Cover: Sensation and Perception, 2nd Edition by Steven Yantis; Richard A. Abrams

Sensation and Perception

Second Edition  ©2017 Steven Yantis; Richard A. Abrams Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Steven Yantis

    Steven Yantis

    Steven Yantis was Professor in the Department of Psychological
    and Brain Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, with secondary
    appointments in the Departments of Cognitive Science and
    Neuroscience. He studied experimental psychology as an undergraduate
    at the University of Washington in Seattle and received a PhD
    in experimental psychology at the University of Michigan. Following
    a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, he joined the
    faculty at Johns Hopkins University, where he remained for the rest
    of his career. Yantis’s research interests included visual perception,
    attention, and cognition. Members of the Yantis laboratory continue
    to measure behavior (response time, eye movements) and brain activity
    (functional MRI) as people carry out tasks that probe perception
    and attention. He taught a variety of courses in human perception and
    attention for almost thirty years. He received the Early Career Award
    from the American Psychological Association in 1994 and the Troland
    Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences in 1996.
    Steve passed away in 2014 after a lengthy battle with brain cancer.


  • Headshot of Richard A. Abrams

    Richard A. Abrams

    Richard A. Abrams is Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Washington University. He studied engineering and psychology as an undergraduate at Columbia University and received a PhD in experimental psychology at the University of Michigan. After graduate school, he joined the faculty at Washington University, where he has been ever since. Abrams’s research interests include visual perception, attention, and motor control. Members of his laboratory use mostly behavioral methods (measuring response times, tracking hand and eye movements) to probe perception and attention as people carry out tasks. He has taught courses including experimental psychology and sensation and perception for over thirty years. His research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Foundations
Chapter 2: Light and the Eyes
Chapter 3: The Visual Brain
Chapter 4: Recognizing Visual Objects
Chapter 5: Perceiving Color
Chapter 6: Perceiving Depth
Chapter 7: Perceiving Motion
Chapter 8: Perception for Action
Chapter 9: Attention and Awareness
Chapter 10: Sound and the Ears
Chapter 11: The Auditory Brain and Perceiving Auditory Scenes
Chapter 12: Perceiving Speech and Music
Chapter 13: The Body Senses
Chapter 14: Olfaction: Perceiving Odors
Chapter 15: Gustation: Perceiving Tastes and Flavors

Product Updates

New Author, Richard A. Abrams
Richard A. Abrams
is Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. He studied engineering and psychology as an undergraduate at Columbia University and received a PhD in experimental psychology at the University of Michigan. After graduate school, he joined the faculty at Washington University, where he has been ever since. Abrams’s research interests include visual perception, attention, and motor control. Members of his laboratory use mostly behavioral methods (measuring response times, tracking hand and eye movements) to probe perception and attention as people carry out tasks. He has taught courses including experimental psychology and sensation and perception for over thirty years. His research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

New Coverage
Chapter 7, Perceiving Motion and Chapter 8, Perception for Action
offer expanded discussions of areas previously covered in a single combined chapter.

Chapter 14, Olfaction: Perceiving Odors and Chapter 15, Gustation: Perceiving Tastes and Flavors also offer expanded discussions of areas previously covered in a single combined chapter.

New Appendix: Noise and Signal Detection Theory (previously in Chapter 1)

Updated research, applications, and references throughout, to give students a thoroughly contemporary overview of sensation and perception studies.

New Look
This edition offers an updated design, with many additional photos supplementing numbered figures to further illustrate key points in the text.

Chapter-by-Chapter revisions
Chapter 1: Foundations
• Reorganized to discuss psychophysics before neuroscience, to put more emphasis on behavior.
• Added section on diffuse optical tomography, a functional neuroimaging method.
• Discussion of noise and signal detection theory removed from chapter and made into an appendix.
• New Applications section on self-driving cars (with new figures), touching on many of the topics addressed in later chapters.

Chapter 2: Light and the Eyes
• Improved figure for convergence in retinal circuits.
• Improved explanation of lateral inhibition (with improved figure).

Chapter 3: The Visual Brain
• Improved figure for population coding.

Chapter 4: Recognizing Visual Objects
• Expanded discussion of role of area V2 in border assignment, with new figure.
• Expanded discussion of object recognition models, to include recognition by components and view-specific models, with new figures.
• Expanded, updated discussion of modular and distributed coding, with new figures.
• Expanded discussion of scene and gist perception, with new figures.
• Updated Applications section on automatic face recognition, with an added discussion of 3-D models (with new figures).

Chapter 5: Perceiving Color
• Improved figure for hue cancellation.
• Added section on color contrast and color assimilation, with new figure.
• Improved discussion of color constancy, with new figures.
• Improved discussion of lightness constancy.
• New and improved figures for section on color vision deficiencies.

Chapter 6: Perceiving Depth
• Many new, improved photos illustrating depth cues.
• Improved discussion of binocular disparity, with improved figures.
• Added section on forced perspective, with new figure.
• Expanded discussion of Ponzo illusion, including neurological data, with new figures.
• Improved illustration of Ames room.
• Improved figure for moon illusion.

Chapter 7: Perceiving Motion
• Now treated in a dedicated chapter (in 1/e, the chapter included discussion of perception for action).
• Reorganized to discuss perceptual organization before neuroscience.
• Improved figure for apparent motion.
• Expanded discussion of biological motion, with new figure.
• Improved figure to illustrate “moving and stationary eye, moving and stationary objects.”
• Added discussion of role of area V3A in perception of motion and stability, with new figure.
• Improved figures for perception of motion coherence.
• Improved figure for aperture problem.
• New Applications section on visually induced motion sickness, with new figures.

Chapter 8: Perception for Action
• Now treated in a dedicated chapter (in 1/e, this topic was part of Chapter 7).
• New topics covered include the perception-action cycle, visual feedback, prism adaptation, action-specific perception, bimodal neurons and hand-centered receptive fields, handheld tool use, and mirror neurons, with many new figures.

Chapter 9: Attention and Awareness
• Added quotation from William James, on the meaning of attention.
• Added figure for filter theory of attention, and reorganized discussion of shadowing.
• Added section on attentional blink, with new figure.
• Added discussion of continuity errors in movies.
• Added definitions of overt and covert attention.
• Added section on attention to objects, with new figure.
• Expanded discussion of feature integration theory, including binding errors, with new figure.
• Added discussion of gaze cues and autism in relation to attentional control.
• Added section on value-driven attentional control, with new figures.
• Improved discussion of sources of attentional control in the brain, with improved figure.

Chapter 10: Sound and the Ears
• Improved illustration of ossicles and lever principle.
• Added figure illustrating the role of outer hair cells in auditory transduction.
• Added discussion of volley principle.

Chapter 11: The Auditory Brain and Perceiving Auditory Scenes
• Added section on echoes and the precedence effect.
• Improved illustrations for auditory scene analysis.

Chapter 12: Perceiving Speech and Music
• Expanded discussion of the role of knowledge of language in speech perception, including an updated discussion of phoneme transition probabilities.
• Expanded discussion of phonemic restoration.
• New Applications section, on automatic speech recognition.

Chapter 13: The Body Senses
• Expanded discussion of the perception of pleasant touch.
• New discussion of the placebo effect.
• New discussion of the rubber hand illusion.

Chapter 14: Olfaction: Perceiving Odors
• Now treated in a dedicated chapter (in 1/e, the chapter included discussion of gustation).
• Expanded discussion of pheromone-like substances, with new figures.
• Added section on human leukocyte antigen detection.

Chapter 15: Gustation: Perceiving Tastes and Flavors
• Now treated in a dedicated chapter (in 1/e, this topic was included in a single chapter along with olfaction).
• New vignette, on deficit in taste perception.
• New section on other sensory contributions to flavor, with new and improved figures.
• Expanded discussion of brain mechanisms of taste and flavor perception, with new figure.
• New section on cognitive influences on flavor perception, with new figure.
• New section on regulating food intake, with new figure.
• Expanded discussion of individual differences in taste perception.
• New Applications section on artificial sweeteners, with new figures.





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