Ways of the World for the AP® World History Modern Course Since 1200 C.E.

A Global History with Sources

Fifth Edition

Publication Date: December 15, 2023

Hardcover ISBN: 9781319409302

Pages: 1024

When the Winds of Change Blow, Build a Windmill

What makes an AP® World History textbook different? For Strayer/Nelson, it’s the combination of two things: an historical narrative with themes of context, change, comparison, and connection, coupled with pedagogy that gives students both the content and analysis skills they need to succeed.

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Ways of the World for the AP® World History Modern Course Since 1200 C.E.


Ways of the World for the AP World History Modern Course 5e


PERIOD 1 Diversity and Interaction in the World of 1200–1450
The Big Picture 1200:
Jumping into the Stream of World History
Landmarks in World History
Understanding AP Themes in Period 1

CHAPTER 1 Before 1200: Patterns in World History
From the Paleolithic Era to the Age of Agriculture
Landmarks for Chapter 1

CONTROVERSIES Debating the Timescales of History
Civilizations and the Environment
Comparing Civilizations
THEN AND NOW Patriarchy

Civilizations and Cultural Traditions
South Asian Cultural Traditions: Hinduism
South Asian Cultural Traditions: Buddhism
Chinese Cultural Traditions: Confucianism
Chinese Cultural Traditions: Daoism
Middle Eastern Cultural Traditions: Judaism and Christianity
Middle Eastern Cultural Traditions: Islam
ZOOMING IN  Perpetua, Christian Martyr

Interactions and Encounters
Conclusions and Reflections: Religion and Historians
Chapter Review

AP®  Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP®  Big Picture Questions

AP®  SKILLS WORKSHOP Developments and Processes
AP®  LOOKING AGAIN Islamic Practice in West Africa through the Eyes of a Foreign Traveler
AP®  WORKING WITH EVIDENCE The “Good Life” in Asian Cultural Traditions

Document 1 Reflections from Confucius
Document 2 A Daoist Perspective on the Good Life
Document 3 Reflections from the Hindu Scriptures
Document 4 Filial Piety Illustrated
Document 5 Reflections from Jesus
Document 6 Toward “Mature Manhood”

AP®  Historians’ Voices The Historical Jesus
Voice 1.1 Reza Aslan on Jesus as Zealot, 2013
Voice 1.2 Marcus Borg on Jesus as Spirit Person, 1995
Chapter 1 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 2 States and Civilizations: A Global Tapestry 1200–1450
Landmarks for Chapter 2
The Worlds of East Asia: China and Its Neighbors

China before the Mongol Takeover
Korea and Japan: Creating New Civilizations

The Worlds of Southeast Asia
Vietnam: Living in the Shadow of China
Maritime Southeast Asia: Commerce, Religion, and State Building

The Worlds of Islam: Fragmented and Expanding
The Islamic Heartland
On the Peripheries of the Islamic World: India and Spain
ZOOMING IN 1453 in Constantinople

Emerging Civilizations in Africa
The Making of an East African Civilization
The Making of a West African Civilization

The Worlds of Christendom
The Eastern Orthodox World: A Declining Byzantium and an Emerging Rus
The Roman Catholic World: A Fragmented Political Landscape
Society, Economy, and Culture in the West

Civilizations of the Americas
The Emergence of the Aztecs in Mesoamerica
The Emergence of the Incas in the Andes

Conclusions and Reflections: “Civilization”: What’s in a Word?
Chapter Review

AP®  Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP®  Big Picture Questions

AP®  Skills Workshop: Claims
AP®  Looking Again: Japanese Samurai Culture

AP®  Working with Evidence: Social Patterns in Tang and Song China
Document 1 Family and Society
Document 2 On War, Soldiers, and Society
Document 3 Becoming a Scholar-Official
Document 4 Life in the Fields
Document 5 Scholar-Officials and the Emperor
Document 6 City Life in Art

AP®  Historians’ Voices: Economy and Society in Golden Age China
Voice 2.1 Morris Rossabi on the Place of Merchants in Chinese Society, 2014
Voice 2.2 Valerie Hansen on the Social Implications of the Commercializing Economy, 2020

Chapter 2 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 3 Connections and Interactions: Networks of Exchange 1200–1450
Landmarks for Chapter 3

Connections across Eurasia: The Silk Roads
The Making of the Silk Roads
Religion and the Silk Roads

Connections across Eurasia: The Mongol Network
The Making of the Mongol Empire
Encountering the Mongols: Russia, China, and Persia
The Mongol Empire as a Eurasian Network
The Plague: An Afro-Eurasian Pandemic

Connections across the Indian Ocean: The Sea Roads
The Making of the Sea Roads
The Sea Roads as a Catalyst for Change
Chinese Maritime Voyages in the Indian Ocean World

Connections across the Sahara: The Sand Roads
The Making of the Sand Roads
Islam in West Africa
ZOOMING IN Mansa Musa, West African Monarch and Muslim Pilgrim

Connections across the Islamic World
Patterns of Exchange in the Islamic World
Encounter: The Islamic World and Christendom
Connections across the Americas
Conclusions and Reflections: Economic Globalization — Ancient and Modern

Chapter Review
AP®  Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP®  Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Evidence

AP® Looking Again: Chinese Cultural Traditions: The Relationship between Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism

AP® Working with Evidence: Travelers’ Tales and Observations
Document 1 A European Christian in China
Document 2 A Korean World Map
Document 3 A European Artist Depicts Asia
Document 4 A Chinese Maritime Explorer in India
Document 5 A Moroccan Diplomat in West Africa

AP® Historians’ Voices: On Travel Writers
Voice 3.1 John Larner on Whether Polo Really Traveled to China, 1999
Voice 3.2 Natalie Zemon Davis on Leo Africanus’s Audiences, 2006

Chapter 3 AP® Exam Practice


PERIOD 2 The Early Modern World, 1450–1750
The Big Picture
Toward Modernity . . . or Not?
Landmarks in World History
Understanding AP® Themes in Period 2

Political Transformations: Empires and Encounters 1450–1750

European Empires in the Americas
 Landmarks for Chapter 4
The European Advantage
The Great Dying and the Little Ice Age
The Columbian Exchange
Comparing Colonial Societies in the Americas
In the Lands of the Aztecs and the Incas
Colonies of Sugar
Settler Colonies in North America
Empire Building in Russia and China
The Steppes and Siberia: The Making of a Russian Empire
Into Central Asia: The Making of a Chinese Empire

Empires of the Islamic World
In the Islamic Heartland: The Ottoman and Persian Safavid Empires
On the Frontiers of Islam: The Mughal and Songhay Empires

Conclusions and Reflections: Comparing Empires

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

ZOOMING IN: Doña Marina: Between Two Worlds

AP® Skills Workshop: Contextualization

AP® Looking Again: Louis XIV on “Spectacle” as an Aid to Royal Rule

AP® Working with Evidence: State Building in the Early Modern Era
Document 1 An Outsider’s View of the Inca Empire
Document 2 Ivan the Terrible’s Treatment of Boyars
Document 3 The Court of Benin
Document 4 The Memoirs of Emperor Jahangir
Document 5 French State Building and Louis XIV
Document 6 The Sacred Edict
Document 7 The Palace of an Ottoman Emperor

AP® Historians’ Voices: Early Modern Rulers
Voice 4.1 Charles Parker on Emperor Kangxi of China and Louis XIV of France, 2010
Voice 4.2 John Darwin on Emperor Akbar’s Public Image, 2008

Chapter 4 AP® Exam Practice

Cultural Transformations: Religion and Science 1450–1750

The Globalization of Christianity
 Landmarks for Chapter 5

Western Christendom Fragmented: The Protestant Reformation
Christianity Outward Bound
Conversion and Adaptation in Spanish America
An Asian Comparison: China and the Jesuits

Persistence and Change in Afro-Asian Cultural Traditions
Expansion and Renewal in the Islamic World
China: New Directions in an Old Tradition
India: Bridging the Hindu/Muslim Divide

A New Way of Thinking: The Birth of Modern Science
The Question of Origins
Science as Cultural Revolution
Science and Enlightenment
European Science beyond the West
Looking Ahead: Science in the Nineteenth Century and Beyond

Conclusions and Reflections: What’s New?

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

Zooming In: Galileo and the Telescope: Reflecting on Science and Religion
Then and Now: Science

AP® Skills Workshop: Causation

AP® Looking Again: Religious Interaction in Indian Art

AP® Working with Evidence: Christianity: Becoming a Global Religion
Document 1 European Influence in Kongo
Document 2 Christian Missionaries in India
Document 3 Christianity as a Threat to Japan
Document 4 Conversion of the Mohawks
Document 5 Christianity through Maya Eyes
Document 6 The Chinese Rites Controversy
Document 7 Cultural Blending in Andean Christianity

AP® Historians’ Voices: Missions in Mesoamerica and China
Voice 5.1 Merry Wiesner-Hanks on the Virgin of Guadalupe, 2015
Voice 5.2 Diarmaid MacCulloch on Jesuit Missionary Strategies in China, 2009

Chapter 5 AP® Exam Practice

Economic Transformations: Commerce and Consequence

Europeans and Asian Commerce
 Landmarks for Chapter 6

A Portuguese Empire of Commerce
Spain and the Philippines
The East India Companies
Asians and Asian Commerce

Silver and Global Commerce

“The World Hunt”: Fur in Global Commerce

Commerce in People: The Transatlantic Slave System
The Slave Trade in Context
The Slave Trade in Practice
Consequences: The Impact of the Slave Trade in Africa

Commerce and Social Change

Conclusions and Reflections: Global Trade and Moral Complexity

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

Controversies: Debating the Atlantic World
ZOOMING IN Ayuba Suleiman Diallo: To Slavery and Back

AP® Skills Workshop: Making Connections: Continuity and Change

AP® Looking Again: Describing the Middle Passage: Comparing the Accounts of Two Historians

AP® Working with Evidence: Consumption and Culture in the Early Modern World
Document 1 Regulating Dress in Europe
Document 2 A Critical View of Coffeehouses in the Ottoman Empire
Document 3 Tobacco Smoking in Eurasia
Document 4 Coffeehouse Culture in England
Document 5 Regulating Dress in Japan
Document 6 Tea and Porcelain in Europe
Document 7 Chinese Poems about Smoking

AP® Historians’ Voices: On Consumer Culture in the Early Modern World
Voice 6.1 Frank Trentmann on Consumer Culture in the Netherlands and Britain, 2016
Voice 6.2 Anne Gerritsen and Giorgio Riello on the Impacts of Global Consumption and Exchange, 2018

Chapter 6 AP® Exam Practice


PERIOD 3  The European Moment in World History, 1750–1900
The Big Picture
Landmarks in World History
Understanding AP® Themes in Period 3

CHAPTER 7 Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes 1750–1900

Atlantic Revolutions in a Global Context
Landmarks for Chapter 7

The North American Revolution, 1775–1787

The French Revolution, 1789–1815

The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804

Latin American Revolutions, 1808–1825

Echoes of Revolution
The Abolition of Slavery
Nations and Nationalism
Feminist Beginnings
ZOOMING IN Kartini: Feminism and Nationalism in Java

Conclusions and Reflections: Pondering the Outcomes of Revolutions

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Making Connections: Comparison

AP® Looking Again: Claiming Rights: Comparing American and French Documents

AP® Working with Evidence: Claiming Rights
Document 1 The French Revolution and the “Rights of Man”
Document 2 The French National Assembly and Slavery
Document 3 The Rights of Women: Depicting a Revolutionary Woman
Document 4 Rights and National Independence
Document 5 A British Conservative’s Critique of the Universal Rights of Man
Document 6 Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice
Document 7 The Rights of Women: An American Feminist Voice

AP® Historians’ Voices: Origins and Echoes of the American Revolution
Voice 7.1 Dorinda Outram on Enlightenment Ideas in the American Revolution, 1995
Voice 7.2 Carl Guarneri on British Expansion Redirected, 2007

Chapter 7 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 8 Revolutions of Industrialization 1750–1900

Industrialization: The Global Context
Landmarks for Chapter 8
Debating “Why Europe?”

The First Industrial Society
The British Aristocracy
The Middle Classes
The Laboring Classes
Social Protest
ZOOMING IN The English Luddites and Machine Breaking

Europeans in Motion

Variations on a Theme: Industrialization in the United States and Russia
The United States: Industrialization without Socialism
Russia: Industrialization and Revolution

The Industrial Revolution and Latin America in the Nineteenth Century
After Independence in Latin America
Facing the World Economy
Becoming like Europe?

Conclusions and Reflections: Pondering the Industrial Revolution

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Sourcing and Situation in Primary and Secondary Sources

AP® Looking Again: The Internationale: Analyzing a Protest Song

AP® Working with Evidence: Socialist Visions
Document 1 The Utopian Socialists
Document 2 Socialism According to Marx and Engels
Document 3 Socialism in Song
Document 4 Socialism without Revolution
Document 5 Lenin and Russian Socialism
Document 6 The Woman Question
Document 7 Socialist Perspectives in Art: Depicting Capitalist Society

AP® Historians’ Voices: The Legacy of Karl Marx in the Twenty-First Century
Voice 8.1 Allan Todd on Marx and Current History, 2016
Voice 8.2 Terry Eagleton on the Continuing Relevance of Marx, 2011

Chapter 8 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 9 Empires in Collision: Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia 1800–1900

Reversal of Fortune: China’s Century of Crisis
Landmarks for Chapter 9

The Crisis Within
Western Pressures
ZOOMING IN Lin Zexu: Confronting the Opium Trade
The Failure of Conservative Modernization

The Ottoman Empire and the West in the Nineteenth Century
“The Sick Man of Europe”
Reform and Its Opponents
Outcomes: Comparing China and the Ottoman Empire

The Japanese Difference: The Rise of a New East Asian Power
The Tokugawa Background
American Intrusion and the Meiji Restoration
Modernization Japanese-Style
Japan and the World

Conclusions and Reflections: Success and Failure in History

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Claims and Evidence in Primary Sources

AP® Looking Again: Critiquing Westernization: A Cartoon from Meiji Japan

AP® Working with Evidence: The Opium War
Document 1 Macartney Mission
Document 2 A Chinese Response to Lord Macartney
Document 3 Debating the Opium Problem
Document 4 The Case against the Legalization of Opium
Document 5 A Moral Appeal to Queen Victoria
Document 6 War and Defeat
Document 7 Addiction to Opium

AP® Historians’ Voices: The Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895
Voice 9.1 David Atwill and Yurong Atwill on the Significance of the War for China, 2010
Voice 9.2 James L. Huffman on the Significance of the War for Japan, 2010

Chapter 9 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 10 Colonial Encounters in Asia, Africa, and Oceania 1750–1950

Industry and Empire
Landmarks for Chapter 10

A Second Wave of European Conquests

Under European Rule
Cooperation and Rebellion
Colonial Empires with a Difference

Ways of Working: Comparing Colonial Economies
Economies of Coercion: Forced Labor and the Power of the State
Economies of Cash-Crop Agriculture: The Pull of the Market
Economies of Wage Labor: Migration for Work
Women and the Colonial Economy: Examples from Africa
Assessing Colonial Development

Believing and Belonging: Identity and Cultural Change
“Race” and “Tribe”
ZOOMING IN Vivekananda, a Hindu Monk in America

Conclusions and Reflections: Who Makes History?

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Claims and Evidence in Secondary Sources

AP® Looking Again: Advocating for Western Education in India

AP® Working with Evidence: Colonial Conquest: The Scramble for Africa
Document 1 From Cape to Cairo
Document 2 Agreement in Europe
Document 3 Ethiopia and the Scramble for Africa
Document 4 “Pacification” in East Africa
Document 5 Administering Colonial Government
Document 6 Empire Building in North Africa
Document 7 An African American Voice on the Scramble for Africa

AP® Historians’ Voices: The Invasion of Africa
Voice 10.1 Thomas Pakenham on European Motivations, 1992
Voice 10.2 A. Adu Boahen on African Strategies, 1987

Chapter 10 AP® Exam Practice


PERIOD 4 The Long Twentieth Century 1900–present
The Big Picture
Landmarks in World History
Understanding AP® Themes in Period 4

CHAPTER 11 Milestones of the Past Century: War and Revolution 1900–1950

The First World War: A European Crisis with a Global Impact, 1914–1918
Landmarks for Chapter 11

Origins: The Beginnings of the Great War
Outcomes: Legacies of the Great War
The Russian Revolution and Soviet Communism

Capitalism Unraveling: The Great Depression

Democracy Denied: The Authoritarian Alternative
European Fascism
Hitler and the Nazis
Japanese Authoritarianism
SNAPSHOT Comparing German Fascism and Soviet Communism

A Second World War, 1937–1945
The Road to War in Asia
The Road to War in Europe
Consequences: The Outcomes of a Second Global Conflict
ZOOMING IN Hiroshima
Communist Consolidation and Expansion: The Chinese Revolution

Conclusions and Reflections: Historical Intersections and Their Implications

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Writing an LEQ: Argumentation

AP® Looking Again: Depicting the Aftermath of War

AP® Working with Evidence: Experiencing World War I
Document 1 In the Trenches
Document 2 Reading the Letters of the Enemy
Document 3 On the Home Front
Document 4 An Indian Soldier in World War I
Document 5 A Senegalese Veteran’s Oral Testimony
Document 6 Nationalism and War
Document 7 In the Aftermath of the Great War

AP® Historians’ Voices: The Legacies of World War I
Voice 11.1 John Keegan on the Legacies of World War I, 2000
Voice 11.2 Peter Frankopan on World War I and the Decline of Empire, 2015

Chapter 11 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 12 Milestones of the Past Century: A Changing Global Landscape 1950–present

Recovering from the War
Landmarks for Chapter 12

Communism Chinese-Style
Building a Modern Society
SNAPSHOT China under Mao, 1949–1976
Confronting Enemies

East versus West: A Global Divide and a Cold War
Military Conflict and the Cold War
ZOOMING IN Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution
Nuclear Standoff and Rivalry in the Developing World
The Cold War and the Superpowers

Toward Freedom: Struggles for Independence
The End of Empire in World History
Toward Independence in Asia and Africa
After Freedom

The End of the Communist Era
Beyond Mao in China
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
After Communism

Conclusions and Reflections: On Judgment and Ambiguity: Considering Communism

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Writing a DBQ: Causation Arguments

AP® Looking Again: Kwame Nkrumah’s Vision of Postcolonial Africa

AP® Working with Evidence: Mao’s China
Document 1 Revolution in Long Bow Village
Document 2 Marriage Law
Document 3 Socialism in the Countryside
Document 4 Generational Division
Document 5 A Vision of the New China
Document 6 Working for the Communist Party
Document 7 Experiencing the Cultural Revolution

AP® Historians’ Voices: Assessing Mao
Voice 12.1 Maurice Meisner on Mao, Modernization, and Socialism, 1999
Voice 12.2 Frank Dikotter on Mao’s Great Famine, 2011

Chapter 12 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 13 Global Processes: Technology, Economy, and Society 1900–present

Science and Technology: The Acceleration of Innovation
Landmarks for Chapter 13

A Second Scientific Revolution
Fossil Fuel Breakthroughs
Transportation Breakthroughs
Communication and Information Breakthroughs
Military Weapons Breakthroughs

The Global Economy: The Acceleration of Entanglement
Industrial Globalization: Development in the Global South
Economic Globalization: Deepening Connections
Growth, Instability, and Inequality
CONTROVERSIES Debating Globalization
Pushback: Resistance to Economic Globalization

Producing and Consuming: The Shapes of Modern Societies
Life on the Land: The Decline of the Peasantry
The Changing Lives of Industrial Workers
The Service Sector and the Informal Economy
Global Middle Classes and Life at the Top

Getting Personal: Transformations of Private Life
Modernity and Personal Life
The State and Personal Life
ZOOMING IN Anna Dubova, a Russian Woman, and the Soviet State
Feminism and Personal Life

Conclusions and Reflections: On Contemporary History

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Writing a DBQ: Continuity and Change Arguments

AP® Looking Again: Analyzing Energy Consumption over Time

AP® Working with Evidence: Reflections on Technology
Document 1 Imagining the Future of Technology from a Western Viewpoint
Document 2 Communism and Technology
Document 3 Nehru and Gandhi on Technology and Industry
Document 4 “Technology with a Human Face”
Document 5 Nuclear Technology and Fears of a Nuclear Holocaust
Document 6 Technology and Climate Change
Document 7 Debating Artificial Intelligence

AP® Historians’ Voices: Technological Change in the Twentieth Century
Voice 13.1 Trevor Williams on the Impacts of Technology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, 1982
Voice 13.2 J. R. McNeill on Challenges Overcome and Challenges Created in the Twentieth Century, 2000

Chapter 13 AP® Exam Practice

CHAPTER 14 Global Processes: Demography, Culture, and the Environment 1900–present

More People: Quadrupling Human Numbers
Landmarks for Chapter 14

People in Motion: Patterns of Migration
To the Cities: Global Urbanization
Moving Abroad: Long-Distance Migration
Microbes in Motion: Disease and Recent History

Cultural Identity in an Entangled World
Race, Nation, and Ethnicity
Popular Culture on the Move
Religion and Global Modernity
ZOOMING IN Barbie and Her Competitors in the Muslim World

The Environment in the Anthropocene Era
The Global Environment Transformed
Changing the Climate
THEN AND NOW Humanity and Nature
Protecting the Planet: The Rise of Environmentalism

Conclusions and Reflections: World History and the Making of Meaning

Chapter Review
AP® Key Terms
Finding the Main Point
AP® Big Picture Questions

AP® Skills Workshop: Writing a DBQ: Comparative Arguments

AP® Looking Again: The Anthropocene: A Modern Historian’s Assessment

AP® Working with Evidence: Contending for Islam
Document 1 A Secular State for an Islamic Society
Document 2 Toward an Islamic Society
Document 3 The Ideas of the Ayatollah Khomeini
Document 4 Islamic Feminism
Document 5 Progressive Islam
Document 6 Debating the Burqa
Document 7 The Sufi Alternative

AP® Historians’ Voices: Perspectives on the Iranian Revolution
Voice 14.1 Francis Robinson on Islamic Renewal Movements, 1996
Voice 14.2 John Esposito on the Source of the Iranian Revolution, 1999

Chapter 14 AP® Exam Practice


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