Cover: Working with Sources, 2nd Edition by Diana Hacker; Nancy Sommers

Working with Sources

Second Edition  ©2021 Diana Hacker; Nancy Sommers Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Diana Hacker

    Diana Hacker

    Diana Hacker personally class-tested her handbooks with nearly four thousand students over thirty-five years at Prince George's Community College in Maryland, where she was a member of the English faculty. Hacker handbooks, built on innovation and on a keen understanding of the challenges facing student writers, are the most widely adopted in America. Hacker handbooks, all published by Bedford/St. Martin's, include A Writer's Reference, Eleventh Edition (2025); A Pocket Style Manual, Tenth Edition (2025); The Bedford Handbook, Twelfth Edition (2023); Rules for Writers, Tenth Edition (2022); and Writer’s Help 2.0, Hacker Version.

  • Headshot of Nancy Sommers

    Nancy Sommers

    Nancy Sommers, who has taught composition and directed composition programs for thirty years, now teaches in Harvard's Graduate School of Education. She led Harvard's Expository Writing Program for twenty years, directing the first-year writing program and establishing Harvard's WAC program. A two-time Braddock Award winner, Sommers is well known for her research and publications on student writing. Her articles “Revision Strategies of Student and Experienced Writers” and “Responding to Student Writing” are two of the most widely read and anthologized articles in the field of composition. Recently she has been exploring different audiences through publishing in popular media. Sommers is the lead author on Hacker handbooks, all published by Bedford/St. Martin’s, and editor of Tiny Teaching Stories on Macmillan Learning's Bits Blog.

Table of Contents

Research questions
Thesis statements in MLA papers
Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers
Recognizing common knowledge in MLA papers
Integrating sources in MLA papers
MLA documentation: in-text citations
MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
MLA documentation: works cited
MLA documentation
Thesis statements in APA papers
Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers
Recognizing common knowledge in APA papers
Integrating sources in APA papers
APA documentation: in-text citations
APA documentation: identifying elements of sources
APA documentation: reference list
APA documentation
Chicago (CMS)
Thesis statements in Chicago (CMS) papers
Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago (CMS) papers
Recognizing common knowledge in Chicago (CMS) papers
Integrating sources in Chicago (CMS) papers
Chicago (CMS) documentation: identifying elements of sources
Chicago (CMS) documentation: notes
Chicago (CMS) documentation: bibliography
Chicago (CMS) documentation
Answers to Exercises

Product Updates

  • 55 exercise sets covering MLA, APA, and Chicago style research writing
  • Detailed answer key providing specific feedback for each exercise
  • Cross references to relevant handbook coverage
  • Revised exercises reflect 2020 APA style updates
  • ISBN:9781319327811


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