Cover: Writing and Revising, 2nd Edition by Marcia F. Muth; X. J. Kennedy; Dorothy M. Kennedy

Writing and Revising

Second Edition  ©2015 Marcia F. Muth; X. J. Kennedy; Dorothy M. Kennedy Formats: E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Marcia F. Muth

    Marcia F. Muth

    Marcia F. Muth teaches, writes, and edits.  She has taught first-year writing at The Ohio State University and other introductory courses at St. Peters College (Englewood Cliffs).  Her many writing workshops have been sponsored by Fordham University, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and currently the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver.  She is the author or coauthor of many composition textbooks and ancillaries, including The Bedford Guide for College Writers, The Concise Bedford Guide for Writers, Writing and Revising: A Portable Guide, Researching and Writing: A Portable Guide, and The St. Martins Pocket Guide to Research and Documentation (all from Bedford/St. Martins).  Her projects as a writer and an editor have included Harold D. Lasswell: An Annotated Bibliography as well as many grant proposals, textbooks, ancillaries, reports, and other publications.  She continues to learn how to write clearly and effectively from her students, editors, reviewers, and writing colleagues.

  • Headshot of X. J. Kennedy

    X. J. Kennedy

    X. J. Kennedy is an acclaimed poet, children’s author, college teacher, and textbook author. He has taught freshman composition at the University of Michigan; the University of North Carolina, Greensboro; and Tufts University. More than 2 million students have used his introductory literature texts and The Bedford Reader, now in its fourteenth edition.

  • Headshot of Dorothy M. Kennedy

    Dorothy M. Kennedy

    Dorothy M. Kennedy was a writer and editor whose articles and reviews have appeared in both professional and academic journals. She taught composition at the University of Michigan and Ohio University and, with X. J. Kennedy, was the recipient of the NCTE Teachers Choice Award for Knock at a Star: A Childs Introduction to Poetry.

Table of Contents

Product Updates

New final chapter on crediting sources provides dozens of new examples showing how to cite and list sources in both the MLA and APA documentation styles and expands upon the coverage previously offered in Chapter 11 with more documentation models for multimodal sources.

Revised writing samples and visuals offer students fresh examples on composition techniques and strategies. New excerpts include writing from wide-ranging sources and writers, contemporary and classic.

Stronger reading-writing connections including a full-length professional writing sample—journalist Clive Thompson’s essay on "The New Literacy," a new section on Reading Online and Multimodal Texts, and a new student revision in response to a peer review.

Seventeen new examples of student writing processes, including an online threaded discussion with an instructor and five students, a formal outline for organizing a research paper on wetlands, a selection from a student interview essay, and a student’s accompanying critical response to Clive Thompson’s piece.

More advice on writing in the digital age, ranging from a new section on Reading Online and Multimodal Texts to generating ideas through e-journals and blogs to citing E-books.  

New editing advice in sections on Refining Your College Voice and Polishing Your College Style.

Easier Quick References Numbering of the Activities and flagged Quick Editing Guide makes these features easier to find and easier to assign during class or for outside writing.



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