Cover: Teaching Interpersonal Communication, 2nd Edition by Alicia Alexander; Elizabeth J. Natalle

Teaching Interpersonal Communication

Second Edition  ©2015 Alicia Alexander; Elizabeth J. Natalle Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Alicia Alexander

    Alicia Alexander

    Dr. Alicia Alexander is the Associate Professor, TA Coordinator, and Basic Course Director at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Dr. Alexander received her doctorate in interpersonal communication from the University of Texas at Austin. She enjoys teaching courses in family communication, interpersonal communication, public speaking, and communication education. In 2009 she was the recipient of the Teaching Distinction Award, a university-wide teaching award at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

    Dr. Alexanders research interests focus primarily on interpersonal communication among family members and between romantic partners. She is particularly concerned with understanding how people overcome adversity in their relationships through talk and various forms of relationship repair. Her research also focuses on the way people talk about and express their emotions in close relationships. Her latest research centers on communication education and interpersonal communication issues in the classroom. Dr. Alexander has received five "Top Paper" awards at the National Communication and International Communication Association annual conferences for her scholarly work in interpersonal communication. Her research has been published in journals such as Communication Monographs, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Communication Research, Communication Research Reports, and Communication Teacher.

  • Headshot of Elizabeth J. Natalle

    Elizabeth J. Natalle

    Elizabeth J. Natalle is Associate Professor at University of North Carolina, Greensboro, as well as Director of the International Exchange Program with Vaxjo University in Sweden. She serves on both the Honors Program and Women’s and Gender Studies Program faculty. In 2003 she was a recipient of the UNCG College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award. In addition to her vast teaching experience, Natalle also serves as a professional consultant, helping individuals such as state government managers, corporate managers, hospital social workers, city employees, student officers in university organizations, attorneys, university faculty and staff, speech and hearing clinicians, and employees of the Federal Judiciary improve their interpersonal communication skills. With regard to research, Natalle has devoted much of her time to gendered communication processes, including conflict management, workplace relationships, and cultural comparisons. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Western Journal of Communication, Communication Education, Women’s Studies in Communication, and Management Communication Quarterly.

Table of Contents

Product Updates

New Chapter 6, Teaching Online Courses in Interpersonal Communication, provides in-depth advice and strategies on the benefits of teaching online, how to set up an online course, how to manage assignments, conduct grading, engage learners, and deal with the unique challenges teaching online can present.

Comprehensive updates throughout the guide offer new examples on dealing with classroom issues (such as student use of social media), updated articles and theory for teaching the course, and tactics for coordinating a large interpersonal program from new co-author Alicia Alexander.



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