Cover: The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, 1945-46, 2nd Edition by Michael R. Marrus

The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, 1945-46

Second Edition  ©2018 Michael R. Marrus Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Michael R. Marrus

    Michael R. Marrus

    Michael R. Marrus teaches the evolution of International Humanitarian Law at the University of Toronto, and is a member of the Order of Canada and a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. An internationally renowned Holocaust scholar, Marrus is the author of eight books, the most recent of which is The Lessons of the Holocaust. His other works include the award-winning Vichy France and the Jews, written with Robert O. Paxton and The Holocaust in History. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a visiting professor at UCLA and Cape Town University, and a visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University and St. Antony’s College, Oxford. He is a Senior Fellow of Massey College.

Table of Contents




1. Historical Precedents

1. Commission of Responsibilities, Majority Report, March 29, 1919

2. United States Representatives on the Commission of Responsibilities, Memorandum of Reservations to the Majority Report, April 4, 1919

3. The Treaty of Versailles, 1919

4. Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928
5. Henry L. Stimson, Speech before the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, August 8, 1932

2. Background

6. Winston S. Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin, Moscow Declaration, November 1, 1943

7. Winston S. Churchill, An Exchange with Roosevelt and Stalin at Teheran, November 29, 1943

8. Henry Morgenthau Jr., Memorandum for President Roosevelt (The Morgenthau Plan), September 5, 194

9. Henry L. Stimson, Memorandum Opposing the Morgenthau Plan, September 9, 1944

10. Cordell Hull, Henry L. Stimson, and James Forrestal, Draft Memorandum for the President, November 11, 1944

11. Henry L. Stimson, Edward R. Stettinius Jr., and Francis Biddle, Memorandum for the President, January 22, 1945

12. American Draft of Definitive Proposal, Presented to Foreign Ministers at San Francisco, April 1945

13. Memorandum of Conversation of Edward R. Stettinius Jr. and Samuel Rosenman with Vyacheslav Molotov and Anthony Eden, in San Francisco, May 3, 1945


14. Robert H. Jackson, Report to the President, June 6, 1945

15. Minutes of the London Conference for the Preparation of the Trial, July 23, 1945

16. Sidney Alderman, On Negotiating with the Russians, 1951

17. Charter of the International Military Tribunal, August 8, 1945

18. Jacob Robinson to Robert Jackson, July 27, 1945

19. International Military Tribunal, Indictment, October 6, 1945

4. The Court

20. Thomas J. Dodd to Mary Grace Murphy Dodd, June 1, 1946

21. Francis Biddle, Description of the Court

22. Robert H. Jackson, Opening Address for the United States, November 21, 1945

23. Hartley Shawcross, Opening Address for the United Kingdom, December 4, 1945

24. François de Menthon, Opening Address, January 17, 1946

25. Roman A. Rudenko, Opening Address, February 8, 1946

26. G. N. Alexandrov, Cross-Examination of Fritz Sauckel, May 31, 1946

27. Francis Biddle, A Rebuke for the Soviet Prosecutors

28. Hermann Göring, Testimony on the Nazi Party, March 14, 1946

29. Robert H. Jackson, Cross-Examination of Hermann Göring, March 18, 1946

30. Robert H. Jackson, Appeal to the Bench, March 19, 1946

31. Motion Adopted by All Defense Counsel, November 19, 1945

5. Crimes against Peace

32. Sidney Alderman, Address to the Tribunal, November 23, 1945

33. Hartley Shawcross, On Aggressive War and the Evolution of the Law of Nations, December 4, 1945

34. Hermann Göring, Testimony Denying a Nazi Conspiracy to Wage War, March 14, 1946

35. Hermann Göring, Testimony on the Hossbach Memorandum, March 14, 1946

36. Alfred Seidl, Questioning of Joachim von Ribbentrop on the Nazi-Soviet Pact, April 1, 1946

37. Alfred Seidl, Questioning of Ernst von Weizsäcker on the Secret Protocol, May 31, 1946

38. Erich Raeder, Testimony on the German Attack on Norway, May 17, 1946

39. Hartley Shawcross, Evidence on the German Attack on the Soviet Union, December 4, 1945

40. Wilhelm Keitel, Testimony on Hitler’s Plan to Attack the Soviet Union, April 4, 1946

41. Alfred Jodl, Testimony on Soviet Preparations to Attack Germany, June 5, 1946

6. War Crimes

42. François de Menthon, The Concept of War Crimes, January 17, 1946

43. Charles Dubost, The German Use of Civilian Hostages, January 24, 1946

44. Marie Claude Vaillant-Couturier, Testimony on the Gassing at Auschwitz, January 28, 1946

45. Hanns Marx, Cross-Examination of Marie Claude Vaillant-Couturier, January 28, 1946

46. Roman A. Rudenko, The German Destruction of the Soviet Union, February 8, 1946

47. Roman A. Rudenko, The Mistreatment and Murder of Soviet Prisoners of War, February 8, 1946

48. Telford Taylor, Questioning of Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, January 7, 1946

49. Yuri Pokrovsky, Examination of Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, January 7, 1946

50. Robert H. Jackson, Cross-Examination of Albert Speer, June 21, 1946

51. Karl Dönitz, Testimony about His Relationship with Hitler, May 9, 1946

52. Wilhelm Keitel, Testimony on War Crimes, April 6 and 7, 1946

53. Hermann Göring, Testimony on the Applicability of the Hague Convention of 1907, March 15, 1946

54. Robert H. Jackson, On the Guilt of the Leader and His Followers, July 26, 1946

7. Crimes against Humanity

55. François de Menthon, On Crimes against the Human Status, January 17, 1946

56. William F. Walsh, On the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, December 14, 1945

57. Abram Suzkever, Persecution of the Jews of Vilna, February 27, 1946

58. Rudolf Höss, Testimony on Auschwitz, April 15, 1946

59. Hermann Göring, Testimony on Nazi Policy toward the Jews, March 14, 1946

60. Telford Taylor, Memorandum on a Separate Trial for the Murder of European Jewry, February 6, 1947

61. Alfred Thoma, Defense of Alfred Rosenberg on the Persecution of Jews, July 10, 1946

62. Walther Funk, Statement of Remorse, May 6, 1946

63. Franz von Papen, Explanation for Remaining at His Post, June 19, 1946

8. Last Words

64. Hermann Göring, Final Statement, August 31, 1946

65. Rudolf Hess, Final Statement, August 31, 1944
66. Albert Speer, Final Statement, August 31, 1946
67. Judgment: "The Law of the Charter,’ September 30–October 1, 1946

68. Judgment: "The Law as to the Common Plan or Conspiracy," September 30–October 1, 1946
69. Judgment: "The Persecution of the Jews," September 30–October 1, 1946
70. Judgment: "The Accused Organizations," September 30–October 1, 1946

9. Assessment

71. Henry L. Stimson, ‘Nuremberg: Landmark in Law," January 1947

72. Francis Biddle, Andrei Vyshinsky’s Visit to Nuremberg, 1962

73. Otto Kranzbühler, Challenge to the Nuremberg Procedures, 1964

74. Henry L. Stimson, Assessment of the Judgment, January 1947


Chronology of Events Related to the Nuremberg Trial (1919 – 1946)

The Defendants and Their Fate

Charges, Verdicts, and Sentences

Questions for Consideration

Selected Bibliography


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