Cover: Twelfth Night, 1st Edition by William Shakespeare; Edited by Bruce R. Smith

Twelfth Night

First Edition  ©2001 William Shakespeare; Edited by Bruce R. Smith Formats: Print


  • Headshot of William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English dramatist and poet. He is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

  • Headshot of J.M. Lothian

    J.M. Lothian

Table of Contents

  About the Series
  About This Volume
  List of Illustrations
  Cultural Contexts
  1. Romance
       Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, From Le Prince dAmour, or The Prince of Love
       George Sandys, From A Relation of a Journey Begun Anno Domini 1610
       Roger Ascham, From The Schoolmaster
       Barnaby Rich, From Barnaby Rich His Farewell to the Military Profession
       From The Book of Common Prayer
       Henry Bourne, From Antiquitates Vulgares, or the Antiquities of the Common People
  2. Music
       Musical Resources
       Aristotle (Attributed), From The Problems of Aristotle, with Other Philosophers and Physicians
       Anthony Gibson, From A Womans Worth Defended Against All the Men in the World
       Mind and Bodies
       Ovid, from Ovids Metamorphosis Englished, Mythologized, and Represented in Figures
       Plutarch, From Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Compared Together
       John Case (Attributed), From The Praise of Music
       Thomas Wright, From The Passions of the Mind in General
  3. Sexuality
       Will and Passion
       William Shakespeare, from Shake-spears Sonnets, Never Before Imprinted
       Heart, Soul, and Genitalia
       Thomas Wright, From The Passions of the Mind in General
       Helkiah Crooke, From Microcosmographia: A Description of the Body of Man
       Ovid, From The Heroical Epistles of Publius Ovidius Naso in English Verse
       John Donne, Sappho to Philaenis
       John Lyly, From Gallathea
       From The Whole Volume of Statutes at Large and Sir Edward Coke, From The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England
       Michel de Montaigne, From Essays
       Francis Beaumont, from Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
  4. Clothing and Disguise
       From Of Excess of Apparel
       Edward Alleyn and Philip Henslowe, An Inventory of Costumes
    Social Rank
       A Proclamation Enforcing Statutes and Proclamations of Apparel,
       Robert Greene, from A Quip for an Upstart Courtier
       I. T. (or J. T.), from The Haven of Pleasure Containing a Direction How to Live Well
       Sir Philip Sidney, from Arcadia
       From Hic Mulier, or The Man-Woman and From Haec-Vir, or The Womanish Man
       Eight Accounts of Boy Actors
  5. Household Economies
       Stephano Guazzo, From Civil Conversation
       William Vaughan, From The Golden Grove Moralized in Three Books
       Traditional Hospitality
       Ben Jonson, To Penshurst
       From Grievous Groans for the Poor
       Donald Lupton, From London and the Country Cardonadoed and Quartered into Several Characters
       Puritan Ideals
       I. T. (or J. T.), From The Haven of Pleasure, Containing a Free Mans Felicity and a True Direction How to Live Well
       William Perkins, From Christian Economy
       Alternative Households
       William Prynne, from Histrio-Mastix, The Players Scourge or Actors Tragedy
       Augustine Phillips, Last Will and Testament
  6. Puritan Probity
       Sir Thomas Overbury, From A Wife . . . Whereunto Are Added Many Witty Characters
       William Bradshaw, from English Puritanism
       Richard Bancroft, from A Survey of the Pretended Holy Discipline
       Robert Cleaver and John Dod, From A Godly Form of Household Government
       The Politics of Mirth
       Phillip Stubbes, from The Anatomy of Abuses in Ailgna
       James I and Charles I. The Kings Majestys Declaration to His Subjects Concerning Lawful Sports to be Used
  7. Clowning and Laughter
       Quintilian, from Institutio Oratoria
       Robert Armins Career
       Robert Armin, From Fool upon Fool, or Six Sorts of Sots
       Robert Armin, From Quips upon Questions, or A Clowns Conceit on Occasion Offered
       Theories of Laughter
       Plato, from Philebus
       Plato, from Republic
       Aristotle, from Nicomachean Ethics
       Giovanni della Casa, From Galateo . . . or rather A Treatise of the Manners and Behaviors It Behooveth a Man to Use and Eschew
       Quintilian, from Institutio Oratoria
       Laurent Joubert, From Treatise on Laughter
       Sir Philip Sidney, From A Defense of Poesy

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