
Create meaningful connections with a student engagement system that works for you.

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Why Choose iClicker?

iClicker is more than a polling platform. It’s a tool for student engagement that helps you guide and assess learning.

Mobile & Clickers

Give your students options.

Use iClicker anywhere - on mobile, the web, or a physical iClicker remote. Perfect for face-to-face, remote, or hybrid classes.

Set Up In Minutes

Less time on setup. More time on teaching.

iClicker solutions can be set up in under five minutes and work with your existing content. You never have to author or import questions within iClicker. Just create a course and get started.

Polling & Quizzing

Flexible tools for an active classroom.

Create questions on the fly or prepare polls ahead of time. Facilitate active learning activities. Complete quizzes with mobile devices or clickers and grade in minutes.

Instant Study Guides

Help your students study.

Students leave class with every question you ask to be used as a study guide. You can also choose to provide students with the correct answers and control when students receive the study guide.

LMS Integrations

Upload grades in a flash.

iClicker’s simple LMS integrations allow you to upload grades with the push of a button. Our student single sign-on ensures that all student data syncs flawlessly—even when students enter their names or IDs incorrectly.

GPS Attendance

Reliably track student attendance.

Use GPS technology to ensure that students are attending class. No more attendance codes that can be easily shared via text.

iClicker Integration

iClicker works seamlessly with the programs you already use.

iClicker Cloud integrates with your LMS so you can streamline attendance, assignments, student polling results, and more. iClicker can also be integrated into other Macmillan Learning products for a full course solution.

Track Student Performance and Analytics

iClicker analytics are easy to understand.

iClicker Cloud instructor gradebook provides real-time reporting into how your students and class are performing. Easily spot trends and intervene to keep students on track for success.

Benefits & Features

  1. Classroom Engagement

    iClicker Groups simplifies the group learning process by managing, assigning students into groups, and guiding them towards consensus during activities. Create an engaging, interactive environment where students thrive through collaboration, exchanging ideas, and developing problem-solving skills. With iClicker Groups, every student’s voice is heard and valued, fostering a sense of connection and equal participation in their learning journey.

  2. Student Preparedness

    iClicker offers a diverse range of study tools and strategies for all learners to succeed. Get feedback on student confidence and classroom preparedness with iClicker’s Confidence Rating and Assignments features. Make sure students are attending class with auto-run Attendance tracking and let students test their knowledge with Study Tools’ auto-generated quizzes or flashcards.

  3. Analytics and Insights

    iClicker analytics are easy to understand and iClicker Cloud instructor gradebook provides real-time reporting into how your students and class are performing. Easily spot trends and intervene to keep students on track for success. Analytics that:

    • Illustrate student performance and class participation.
    • Provide an at-a-glance view of attendance data.
    • Easily identify engagement trends and concerning patterns.
    • Encourage students to reflect on their mastery of concepts and let you know where extra support may be needed with Confidence Rating.
    • Exit polls allow students to reflect and give feedback on that day’s class, giving you insight into students’ perceptions of their own understanding.
    • Anonymous Mode creates a safe environment for students to provide honest answers to questions asked.
  4. Easy Integration and Setup

    When it comes to LMS integration, iClicker gives you lots of options. iClicker can:

    • Integrate with the most popular learning management systems (Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, and Moodle).
    • Sync roster and grades.
    • Integrate with other Macmillan Learning products, like our courseware tool, Achieve.
    • Allow manual integration via .csv for those who want to manage gradebook on their own or with different systems.
    • Enable Single Sign On.
  5. Attendance Tracking

    Improve student outcomes by helping them get to class. In iClicker you can eliminate the manual task of taking attendance and schedule Attendance to auto-run throughout your class term. Taking regular attendance provides accountability to help build self-efficacy skills in students. Attendance reports and alerts identify students whose lack of attendance may affect their course performance so you can easily identify trends and intervene early.

Polling questions that help students make connections

  1. Screenshot of a sample iClicker short answer question with a field to type a free form response.

    Short answer

    Students can enter a freeform response (word cloud, essay, multiple choice A-Z, matching, ranking).

  2. Screenshot of a sample iClicker numeric question with the options to input numeric values and use scientific notation.


    Students can input numeric values (numeric questions, scientific notification).

  3. Screenshot of a sample iClicker target question with purple dots indicating where students had selected on the image to respond to the question.


    Students can tap on a specific area of an image to answer a question (anatomy, graphs and charts, emotion scale, select on a map.

  4. Screenshot of iClicker's exit poll. There is a one through five rating scale, followed by a question that reads 'Is there anything from today's class that you'd like explained further?'

    Exit poll

    Students share feedback at the end of class, giving immediate insight into students’ perceptions of their own understanding.

  5. Screenshot of a sample iClicker multiple choice question with five answer options labelled A through E.

    Multiple choice

    Students make a simple selection from a list of options (multiple choice A-E, Y/N, T/F, survey, ice breaker).

  6. Screenshot of a sample iClicker multi-answer question with two of the multiple choice answers selected.

    Multiple answer

    Students can select multiple answers to a question (multiple choice A-E, survey, ice breaker).

Graphic of iClicker cloud logo connecting to smaller graphics.

iClicker makes it easy to streamline your course

iClicker Cloud integrates with your LMS so you can streamline attendance, assignments, student polling results, and more. iClicker can also be integrated into other Macmillan Learning products for a full course solution.

Ready to get started?

Create a free instructor account and discover first-hand how iClicker supports student engagement. Or, schedule a quick call with an iClicker specialist to explore how it can address your course needs!

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