The Impact Research Team

The Impact Research Team conducts Institutional Review Board-approved research studies to assess the use of Macmillan's digital resources by institutions, instructors, and students. This research informs digital resource enhancements, comprehends usage patterns, and evaluates outcomes for both students and instructors, with a focus on equity.

Explore Impact Research
participants in small group discussion, brainstorming during a workshop

The Significance of Impact Research

Learn what sets the Impact Research team apart and the crucial role they play in the continuous refinement of Macmillan Learning digital products.

Guide Successful Outcomes Through Rigorous Research

The Impact Research team's studies leverage data from diverse groups of instructors and students, ensuring results are broadly applicable. With IRB approval, the team gathers student data for in-depth statistical analysis to determine the effect of digital resources on learning outcomes.

The team uses both quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate classroom dynamics and the effectiveness of Macmillan Learning's digital resources. This approach offers a detailed assessment of their impact on student outcomes and identifies successful practices, giving educators and students actionable insights and strategies to achieve similar improved results.

Identify Trends and Best Practices to Improve Outcomes Across Courses, Instructors, and Institutions

The team utilizes a variety of statistical methods to identify the most effective strategies for promoting student success. These methods include hierarchical linear modeling to evaluate digital resources' impact on student outcomes. Ongoing rapid-cycle evaluations allow for continuous data collection and refinement of digital offerings. Efficacy studies assess how these resources impact student outcomes, pinpointing successful implementation patterns.

Impact Research Project Highlight

How iClicker Implementation Decisions Relate to Student Outcomes

iClicker is Macmillan Learning’s student response system and is included in most Achieve courses. This technical report summarizes a study on the iClicker student app implementation, highlighting how defining use cases aids instructors in making informed decisions about using digital learning tools. It discusses the relationship between implementation decisions and student outcomes, providing valuable insights for instructors considering the iClicker app for classroom use.

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