Once students have completed Prelectures and Bridges, instructors can assign Problems as either Practice or post-lecture homework.
Next1) The supply curve slopes up and to the right because:
a) producers feel that people will buy more if they charge a higher price because they will think the product is more valuable.
b) producers feel that people will buy more if they charge a higher price to avoid the possibility of a shortage.
c) due to increasing opportunity costs, producers must charge more to produce more in order to cover their costs.
d) the opportunity cost of producing a product usually decreases as more is produced.
Each unit has between 30-50 Problems. All non-definitional problems feature video feedback provided by the authors themselves.
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FlipIt Problems appear in Mastery Clusters, where each cluster covers a single topic. Students do not receive credit for the cluster until they answer a question in the cluster correctly, making it easy for students to see which topics they are struggling with.
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