Cover: Working With Words, 11th Edition by Brian S. Brooks; James L. Pinson; Jean Gaddy Wilson; Jennifer L. Rowe

Working With Words

Eleventh Edition  ©2025 Brian S. Brooks; James L. Pinson; Jean Gaddy Wilson; Jennifer L. Rowe Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Brian S. Brooks

    Brian S. Brooks

    Brian S. Brooks is associate dean for undergraduate studies and administration at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. In addition to coauthoring News Reporting and Writing for Bedford/St. Martin’s, he is coauthor of Telling the Story, Third Edition (2007), Working with Words, Sixth Edition (2006), and The Art of Editing (2009).

  • Headshot of James L. Pinson

    James L. Pinson

    James L. Pinson has taught journalism for about twenty-five years at the Missouri School of Journalism and at Eastern Michigan University,and has addressed various press groups on the subjects of grammar and other editing skills. He has also worked for newspapers in Colorado, Missouri, and Michigan, and has a doctorate in journalism and a masters in creative writing.

  • Headshot of Jean Gaddy Wilson

    Jean Gaddy Wilson

    Jean Gaddy Wilson leads executives worldwide in creating successful strategies for the future. While on the Missouri School of Journalism faculty, she founded three national journalism organizations: New Directions for News, Journalism and Womens Symposium, and the National Women and Media Collection. She was a founding member of the Council of Presidents, an organization of the leading editorial organizations in newspapers, and of the International Womens Media Foundation. She has served as a Pulitzer Prize Nominating Juror for Journalism and currently serves as a consultant to international organizations.

  • Headshot of Jennifer Rowe

    Jennifer Rowe

Table of Contents


Useful Lists at a Glance

Part One: Writing for the Media

1 Understanding Journalism and the News

2 The Basics of Writing for Journalism

3 Writing News That’s Fit for Print

4 Writing News for Radio and Television

5 Writing News for Digital Media

6 Writing News for Strategic Communication

7 Sexism, Racism and Other Isms

Part Two: Grammar and Usage

8 Choosing Your Words

9 Grammar Basics

10 Phrases, Clauses and Sentences

11 Subjects and Objects

12 Verbs

13 Making the Parts Agree

14 Modifiers and Connecting Words

15 Word Order and Punctuation

Part Three: Reference Lists

One Word, Two Words or Hyphenated?



Trademarks and Generics


Appendix: Associated Press Print and Online Style Summary

Online Resources


Copy-Editing Marks

Overcome These 20 Common Errors

Product Updates

Working With Words reflects the complexities of the media landscape and our changing world with new coverage that explores how artificial intelligence is affecting journalism.

The fully revised Chapter 7 addresses ongoing discussions about language in the 2020s and provides the latest guidance on matters of appropriate, sensitive and fair language in our increasingly connected world. A new section offers specific advice on how to access trusted sources for legitimate facts and information.

Grammar and style coverage has been carefully revised to provide the most concise, complete and up-to-date source of journalism advice on these topics.

A fully revised online exercise book gives students the opportunity to practice the writing and editing skills covered in the main text, including implementing grammar and mechanics guidelines, practicing proper copy-editing symbols, and rewriting sentences for clarity and conciseness. The workbook is available on the Macmillan catalog.



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