Cover: The Essential Guide to Group Communication, 3rd Edition by Dan O'Hair; Mary O. Wiemann; Andrea M. Davis

The Essential Guide to Group Communication

Third Edition  ©2018 Dan O'Hair; Mary O. Wiemann; Andrea M. Davis Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Dan O'Hair

    Dan O'Hair

    Dan O’Hair is professor of communication in the Department of Communication at the University of Kentucky. He is past presidential professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma and past president of the National Communication Association. He is coauthor or co-editor of 24 communication texts and scholarly volumes and has published more than ninety research articles and chapters in dozens of communication, psychology, and health journals and books. He is a frequent presenter at national and international communication conferences and is on the editorial boards of various journals.

  • Headshot of Mary O. Wiemann

    Mary O. Wiemann

    Mary Wiemann is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Communication at Santa Barbara City College.  A longtime educator of beginning college students, she contributes a strong teaching perspective to her books. Mary’s book chapters, journal articles, student manuals, instructor manuals, and online instructional materials all reflect her commitment to making effective communication real and accessible for students.  A recipient of awards for outstanding teaching, Mary is also a communication laboratory innovator and has directed classroom research projects in the community college setting. She is a frequent presenter at the National Communication Association convention, where she has held a number of offices in the Human Communication and Technology Division.

  • Headshot of Andrea M. Davis

    Andrea M. Davis

    Andrea M. Davis is an Associate Professor of Communication at Western New England University. Her research areas include health communication, pedagogy, and communication and space. She regularly teaches Small Group Communication, Research Methods, Health Communication & Gender and Communication

Table of Contents

1. Foundations of Communicating in Small Groups and Teams
What is Communication?
                      What is Group Communication?
                      What Are the Benefits of Effective Group Communication?
                      How Does Group Communication Differ from Other
                      Forms of Communication?
2. Participating in Small Group Communication
                      What Makes a Good Group Member?
                      What Makes a Good Group?
                      Techniques for Improving Communication in Groups
                      Special Group Types and Techniques
                      Evaluating Competence in Group Communication
3. Leadership and Decision Making in Groups and Teams
                      The Role of Leadership in Group Communication
                      Factors Influencing Decision Making in Groups and Teams
                      The Process of Decision Making in Groups and Teams
                      Evaluating the Decision-Making Competence of Groups and Teams
4. Communication in Organizations
                     The Need for Effective Communication in Organizations
                     How Does Organizational Communication Differ from
                     Other Types of Communication?
                     Developing Effective Skills in Organizational Communication

Product Updates

• Updated cultural coverage throughout.
• New exercises on cultural perspective.
• New examples that students can relate to and learn from.
• Expanded section on clarifying group values and goals.
• New chapter on communicating in organizations.



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