Cover: Teaching with Hacker Handbooks (Online Only), 4th Edition by Diana Hacker; Marcy Carbajal Van Horn; Jonathan S. Cullick; Sara McCurry

Teaching with Hacker Handbooks (Online Only)

Fourth Edition  ©2021 Diana Hacker; Marcy Carbajal Van Horn; Jonathan S. Cullick; Sara McCurry


  • Headshot of Diana Hacker

    Diana Hacker

    Diana Hacker personally class-tested her handbooks with nearly four thousand students over thirty-five years at Prince George's Community College in Maryland, where she was a member of the English faculty. Hacker handbooks, built on innovation and on a keen understanding of the challenges facing student writers, are the most widely adopted in America. Hacker handbooks, all published by Bedford/St. Martin's, include A Writer's Reference, Eleventh Edition (2025); A Pocket Style Manual, Tenth Edition (2025); The Bedford Handbook, Twelfth Edition (2023); Rules for Writers, Tenth Edition (2022); and Writer’s Help 2.0, Hacker Version.

  • Headshot of Marcy Carbajal Van Horn

    Marcy Carbajal Van Horn

  • Headshot of Jonathan S. Cullick

    Jonathan S. Cullick

    Jonathan S. Cullick is Professor of English and Chair of the Department of English at Northern Kentucky University. He served as Associate Director of the Composition Program at the University of Minnesota for four years and then joined the NKU faculty, serving as Director of the Writing Instruction Program for eight years. He teaches courses in writing studies, frequently incorporating service learning in writing courses, and he also teaches literature courses in the Bible, American literature, and the American South. He is a co-author of Writing in the Disciplines (Bedford/St.Martins) and the author of a number of articles and a book in literary studies. Cullick received his PhD from University of Kentucky with specialization in American literature and writing program administration.

  • Headshot of Sara McCurry

    Sara McCurry

    Sara McCurry has taught composition at Shasta College in Northern California since 2007. Previously, she taught for three years at the Art Institute of CA-San Diego. She has been teaching online composition courses for many years and appreciates the challenges and opportunities afforded by online education. She has a passionate and long-standing commitment to the success of first-generation and economically disadvantaged college students, a commitment that has shaped her pedagogy and career choices. She is a member of the Shasta College Sustainability Committee and the Shasta College Faculty Association and has served as a club advisor for the Sustainability Club and the N.A.T.I.V.E. Club. Recently, she has presented at the CSU Chico This Way to Sustainability Conference and the English Council of Two Year Colleges yearly conference. She has a PhD in English from the University of Oregon and an MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) from Texas State University.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Topics
T1 Planning your course and designing your syllabus
T2 Engaging students and leading discussions
T3 Designing effective assignments
T4 Responding to student writers
T5 Working with multilingual writers (Teaching ESL and ELL populations)
T6 Addressing writing in the disciplines
T7 Using Achieve to increase student engagement
Part 2: Modules
M1 Teaching assignment analysis
M2 Teaching prewriting strategies
M3 Teaching critical reading
M4 Teaching thesis statements
M5 Teaching essay structure
M6 Teaching paragraphs
M7 Teaching introductions and conclusions
M8 Teaching argument and counterargument
M9 Teaching students to conduct research and evaluate sources
M10 Teaching students to integrate sources
M11 Teaching students to avoid plagiarism
M12 Teaching word choice and appropriate language
M13 Teaching grammar and punctuation
M14 Teaching with peer review
M15 Teaching multimodal projects
M16 Addressing writing in the disciplines
Part 3: Sample course materials
S1 Resource charts (for handbooks and for full Achieve courses)
S2 Sample syllabi
S3 Sample assignments
S4 Sample rubrics

Product Updates

A new chapter, “Using Achieve to Increase Student Engagement,” helps instructors implement the writing tools in Achieve (Bedford/St. Martin’s new digital composition platform) and engage and guide students as they write, review, reflect, and revise.

New sample syllabi show instructors how to pair a handbook with Achieve and other materials.

Updated resource charts include the latest Hacker/Sommers products: A Writer’s Reference, Tenth Edition (2021); A Pocket Style Manual, Ninth Edition (2021); Achieve full courses that accompany both A Writer’s Reference and A Pocket Style Manual; and Achieve for Writer’s Help - Hacker (2021).

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