Cover: Sources of Populism in the 1890s-U.S., 1st Edition by Rebecca Edwards

Sources of Populism in the 1890s-U.S.

First Edition  ©2018 Rebecca Edwards Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Rebecca Edwards

    Rebecca Edwards

    Rebecca Edwards is Eloise Ellery Professor of History at Vassar College, where she teaches courses on nineteenth-century politics, the Civil War, the frontier West, and women, gender, and sexuality. She is the author of, among other publications, Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era; New Spirits: Americans in the “Gilded Age,” 1865–1905; and the essay “Women's and Gender History” in The New American History. She is currently working on a book about the role of childbearing in the expansion of America's nineteenth-century empire.

Table of Contents

Central Question
Learning Objective
Historical Background 
Primary Sources    
Luna Kellie, “Stand Up for Nebraska” (speech), January 1894 
Arthur L. Kellogg, “A Hayseed Like Me” (song lyrics), 1890  
Henry Moyer, “The National Cow” (cartoon), Coin’s Financial School, 1894
Henry Demorest Lloyd, “The Millions Product Wealth; Only the Tens Have It” (campaign speech), October 1894      
People’s Party, Omaha Platform, July 4, 1892   
Southern Mercury, Editorials and Letters, December 1894-January 1895
Project Questions
Additional Assignments
Additional Resources for Research  

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