Cover: The Bedford Book of Genres with 2021 MLA Update, 3rd Edition by Amy Braziller; Elizabeth Kleinfeld

The Bedford Book of Genres with 2021 MLA Update

Third Edition  ©2021 Amy Braziller; Elizabeth Kleinfeld Formats: E-book


  • Headshot of Amy Braziller

    Amy Braziller

    Amy Braziller is Professor Emeritus at Red Rocks Community College. She received her BA from Empire State College and her MA in Literature from New York University. She has presented on teaching writing and new media at numerous national and regional conferences. Her research focuses on the intersections between classroom and personal writing. Amy, who is at work on a series of personal essays related to her punk rock days in New York City, blogs about food, film, music, LGBTQ issues, and social media distractions at

  • Headshot of Elizabeth Kleinfeld

    Elizabeth Kleinfeld

    Elizabeth Kleinfeld is the Writing Center Director and Professor of English at Metropolitan State College of Denver. She received her BS from Bradley University and her MS in English and PhD in Composition and Rhetoric from Illinois State University. She has published on disability, writing centers, and student source use in various journals and collections, including Computers & Composition Online and Praxis. Her research interests include disability studies, feminist pedagogies, and teaching for social justice. She blogs about grief and disability at

Table of Contents

PART I       Rhetoric & Reading
1             Rhetorical Situations & Choices
2             Genres
3             Reading as a Writer: Rhetorical Situations & Genres Together

PART 2      THE WRITING PROCESS                     
4             Composing: Drawing on Experience & Evidence
5             Revising & Remixing
6             Reflection: The Author’s/Artist’s Statement

PART 3     GENRES    
7             Academic Genres
8             Workplace Genres
9             Public Genres
10           Assembling a Multigenre Project

PART 4      Composing With Sources
11           Exploring Topics & Creating a Research Proposal
12           Evaluating & Choosing Sources
13           Integrating & Documenting Sources
14           Composing: Drawing on In-Depth Research: A Student Case Study
15           Identities: The Culture of Identity
16           Mind & Body: Connections
17           Activism: Making Your Voice Heard
18           Creativity: It’s Complicated

Index of Genres
Index of Themes

Product Updates

The ebook has been updated to give your students the latest guidance on documenting sources in MLA style and follows the guidelines set forth in the MLA Handbook, 9th edition (April 2021).

A stronger emphasis on the reading and writing connection. A key structural point of The Bedford Book of Genres has always been the understanding that students are reading in order to write. In the third edition, we’ve made this framework more explicit by reorganizing the existing chapters on composing into their own section on the writing process, reframing chapter 3 as “Reading as a Writer,” and giving students clearer guidelines for translating their skills as readers into tools for their own writing. New writing assignments at the end of each of the genre chapters in Part 3 allow students to put their new skills into practice.

In-depth research coverage in Part 3 includes an up-to-date guide to MLA and the latest version of APA documentation. In addition, Chapter 12  features a new student writer, Donovan Rodriguez, evaluating sources as he tackles the topic of teenage anxiety. Students will hear from a peer, in his own words, with practical advice for analyzing multiple sources including videos.

Thoroughly updated readings. Twenty-one readings  (more than 30%) are new for the third edition, on topics that will enliven classroom discussion and composing. For instance, Chapter 7 features a journal article on how a recent manifestation of Spiderman brings social justice into the superhero canon while Chapter 9 includes both a brand new Guided Reading featuring a podcast on China’s decision to stop accepting recycling from the U.S. and an article that explains why aliens might actually look more like a plate of spaghetti than little green men.


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