Cover: Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks, 2021 Update (Online Only), 3rd Edition by Andrea A. Lunsford

Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks, 2021 Update (Online Only)

Third Edition  ©2021 Andrea A. Lunsford


  • Headshot of Andrea A. Lunsford

    Andrea A. Lunsford

    Andrea Lunsford, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor of English emerita and former Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University, joined the Stanford faculty in 2000. Prior to this appointment, she was Distinguished Professor of English at The Ohio State University (1986-2000) and, before that, Associate Professor and Director of Writing at the University of British Columbia (1977-86) and Associate Professor of English at Hillsborough Community College. A frequent member of the faculty of the Bread Loaf School of English, Andrea earned her B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Florida and completed her Ph.D. in English at The Ohio State University (1977). She holds honorary degrees from Middlebury College and The University of Ôrebro.

    Andreas scholarly interests include the contributions of women and people of color to rhetorical history, theory, and practice; collaboration and collaborative writing, comics/graphic narratives; translanguaging and style, and technologies of writing. She has written or coauthored many books, including Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse; Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing; and Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women in the History of Rhetoric, as well as numerous chapters and articles. For Bedford/St. Martin’s, she is the author of The St. Martins Handbook, The Everyday Writer, and EasyWriter; the co-author (with John Ruszkiewicz) of Everything’s an Argument and (with John Ruszkiewicz and Keith Walters) of Everything’s an Argument with Readings; and the co-author (with Lisa Ede) of Writing Together: Collaboration in Theory and Practice. She is also a regular contributor to the Bits teaching blog on Bedford/St. Martin’s English Community site.

    Andrea has given presentations and workshops on the changing nature and scope of writing and critical language awareness at scores of North American universities, served as Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, as Chair of the Modern Language Association Division on Writing, and as a member of the MLA Executive Council. In her spare time, she serves on the Board of La Casa Roja’s Next Generation Leadership Network, as Chair of the Kronos Quartet Performing Arts Association--and works diligently if not particularly well in her communal organic garden.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks

PART 1: Your Course
1a  Planning the Course
1b  Sample Syllabi
1c  Designing Effective Assignments
1d  Sample Assignments
1e  Responding to Student Writing
1f  Using a Handbook by Michael Hennessy
1g  Composing Multimodal Texts by Michael Moore
1h  Using Corpus Linguistic Analysis with First-Year Student
1i  Teaching with Digital Tools: Achieve and E-books

PART 2: Your Teaching
2a  The Top Twenty: A Quick Guide to Troubleshooting Your Writing
2b  Rhetorical Situations
2c  Exploring, Planning, and Drafting
2d  Paragraphs
2e  Language
2f  Argument
2g  Research
2h  Peer Review, Revision, and Reflection
2i  Multimodality
2j  Writing in the Disciplines
2k  Writing for the Public
2l   Helping Multilingual Writers

Product Updates

Stronger emphasis on multimodality and writing to a digital audience helps teachers and students adapt to changing expectations of composing and literacy. In this edition, Jeanne Law Bohannon, Assistant Professor of English at Kennesaw State University, brings her experience with multimodal assignments to provide expanded coverage of creating multimodal assignments, such as websites, blogs, and podcasts, and working with multimodal sources during research writing.

New evaluation activities ensure that students know how to accurately and effectively assess online sources for credibility and relevance.

An expanded chapter on teaching with Achieve and other digital resources provides support for teachers who are teaching with technology for the first time and tips for teachers who have experience with technology.

New suggestions from Andrea Lunsford’s blog provide additional advice and teaching ideas from Andrea Lunsford and other guest bloggers. Links take instructors to the Macmillan Learning English Community.

Updated resource charts include the latest Lunsford products: The St. Martin’s Handbook, Ninth Edition (2021); The Everyday Writer, Seventh Edition (2020); Achieve for Writer’s Help - Lunsford (2020); and EasyWriter, Seventh Edition (2019).

Make the most of your handbook

Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks is a collection of advice, teaching tips, and sample documents to support all three handbooks by Andrea A. Lunsford. This resource offers help for any instructor who wants students to use a handbook more effectively in the writing course—and beyond.

The 2021 update provides a stronger emphasis on multimodality and writing to a digital audience, new source evaluation activities, and an expanded chapter on teaching with Achieve. 

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Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks (Online Only)

Andrea A. Lunsford | Third Edition | ©2019 | ISBN:9781319133979

Teaching with Lunsford Handbooks is a collection of advice, teaching tips, and sample documents to support all three handbooks by Andrea A...

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