Cover: Thermal Physics, 2nd Edition by Charles Kittel; University of California; Herbert Kroemer; University of California

Thermal Physics

Second Edition  ©1980 Charles Kittel; University of California; Herbert Kroemer; University of California Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Charles Kittel

    Charles Kittel

  • Headshot of Herbert Kroemer

    Herbert Kroemer

Table of Contents

1. States of a Model System
2. Entropy and Temperature
3. Boltzmann Distribution and Helmholtz Free Energy
4. Thermal Radiation and Planck Distribution
5. Chemical Potential and Gibbs Distribution
6. Ideal Gas
7. Fermi and Bose Gases
8. Heat and Work
9. Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical Reactions
10. Phase Transformations
11. Binary Mixtures
12. Cryogenics
13.  Semiconductor Statistics
14. Kinetic Theory
15.  Propagation

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