Cover: The Development of Children, 8th Edition by Cynthia Lightfoot; Michael Cole; Sheila Cole

The Development of Children

Eighth Edition  ©2018 Cynthia Lightfoot; Michael Cole; Sheila Cole Formats: Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Cynthia Lightfoot

    Cynthia Lightfoot

    Cynthia Lightfoot is Professor and Head of Human Development and Family Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine. Her published works focus on the sociocultural contexts of child and adolescent development, most recently, on teen pregnancy.

  • Headshot of Michael Cole

    Michael Cole

    Michael Cole is an all-University of California Professor of Psychology, Communication, and Human Development. His home base is the University of California, San Diego, where he is the director of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. For many years he spent his afternoons participating with children and undergraduates in development-enhancing after-school programs. He is an editor of the journal Mind, Culture, and Activity. He has published widely on the role of culture and schooling in development, for which he has been awarded honorary degrees at Copenhagen University and the University of Helsinki. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academies of Education (of the United States and Russia).

  • Headshot of Sheila R. Cole

    Sheila R. Cole

    Sheila Cole is a former journalist who specialized in writing about families, children, development, and education. She is also a childrens writer. Her most recent book offers a history of American childhood and is written for young people. She has also authored picture books, historical fiction, and novels for young adults. She participates in literacy programs for homeless adolescents.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Study of Human Development

Part I: In the Beginning
Chapter 2: Biocultural Foundations
Chapter 3: Prenatal Development and Birth

Part II: Infancy
Chapter 4: The First 3 Months
Chapter 5: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy
Chapter 6: Social and Emotional Development in Infancy

Part III: Early Childhood
Chapter 7: Language Acquisition
Chapter 8: Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
Chapter 9: Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood
Chapter 10: Contexts of Development

Part IV: Middle Childhood
Chapter 11: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
Chapter 12: School as Context for Development
Chapter 13: Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood

Part V: Adolescence
Chapter 14: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Chapter 15: Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence

Product Updates

Thoroughly updated research throughout. With over hundreds of new citations, students get a truly contemporary view of the research and its applications today. 

New online simulation, Developing Lives.  The study of child development enters a brilliant new era with Worth’s Developing Lives—a sophisticated, interactive experience in which each student “raises” a virtual child from sperm-and-egg to teenager.  Fully-integrated into LaunchPad, Developing Lives includes a variety of pedagogical resources, including more than 200 videos and animations (many new to this project) plus quizzes and essay questions that are easy to assign and assess.  The Part Openers in the Eighth Edition now include an additional table that connects the milestones in Developing Lives with the corresponding child development milestones.

New LearningCurve adaptive quizzing gives individualized sets of feedback based on each student’s correct and incorrect responses.  ALl the questions are tied back to the ebook to encourage students to read the book in preparation for class and exams.

New Warm Up feature at the beginning of each chapter provides thought-provoking questions and material to lead students to ponder key concepts to come in that chapter.

New Insights and Integration feature at the end of each chapter connects the content from the Warm Up and the content learned in that chapter.

New Now Trending in feature highlight new research in neuroscience or related subfields of developmental research.

Updated coverage of development and technology.  Research on technology’s impact on child development is a hot area of research and the Eighth Edition covers key topics like the use of electronic devices by infants, cyberbullying, and social media and identity.


New Media Option!
Achieve Read & Practice

Achieve Read & Practice marries Macmillan Learning’s mobile-accessible eBook with the acclaimed LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. It is an easy-to-use yet exceptionally powerful teaching and learning option that streamlines the process of increasing student engagement and understanding. instructors can assign reading simply, students can complete assignments on any device, and the cost is significantly less than that of a printed book.

With Achieve Read & Practice:

  • Instructors can arrange and assign chapters and sections from the eBook in any sequence they prefer.
  • Assignments come with LearningCurve quizzes offering individualized question sets, feedback, and eBook references that adapt to correct and incorrect answers. If students struggle with a particular topic, they are encouraged to re-read the material and answer a few short additional questions.
  • The Read & Practice gradebook tracks student performance individually and for the whole class, helping instructors prepare for class and one-on-one discussions.
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