Cover: SPSS: A User-Friendly Approach for Version 22, 3rd Edition by Jeffery E. Aspelmeier; Thomas W. Pierce

SPSS: A User-Friendly Approach for Version 22

Third Edition  ©2015 Jeffery E. Aspelmeier; Thomas W. Pierce Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Jeffery E. Aspelmeier

    Jeffery E. Aspelmeier

    Jeffery Aspelmeier is currently a professor in the Department of Psychology at Radford University, where he has been teaching since 1999. He earned his B.S.Ed. in Secondary Education from Southwest Missouri State University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Kent State University. His research interests focus on adult attachment and social cognition. When not writing statistics textbooks for fun, he likes to travel and ski with his wife Kim, canoe with his dog Cassidy, backpack on the Appalachian Trail with friends, and play banjo with anyone who will tolerate it (which typically does not include Kim or Cassidy).

  • Headshot of Thomas W. Pierce

    Thomas W. Pierce

    Thomas Pierce is a professor in the Department of Psychology at Radford University. He has been teaching statistics and research methods since coming to Radford in 1992. He has a B.A. in Psychology from McGill University and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Maine. He was also a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging at Duke University Medical Center. His research interests are in the areas of aging and cognitive function, stress and human performance, and time series analysis of behavioral and physiological data.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to SPSS: A User-Friendly Approach
2. Basic Operations
3. Finding Sums
4. Frequency Distributions and Charts
5. Describing Distributions
6. Compute Statements: Reversing Scores, Combining Scores, and Creating z Scores
7. Comparing Means in SPSS (t Tests)
8. One-Way ANOVA: Means Comparison with Two or More Groups
9. Factorial ANOVA
10. Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance
11. Regression and Correlation
12. Multiple Regression
13. Chi-Square
14. Reliability
15. Factor Analysis

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