Cover: Writing and Community Engagement, 1st Edition by Thomas Deans; Barbara Roswell; Adrian J. Wurr

Writing and Community Engagement

First Edition  ©2010 Thomas Deans; Barbara Roswell; Adrian J. Wurr Formats: Print


  • Headshot of Thomas Deans

    Thomas Deans

    Thomas Deans teaches at the University Connecticut, where he also directs the writing center and the writing across the disciplines program. His teaching and research interests include composition theory, service-learning, rhetoric, writing across the curriculum, prose style, writing in workplace and civic settings, pragmatist philosophy, Shakespeare, and the relationship between literature and composition. He is the author of Writing Partnerships: Service-Learning in Composition and Writing and Community Action.

  • Headshot of Barbara Roswell

    Barbara Roswell

    Barbara Sherr Roswell teaches at Goucher College, where she has also directed the Writing Program, Writing Across the Curriculum, and the First Year Colloquium. The founding editor of Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning and Community Literacy, and coauthor of Reading, Writing, and Gender, her scholarship has appeared in Assessing Writing, Educational Assessment, Writing Center Journal, and the Community Arts Network. She has been instrumental in developing the Baltimore Read A Story--Write A Story after-school program and the college degree program at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.

  • Headshot of Adrian J. Wurr

    Adrian J. Wurr

    Adrian J. Wurr is an adjunct professor at Washington State University and The University of Idaho, where he teaches TESOL and literacy education courses. A Fulbright Scholar in spring of 2007, he has published numerous scholarly articles in the U.S. and abroad on literacy, assessment, service-learning, and TESOL. He coedited Learning the Language of Global Citizenship: Service-Learning in Applied Linguistics (Wiley, 2007) and serves on the editorial boards of The Reading Matrix and Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-learning, and Community Literacy.

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