Critical Thinking in Psychology and Everyday Life
First Edition
Publication Date: December 15, 2017
Paperback ISBN: 9781319063146
Pages: 296
Critical thinking is more important today than ever before!
Critical Thinking in Psychology and Everyday Life shows how a scientific, critical thinking approach can be effective in addressing psychological questions, and discusses other questions that straddle the boundary between science and non-science. While scientific, critical thinking can...
1. Introduction to Critical Thinking in Psychology and Everyday Life
2. Deductive Reasoning, Prediction, and Making Assumptions
3. Inductive Reasoning in Psychology and Everyday Life
4. Critical Thinking and Scientific Reasoning
5. Pseudoscience, Science, and Evidence-Based Practice
6. Errors in Attention, Perception, and Memory That Affect Thinking
7. Can the Mind Leave the Body? The Mind–Brain Problem
8. Critical Thinking and the Internet
9. Emotion, Motivated Reasoning, and Critical Thinking
10. Critically Analyzing a Psychological Question: Are People Basically Selfish?
11. Judgment, Decision Making, and Types of Thinking
12. Superstition, Magic, Science, and Critical Thinking
13. Critical Thinking in Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis
14. Language, Writing, and Critical Thinking
2. Deductive Reasoning, Prediction, and Making Assumptions
3. Inductive Reasoning in Psychology and Everyday Life
4. Critical Thinking and Scientific Reasoning
5. Pseudoscience, Science, and Evidence-Based Practice
6. Errors in Attention, Perception, and Memory That Affect Thinking
7. Can the Mind Leave the Body? The Mind–Brain Problem
8. Critical Thinking and the Internet
9. Emotion, Motivated Reasoning, and Critical Thinking
10. Critically Analyzing a Psychological Question: Are People Basically Selfish?
11. Judgment, Decision Making, and Types of Thinking
12. Superstition, Magic, Science, and Critical Thinking
13. Critical Thinking in Clinical Reasoning and Diagnosis
14. Language, Writing, and Critical Thinking
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D. Alan Bensley | First Edition | ©2018 | ISBN:9781319137625
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