Cover: The Social Animal, 12th Edition by Elliot Aronson; Joshua Aronson

The Social Animal

Twelfth Edition  ©2018 Elliot Aronson; Joshua Aronson Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Elliot Aronson

    Elliot Aronson

    Elliot Aronson is one of the most eminent and versatile psychologists of our time.  He is the only person in the 120 year history of the American Psychological Association to have won all three of its major awards: Distinguished Researcher (1999), Distinguished Teaching (1980), and Distinguished Writing (1975).  In addition, among his many honors are the Gordon Allport Prize for his contributions to the betterment of intergroup relations, and the Donald Campbell Award for distinguished research in social psychology. 

    In 1981, he was named Professor of the Year by the American Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.  Inducted in 1992, he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.  In 2007, he was named a William James Fellow in commemoration of a lifetime of creative contributions to scientific psychology.

  • Headshot of Joshua Aronson

    Joshua Aronson

    Joshua Aronson is associate professor of developmental, social, and educational psychology, at New York University. He has won awards for both research and teaching, including most recently, the Scientific Impact Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology. He is best known for his pioneering research on stereotype threat, research that has been cited in three Supreme Court cases and has been among the most widely cited research programs in psychology and education. He is also known as a pioneer in work on "growth Mindset," which also has had wide influence in education. Aronson has authored numerous scholarly articles on this work and is the Editor of Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education (Academic Press). His current work is devoted to enhancing the school experiences of disadvantaged students and their teachers, improving, teaching, learning and well being using insights from social psychology alongside innovations such was mindfulness meditation. He directs a laboratory at the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools. Education Week lists him among the most influential education scholars in America.  

Table of Contents

Intro: Why I Wrote This Book
1. What Is Social Psychology?
2. Social Cognition and Emotion
3. Conformity
4. Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion
5. Self-Justification
6. Aggression
7. Prejudice
8. Liking, Loving, and Interpersonal Sensitivity
9. Social Psychology as a Science

Product Updates

All chapters are updated with recent research in social neuroscience, applied social psychology, developmental psychology and educational psychology.

Increased focus on replicated and reproducible results: Recent studies that inform our understanding of contemporary events have replaced dated ones—for example

  • How decision making has been influenced for better and worse by the internet
  • How the rise of information bubbles and self-confirming media sources shape our nation’s polarized beliefs and behavior
  • The emotional downside of the constant social comparisons generated on Facebook
  • The rise of terrorist groups such as ISIS

Revised and expanded discussions of relationships, aggression, prejudice, conformity, social cognition, and persuasion.

Thoroughly updated coverage of Social Cognition (now Chapter 2) and Prejudice (Chapter 7).

Completely revised chapter on Aggression (Ch 6) includes updated research on media violence, rejection, new section on sexual assault, and new content on reducing violence and fostering mindfulness and altruism.

New coverage of attachment theory and how secure or insecure attachments affect adult relationships and a new conclusion to chapter 8 on relationships today.



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