Cover: The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, 7th Edition by Nedra Reynolds; Jay Dolmage; Patricia Bizzell; Bruce Herzberg

The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing

Seventh Edition  ©2012 Nedra Reynolds; Jay Dolmage; Patricia Bizzell; Bruce Herzberg Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Nedra Reynolds

    Nedra Reynolds

    Nedra Reynolds is Professor and Department Chair of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Rhode Island.  She is the author of Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference (Southern Illinois University Press, 2004) as well as co-author with Elizabeth Davis of Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students, (Third Edition, Bedford/St. Martin’s 2013).  She has coedited The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing (Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Editions). Her articles have appeared in Rhetoric Review, Journal of Advanced Composition, College Composition and Communication, Writing Program Administration, Pedagogy, and a number of edited collections.

  • Headshot of Jay T. Dolmage

    Jay T. Dolmage

    Jay Dolmage is a professor of English at the University of Waterloo. He is the author of Instructors Manual for How to Write Anything and the coauthor of How to Write Anything: A Guide and Reference with Readings (with John J. Ruszkiewicz) and Disability and the Teaching of Writing (with Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson and Brenda Jo Brueggemann). He is the coeditor, with Nedra Reynolds, of the Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing. He teaches graduate classes in rhetoric and composition pedagogy and has published widely on rhetorical theory and accessible teaching, including the books Disability Rhetoric, Academic Ableism, and Disabled Upon Arrival.

  • Headshot of Patricia Bizzell

    Patricia Bizzell

    Patricia Bizzell (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is Distinguished Professor Emerita of English at the College of the Holy Cross, where she has served as director of Writing Programs and director of the College Honors Program. She has taught courses in rhetoric theory and practice, womens studies, and composition. In 2013 Bizzell earned an M.A. in Jewish Studies from Hebrew College, where she won a prize for her masters thesis. She has published scholarship on Jewish rhetoric and taught courses on Jewish literature. In 2015-16 she was appointed to the Cardin Chair in the Humanities at Loyola University Maryland. Bizzell has published a collection of essays, Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness, as well as many articles on basic writing, writing across the curriculum, and rhetorical theory in such journals as College English, College Composition and Communication, PRE/TEXT, and Rhetoric Review. With Bruce Herzberg she has published Negotiating Difference (Bedford/St. Martins), and with Bruce Herzberg and Nedra Reynolds, The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, Sixth Edition (Bedford/St. Martins). In 2008, Bizzell won the prestigious Exemplar Award from the Conference on College Composition and Communication, and in 2018 she was elected to be a Fellow of the Rhetoric Society of America.

  • Headshot of Bruce Herzberg

    Bruce Herzberg

    Bruce Herzberg (Ph.D. Rutgers University) is Professor Emeritus of English and Media Studies at Bentley University, where he has taught speech communication, rhetorical theory, composition, and literature. He has also served as the director of the Expository Writing Program and ESL Program, the Writing across the Curriculum Program, and the Business Communication Program. A regular speaker at the Conference on College Composition and Communication and other conferences, Herzberg has published articles on rhetoric and composition in MLN, Rhetoric Review, Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, JAC, and several anthologies including Contending with Words and The Politics of Writing Instruction. With Patricia Bizzell he has published Negotiating Difference (Bedford/St. Martins), and with Patricia Bizzell and Nedra Reynolds, The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, Sixth Edition (Bedford/St. Martins).

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note
A Brief History of Rhetoric and Composition
General Bibliographies
Histories and Theories
The Rhetorical Tradition
History of Rhetoric and Education
History of Composition Teaching
Rhetoric and Composition Theory
Composing and Literacy
The Process Movement and Post-Process Approaches
Digital Writing
Visual Rhetoric
New Media
Literacy Studies
Rhetorics of Writing
Grammar and Style
Writing Programs
Writing Program Administration
First-Year Composition
Response and Assessment
Contingent Labor and Working Conditions
Writing Centers and Supplemental Instruction
Writing across the Curriculum and Writing in the Disciplines
Curriculum Development
Course Development
Essay and Personal Writing
Literature and Composition
Basic Writing
Genre Studies
Service Learning, Civic Engagement, and Public Writing
Gender, Race, Class, and Abilities
Cultural Studies
Teaching English as a Second Language and Language Policy
Technical Communication
Business Communication
Composition Books from Bedford/St. Martin’s
Index of Authors Cited

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