
          What Is an Essay, and How Do You Write One?
              The Essay
              The Writing Process
          How to Read an Essay Assignment
          Essay Writing Time Management
          Pre-Writing for Your Essay
          Thesis Statements
          Outlining Your Ideas
          Generating Evidence to Support Your Thesis
          Topic Sentences
              Finding Topic Sentences
              Writing Topic Sentences
          Drafting a Rough Essay
          Introductions and Conclusions
          Finishing the Rough Draft
          Essay Assignments for Money, Wealth, and Financial Literacy Unit
          *Chapter Review
4        Revising, Editing, and Proofreading
          Revising as Re-Seeing Your Work
          Practicing Peer Review
          Revision Strategies
              Revision Strategy 1: Make Your Audience and Purpose Clear
              Revision Strategy 2: Focus Your Topic or Strengthen Your Thesis
              Revision Strategy 3: Reorganize a Paragraph
              Revision Strategy 4: Develop Your Paragraphs
              Revision Strategy 5: Integrate Quotations and Paraphrases
              Revision Strategy 6: Reorganize Your Essay
          Editing Strategies
              Editing Strategy 1: Read Your Essay Out Loud
              Editing Strategy 2: Read Backwards
          *Chapter Review
PART 2 How Do I Do That? Reading and Writing Workshops
5        Active Reading Strategies
          *Reading Nonfiction
              *Beth Shapiro, Long Live the Mammoth
          *Reading Visual Texts
              *Bar Graphs
              *Pie Charts
              *Line Graphs
              *Film and Video
          Reading Fiction
              Elements of Fiction
              Annotating Fiction
              Taking Notes on Fiction
              *Concept Wheel
              *Picture Map
          *Chapter Review
6        *Strategies for Reading Textbooks
          How to Pre-Read a Whole Textbook
          Annotating Textbooks
          *Using Textbook Features
              *Table of Contents
              *Chapter Outlines or Openers
              *Key Words or Glossary
              *Section Headings
              *Boxes and Charts
              *Bulleted or Numbered Lists
              *Comprehension and Discussion Questions
              *Practices, Quizzes, and Exercises
              *Chapter or Section Reviews
          Outlining or Mapping Textbooks
              [Textbook] David G. Myers, Intelligence
          Muscle Reading
          *Chapter Review
7        Audience, Purpose, and Topic
          Audience and Purpose
              Determining the Audience and Purpose in a Reading
              Reading for Audience and Purpose
              Katie Allison Granju, A Parenting Secret I Am No Longer Willing to Keep
              Finding Something to Say and Caring about It
              Making a Broad Topic More Specific
          Crafting Your Paper’s Audience, Purpose, and Tone
              Writing for a Particular Audience
              Writing with a Purpose
              Writing in a Particular Tone
              Sharpening Your Topic with a Title
              Titles of Academic Articles
          *Chapter Review
8        Rhetorical Patterns in Reading and Writing
          What Is a Rhetorical Pattern?
          A Detailed Look at the Patterns
              Process Analysis
              Comparison and Contrast
              Cause and Effect
          *Rhetorical Patterns in Context
          *Using Rhetorical Patterns as a Brainstorming Strategy
              *Rhetorical Patterns in Pre-Writing
              *Rhetorical Patterns in the Revision Stage
          *Chapter Review
9        Vocabulary Building
          Strategies for Discovering the Meanings of Words
              Using Context Clues
              Using a Dictionary
          Understanding Word Parts
          Committing New Words to Memory
              Using Mnemonics
              Making Graphic Flash Cards
          Using a Thesaurus
          Using New Vocabulary
          *Chapter Review
10      Pre-Writing
          *Using Synthesis Charts to Generate Ideas
          *Chapter Review
11      Thesis and Main Idea
          The Purpose of a Thesis
               The Explicit Thesis or Main Idea
               The Implied Thesis or Main Idea
               Sample Thesis Statements from Different Types of Readings
          Finding the Main Point in a Reading
          Shaping Your Thesis
               Characteristics of a Thesis
               *Figuring Out What Claim You Want to Make
               *Step-by-Step Guide to a Working Thesis 
          *Revising Your Thesis
                *Improving Weak Thesis Statements
          *Chapter Review
12      Argument
          What Is an Argument?
          Taking a Position
          Evidence and Reasons
                *Kinds of Evidence
                *Expert Opinion as Evidence
                Making Inferences from Evidence
                KJ Dell’Antonia, Disney Limits Junk-Food Ads
          Counterarguments and Rebuttals
                Concession Words
                *Los Angeles Times Editorial Board, How Can We, How Should We, Regulate Hobby Drones?
          *Chapter Review
13      Topic Sentences and Paragraphs
          Topic Sentences
                Identifying Topic Sentences
                *Theresa Cramer, Would You Quit Social Media If You Could?
                The Topic Sentence and the Thesis
                Writing Topic Sentences
                *Understand PIE Paragraph Structure
          Evaluate Your Paragraphs
                Develop Your Point (P)
                Strengthen the Information (I)
                Strengthen the Explanation or Elaboration (E)
                Turn Your Topic Sentence into a Question
          *Chapter Review
14      Essay Organization and Outlining
          Outlining as a Reader
                Janna Malamud Smith, Income Inequality within Families Is Emerging as a Major Issue
          Outlining as a Writer
                Formal Outlines
                Informal Outlines
          Two Commonly Assigned Essay Structures
                Compare and Contrast Essays
                Cause and Effect Essays
          Outlining Your Own Rough Draft
                Transitional Words and Expressions
                Transitions from Paragraph to Paragraph
                Sequencing Transitions
          *Chapter Review
15      Drafting
          Writing the Very Rough Draft
                Exploratory Drafts
                Evidence Drafts
                Conversation Drafts
          Writing the Public First Draft
          *Chapter Review
16      Introductions and Conclusions
                The Hook
                The Topic
                Background Information
                The Thesis
                Summing Up Your Essay
                Providing Context and Adding Final Thoughts
                Strategies for Writing Strong Conclusions
          *Chapter Review
17      Quotation and Paraphrase
          Evaluating Sources for Credibility
          Making Sure Source Material Is Relevant
          *Avoid Plagiarism by Citing Source Material
                *Does This Sound Like You?
          When and How to Use Quotations
                How to Quote Correctly
                How to Alter Quotations
          When and How to Paraphrase
          Introducing a Quotation or Paraphrase
                Basic Signal Phrases
                Use Signal Phrases to Add Meaning
                Use More Sophisticated Signal Phrases
          Explaining a Quotation or Paraphrase
         *Chapter Review
18     Giving and Receiving Feedback
         Feedback Is Essential
         Guidelines for Peer Review
         Interpreting and Applying Instructors’ Comments
         How to Use a Rubric
         Meeting with an Instructor or Tutor
         *Chapter Review
19     *Essay Exams
         *Preparing Mentally and Physically for an Essay Exam
         *Understanding the Expectations for the Essay Exam
                *Essay Exams in General
                *The Specific Exam
         *Studying for an Essay Exam
                *Starting with an Overview
         *Dissecting the Question
         *Making and Sticking to a Plan of Action
         *Step-by-Step Guide to the Essay Exam Writing Process
         *Chapter Review
20     Note Taking
         The Cornell Method of Note Taking
         Note Taking in Other Situations
                Class Discussions
                Small-Group Activities
                Film and Video Screenings
         Avoiding Plagiarism When Taking Research Notes
                The Note Card System
                The Notebook System
                Electronic Note-Taking Systems
         *Chapter Review
21     Research
         What to Look for in Source Materials
         Your College Library
         The Role of the Internet in Academic Research
         Evaluating Web Sources
         Working with Sources
         *Chapter Review
22     MLA Documentation
         Citation and Credibility
                A Note about Plagiarism
         The Three Components of MLA Format
                Document Format
                The Works Cited Page
                Sample Formats for Works Cited Citations
                In-Text (Parenthetical) Citation
         *Chapter Review
23     *APA Documentation
         *Components of APA Style
                *Document Format
                *The References Page
                *In-Text (Parenthetical) Citations  
         *Chapter Review

PART 3 Food for Thought: Thematic Readings and Sources
24     *Curiosity 
         *Theme Overview
         *Readings on Curiosity
                *[Textbook] Amy T. Peterson and David J. Dunworth, Pandora
                *Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz, eds., Sun and Moon in a Box
                *[Textbook] C. Scott Littleton, Amaterasu
                *Ian Leslie, Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It
                *Susan Engel, The Case for Curiosity
                *Jim Whitehurst, How I Hire
                *Daisy Yuhas, Curiosity Prepares the Brain for Better Learning
         *Synthesizing the Readings
         *Writing Your Essay
         *Writing Assignments
         *Additional Online and Media Sources
25     Public Art
         Theme Overview
         Readings on Public Art
                [Textbook] Patrick Frank, Public Art and Street Art
                Jack Becker,  Public Art: An Essential Component of Creating Communities
                Teresa Paloma Acosta, Chicano Mural Movement  
                *Paige Pfleger, What Right Do Muralists Have to the Buildings They Paint On?
                Koon Hwee-Kan, Adolescents and Graffiti
                Los Angeles Police Department, What Graffiti Means to a Community
         Synthesizing the Readings
        Writing Your Essay
        Writing Assignments
        Additional Online and Media Sources
26    Fame and Celebrity
        Theme Overview
        Readings on Fame and Celebrity            
                Andrea Chang, The Kardashians: Cashing in with a Capital K
                Carlin Flora,
Seeing by Starlight: Celebrity Obsession
                *Donna Rockwell and David C. Giles,
Being a Celebrity
                Jake Halpern,
The Desire to Belong: Why Everyone Wants to Have Dinner with Paris Hilton and 50 Cent
        Synthesizing the Readings
        Writing Your Essay
        Writing Assignments
        Additional Online and Media Sources

PART 4 How Do I Make My Sentences Say What I Mean? Grammar, Style, and Mechanics
27    How to Learn the Rules and Apply Them To Your Own Writing
        Understanding Editing and Proofreading
        Pinpointing Your Errors
                Errors That Make Your Writing Unreadable
                Errors That Make Your Writing Unclear
                Errors That Make Your Writing Distracting
                Creating a Grammar Log
                Identifying and Prioritizing Errors: One Student’s Paragraph
        Learning the Rules
        Applying What You’ve Learned to Your Own Writing
        *Chapter Review
28    Parts of Speech
        Nouns and Pronouns
                What Are Nouns and Pronouns?
                Identifying Nouns and Pronouns
                What Are Adjectives?
                Identifying Adjectives
                Definite and Indefinite Articles
                What Are Verbs?
                Identifying Verbs
                What Are Adverbs?
                Identifying Adverbs
                Coordinating Conjunctions
                Correlative Conjunctions
                Subordinating Conjunctions
                Conjunctive Adverbs
        *Chapter Review
29    *Basic Sentence Components
        What Is a Sentence?
                Time-Testing to Find the Verb
                Compound Verbs
                Sentences That Begin with There Is or There Are
                Verbals: The Verbs That Aren’t Verbs
                Compound Subjects
                Prepositional Phrases
        *Chapter Review
30    *Sentence Structure
                 Finding and Correcting Choppy Sentences
                 Comma Placement with Subordinating Words or Phrases
                 Finding and Correcting Subordination Errors
        Sentence Variety
        *Chapter Review
31    *Finding and Fixing the Major Verb Errors
        *Finding and Fixing Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement
                 Complicated Subjects 
                 Words between the Subject and the Verb
        *Finding and Fixing Errors in Verb Tense
                 Using the Wrong Verb Tense
                 The Literary Present
                 Shifting Incorrectly between Tenses
        *Finding and Fixing Errors with Irregular Verbs
        *Chapter Review
32    Fragments
        What Exactly Is a Fragment? 
                 Fragments That Are Missing a Subject 
                 Fragments That Are Missing a Verb or Part of a Verb 
                 Fragments That Are Incomplete Thoughts 
        Recognizing Fragments in Your Own Writing 
        *Chapter Review 
33    Run-Ons: Fused Sentences and Comma Splices
        What Are Fused Sentences and Comma Splices? 
        Finding and Fixing Fused Sentences and Comma Splices 
        *Chapter Review 
34    Pronouns
        What Exactly Is a Pronoun? 
                 Subject Pronouns 
                 Possessive Pronouns 
                 Indefinite Pronouns 
                 Demonstrative Pronouns: This/These/That/Those 
        Common Pronoun Errors 
                 Pronoun-Reference Errors 
                 Pronoun-Agreement Errors 
                 Pronoun-Shift Errors 
        Fixing Pronoun Errors 
        *Chapter Review 
35    Commas
        What Is a Comma? 
        Rules for Using Commas 
                 Use a Comma to Separate Items in a List 
                 Use a Comma to Separate Place Names, Dates, and People’s Titles 
                 Use a Comma When You Introduce a Quotation, Unless You Use the Word That 
                 Use a Comma When You Have Two or More Adjectives in a Row 
                 Use a Comma with Introductory Elements 
                 Use a Comma When Joining Two Sentences with a Coordinating Conjunction 
                 Use Commas with Sentence Interrupters 
        Building Sentences Using These Comma Rules 
        Editing Your Work for Comma Errors 
        *Chapter Review 
36    Parallelism
        What Is Parallelism? 
        Common Parallelism Errors 
                 Lists with Colons 
                 List Interrupters 
                 That Tricky Word That 
                 Maintaining Parallelism When Quoting
        Finding and Fixing Parallelism Errors 
        *Chapter Review
37    Mixed Constructions 
        What Is a Mixed Construction? 
                 What Are Predication Errors? 
        Finding Mixed Constructions 
        Fixing Mixed Constructions 
        *Chapter Review
38    *Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
        What Is a Modifier? 
                 Misplaced Modifiers 
                 Dangling Modifiers 
        Finding and Fixing Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 
        *Chapter Review 
39    *Clear and Focused Language
        *What Is Clear and Focused Language? 
        Avoid Clichés, Empty Phrases, and Slang 
        Avoid Wordiness 
        Avoid Vague or Unclear Pronouns 
        Use Active Voice Whenever Possible 
        *Reduce Bias 
                  *Racial or Cultural Language 
                  *Gendered Language
        *Chapter Review
40    Apostrophes
        What Is an Apostrophe? 
                  Using Apostrophes to Make Contractions 
                  A Few Exceptions 
                  Using Apostrophes to Show Ownership 
        Finding and Fixing Apostrophe Errors with Possessives 
        *Chapter Review 
41    Spelling and Capitalization
        Commonly Confused Words 
        Tricky Spelling Rules 
                  Plural Endings 
                  To Double or Not to Double the Final Consonant 
                  Foreign Words 
                  Proper Nouns 
        *Chapter Review 
*Index of Readings

Product Updates

A new feature, Model Reading Strategies, visually demonstrates possible approaches to key reading selections. One selection in each thematic unit of readings is visually annotated to demonstrate an active reading strategy such as using context clues to understand vocabulary, mapping the structure of a text, asking questions, or connecting images to text. This features gives students a foothold on more challenging readings and models a variety of ways to approach other texts they will encounter.
A new chapter, Reading Textbooks, helps students get the most out of textbook reading assignments by introducing them to pre-reading, annotating, and other strategies as well as showing them how to use common textbook features effectively. Additional sample readings from textbooks  have been incorporated into the thematic reading units, retaining their original design whenever possible.
An expanded chapter on active reading now includes strategies for reading visual texts include charts, graphs, infographics, photos, and videos.
New reading selections, all class-tested by the authors, feature topics students will want to read and write about. A new unit of readings on the theme of curiosity invites students to consider the connections between curiosity and their own learning. Other thematic units have been updated with new readings on financial literacy, fame, and public art.
Stronger coverage of grammar includes additional paragraph-editing exercises for each topic; new chapters on basic sentence components, sentence structure, and major verb errors; and expanded discussions of misplaced and dangling modifiers.
A new chapter on APA documentation, updated MLA advice, and expanded discussions of avoiding plagiarism provide stronger support for students writing source-based essays. Advice for documenting sources in MLA style has been updated in accordance with 2016 MLA guidelines.
A new Chapter Review feature promotes metacognition by prompting students to paraphrase what they’ve learned and reflect on it in their own words, in writing, at the end of each chapter.
Advice on preparing for and taking essays exams is now included in the print book.
Package Read, Write, Connect with LaunchPad Solo for Readers and Writers to more efficiently track students’ progress with reading, writing, and grammar skills in an active learning arc that complements the book. Access can be packaged at a significant discount. For more information, visit




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