Cover: The Pocket Guide to College Success, 3rd Edition by Jamie Shushan

The Pocket Guide to College Success

Third Edition  ©2020 Jamie Shushan Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Jamie Shushan

    Jamie Shushan

    Jamie H. Shushan is Associate Director of the Crimson Summer Academy (CSA) at Harvard University where she works to increase access to higher education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and helps them succeed once they arrive on campus. In her work at CSA and beyond, she teaches numerous classes focused on college success, engages students in career exploration fieldwork, and serves as an advisor and advocate for students at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

    Jamie earned her Master's degree in Higher Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2006, where she served as an academic and residential advisor for first-year students and worked at the Office of Career Services, participating in counseling, student outreach, and program development. Before joining the Crimson Summer Academy, she worked with the Associate Vice President for Higher Education in the Office of the President, assisting with a number of presidential initiatives and priorities including the creation of the CSA.

Table of Contents

Part I: Transitioning to College
Getting Started Guides

Your First Week in College
Your First Month in College
Your First Term in College
1. Beginning Your College Journey
Why Go to College?

More Opportunity
Academic, Social, and Personal Growth
Navigating a New College Culture
Meeting Expectations
Visual Walkthrough: Academic Expectations
Finding Your Place in College
2. Finding Support on Campus
Begin Creating a College Network
Mentors Are Invaluable Resources
Make Connections with Peers
Campus Staff Want to Connect
Visual Walkthrough: Find Campus Resources Online
Instructors Are Part of Your Network, Too

Make the Most of Office Hours
Share Your Academic Struggles
Ask Questions and Get Help Often
Anxiety Is Understandable
Seeking Assistance Is Key
3. Motivation and Goal Setting
Motivation Matters

Types of Motivation
What Motivates You Academically?
Mindset, Resilience, and Grit Matter, Too
Understanding Your Mindset
Resilience, Grit, and Achievement
Set SMART Goals
How to Create SMART Goals
Make Your Goals SMART-ER
Visual Walkthrough: Creating SMART Goals
4. Using Time Wisely
Time Is of the Essence

Use a Planner
Choose Your Planner Wisely
Battling Procrastination
Why Do You Procrastinate, and What Can You Do?
Use a To-Do List
Visual Walkthrough: Incorporate To-Do Lists into Your Planner
Finding a Balance
Always Start with Academics
Your Schedule Will Lead the Way
All Work and No Play Isn’t a Good Solution
Be Flexible
Part II: Study Skills
5. Learning Preferences and Studying
What Is VARK?
Understanding the VARK
I Know My VARK Score: Now What?
Visual Walkthrough: Use Your VARK Learning Preference during Study Sessions
What Is Myers-Briggs?
Personality Type Can Influence College Choices
Study with Your Learning Preferences in Mind
Create a Study Plan
Make Connections with Study Notes
Study with Others
Take Practice Tests
6. Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking in College
Five Steps for Critical Thinking
Try Not to Inhibit Critical Thinking
Where to Use Your Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking While Problem Solving
Critical Thinking When Making Decisions
Visual Walkthrough: Be a Thoughtful Decision Maker
Critical Thinking and Creativity
7. Note Taking
Take Thoughtful Notes

Set the Scene
View Lectures as Conversations
Note-Taking Styles
Instructor Notes
Your Personal Style of Note Taking
Visual Walkthrough: Using the Table Format, Using the Outline and Cornell Formats, Adding Visuals
Review Your Notes Early and Often
8. Reading Effectively
Set Yourself Up for Success
Location Matters
Break Down Readings
Remember Time Management
Read Effectively
Engage with Your Reading
Take Notes
Visual Walkthrough: Take Critical Thinking Notes while You Read
Engage in Conversations

Get Support from Classmates
Meet with Instructors
9. Test Taking
Before the Test

The Night before
The Morning of the Test
Right before the Test
During and after the Test
Look Over the Exam
Visual Walkthrough: Taking the test
Keep Track of Time
Focus on You (Not on Your Classmates!)
Don’t Let Your Eyes Wander— Ever
Getting the Test Back
Managing Test Anxiety
Practice, Practice, Practice
Reduce Your Stress
If You Blank
When to Get Help
10. Writing and Information Literacy
General Writing Advice

Understand the Assignment
Write Rough Drafts and Obtain Feedback
Apply Critical Thinking
Step 1: Ask Questions
Step 2: Evaluate Your Reactions
Step 3: Write with a “Critical Lens”
Step 4: Make Connections
Step 5: Bring Your Experiences into the Assignment
Getting Started: The Writing Process
Before You Start Writing
While You’re Writing
Avoiding Plagiarism
Citing Your Sources
Use an Accepted Citation Style
Researching and Communicating in a Digital Age
Navigating the World of Research Technology
Using Electronic Resources at the Library
Communicating Effectively
Visual Walkthrough: Send Professional E-mails
11. Academic Planning and Choosing Your Degree
Make Your Academic Plan Personal
Explore Your Interests and Goals
Acknowledge Your Skills and Values
Reflect on Your Academic Background and Experiences
Choose a Program of Study That Is Right for You
Balance Your Goals and Interests
Be Aware of Degree Requirements and Timing Constraints
Consider Your Career Goals
Select Your Courses
Combine Your Interests with Requirements
Map Out Your Academic Plan
Visual Walkthrough: Balance Your Course Load
Get Help from an Academic Advisor or Mentor
Be Smart about Class Exploration
12. Managing Your Money
Create and Manage a Budget
Visual Walkthrough: Budgeting
Understand Your Financial Aid Package

Types of Aid
Applying for Aid
Use Credit Cards Wisely
Choosing a Credit Card
Control Your Spending
Know When to Put the Card Away
Get Help
Your Credit History
13. Experiencing Difference
Acknowledge Differences

Keep an Open Mind
Challenge Stereotypes
Understand and Respect Difference
Create Meaningful Connections
Find a Community
Look for Campus Resources
Visual Walkthrough: Learn about Your College’s Diversity Resources
Learn from Differences

Authentic Communication
Mutual Respect
14. Staying Healthy and Reducing Stress
Manage Your Stress and Anxiety
Eat, Sleep, and Exercise
Visual Walkthrough: Making Balanced Food Choices
Build a Community
Stay Connected
Study Strategies to Combat Stress
Stay Organized Using Time Management
Try New Strategies When Studying, Reading, and Writing
Be Safe Socially
Substance Abuse
Protecting Yourself against Sexual Assault
Consider Your Safety Online
15. Starting Your Career Journey
Dig into Your Interests
Narrow Down Your Career Choices
Connect Your Academic Plan to Your Career
Get Experience
Exploring Your Options
Connecting with Others
Visual Walkthrough: Résumé Writing, Cover Letter
Don’t Hesitate to Get Help
Dealing with the Unexpected
It’s Your Life
Notice What Matters to You
Appendix A: Living on Campus
Appendix B: Living off Campus

Product Updates

Increased emphasis on the application of what students are learning helps them take positive steps toward college success while feeling encouraged to reflect and act on their own personal experiences.

InfoAction!, a new activity-based feature in each chapter uses engaging statistics in a two-part activity that encourages students to reflect on and apply what they’re learning. Data is displayed using eye-catching infographics that help make it easy to understand.

Newly-updated chapter openers cross-reference specific digital assets in LaunchPad Solo for College Success, connecting students to relevant video case studies and other online activities right from the start.




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