Cover: The German Reformation and the Peasants' War, 1st Edition by Michael G. Baylor

The German Reformation and the Peasants' War

First Edition  ©2012 Michael G. Baylor Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Michael G. Baylor

    Michael G. Baylor

    Michael G. Baylor (Ph.D. Stanford University) is professor of history at Lehigh University, where he specializes in the history of early modern Europe and the social and cultural history of Germany at the time of the Reformation. His works include Revelations and Revolution: Basic Writings of Thomas Müntzer, The Radical Reformation, and Action and Person: Conscience in Late Scholasticism and the Young Luther, as well as a chapter on political thought during the Reformation for the Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy and numerous articles on the Reformation in Germany.

Table of Contents

List of Maps and Illustrations 
     Popular Discontent and the Need for Reform
     The Reformation Break
     The Gospel and Social Unrest
     The Reformation in City and Countryside
     The Onset and Spread of the Peasants War, 1524-1526
     The Aims of the Insurrection
     The Peasants’ Military and Political Organization
     Luther, the Peasants Defeat, and the Aftermath of the Rebellion
1. Unrest Before the Reformation
     1. The Articles of the Bundschuh in the Bishopric of Speyer, 1502      
     2. Title Page of Pamphilius Gegenbach’s The Bundschuh, 1514                 
     3. The “Poor Conrad” movement in Württemberg, 1514    
2. The Reformation: Freedom, Authority, and Resistance       
     4. Martin Luther, Ninety-five Theses, October31, 1517
     5. Pope Leo X, Arise, Oh Lord (Exsurge domini), June, 1520       
     6. Martin Luther, To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, 1520   
     7. Greasing the Bundschuh, 1522        
     8. Martin Luther, A Sincere Admonition to Guard against Rebellion, 1523
     9. Peasants Torturing an Indulgence Preacher, 1525
     10. Huldrych Zwingli, The Sixty-Seven Articles, 1523
     11. Martin Luther, The Rights of a Christian Congregation, 1523
     12. Thomas Müntzer, Sermon to the Princes, 1524
3.  Religion and Politics in the Peasants’ War       
     13. Articles of the Peasants of Stühlingen, early April 1525
     14. Sebastian Lotzer and Christoph Schappeler, The Twelve Articles of the Upper Swabian Peasants, March 1525             
     15. Thomas Müntzer [?] and Balthasar Hubmaier, The Constitutional Draft, 1525 
     16. Title Page of The Memmingen Federal Ordinance, March 7,1525    
     17. The Memmingen Federal Ordinance, March 7,1525        
     18. The Document of Articles, May 8, 1525          
     19. The Field Ordinances of the Franconian Peasantry, April 24-27, 1525      
     20. Thomas Müntzer, Letter to the League at Allstedt, April 26 or 27, 1525        
     21. Michael Gaismair, Territorial Constitution for the Tirol, February or March 1526      
4.  The Debate on the Reformation and the Peasants’ War     
     22. Martin Luther, Admonition to Peace.  A Reply to the Twelve Articles, April 1525
     23. Title Page of To the Assembly of the Common Peasantry, May 1525      
     24. Christoph Schappeler[?], To the Assembly of the Common Peasantry, May 1525     
     25. Title Page of Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of the Peasants, May 1525        
    26. Martin Luther, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of the Peasants, May 1525           
     27. Hermann Mühlpfort, Mayor of Zwickau, Letter to Stephan Roth at Wittenberg, June 4, 1525
     28. Martin Luther, An Open Letter on the Harsh Book Against the Peasants, June or July 1525          
     29. Albrecht Dürer, Design for a Monument to the Victory over the Peasants        
     A Chronology of the Early Reformation and the Peasants’ War (1502-1526) 
     Questions for Consideration             
     Selected Bibliography          

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