Cover: The Writer's Loop with 2020 APA Update, 1st Edition by Lauren Ingraham; Jeanne Bohannon

The Writer's Loop with 2020 APA Update

First Edition  ©2020 Lauren Ingraham; Jeanne Bohannon Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Lauren Ingraham

    Lauren Ingraham

    Lauren Ingraham is a Professor and Director of General Education at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Specializing in writing program administration and rhetoric and composition studies, Dr. Ingraham teaches both undergraduates and graduate students. Her current research focuses on ways to improve high school students’ readiness for college writing. She has been a consultant for the National Council of Teachers of English, and her most recent publication appears in The Framework of Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship, Theories, and Practice (edited by Nicholas Behm, Sherry Rankings Robertson, and Duane Roen, 2017).

  • Headshot of Jeanne Law Bohannon

    Jeanne Law Bohannon

    Jeanne Law Bohannon is an Associate Professor of English at Kennesaw State University. Her work with first-year writers focuses on creating digital and dialogic learning spaces, where students cultivate their writerly ethos through community engagement and public humanities. She is the Director of the #ATLStudentmovement Project and a Co-PI for the Learning Information Literacies Across the Curriculum (LILAC) initiative.

Table of Contents

1. Being an Academic Writer
2. Understanding Rhetoric
3. Understanding Writing as a Recursive Process
4. Improving Your Draft Using Feedback and Revision
5. Reading Actively and Critically to Create Meaning
6. Writing Academic Arguments
7. Writing for Public, Digital Spaces
8. Planning Your Research and Evaluating Sources
9. Managing, Annotating, and Summarizing Sources
10. Crafting a Thesis for a Substantial Writing Project
11. Integrating Ideas from Sources
12. Tightening Your Argument
13. Pulling It All Together in a Final Portfolio
Appendix: Understanding Academic Citation Styles

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