Cover: Achieve for Sullivan's Calculus: Early Transcendentals (1-Term Access), 2nd Edition by Michael Sullivan; Kathleen Miranda

Achieve for Sullivan's Calculus: Early Transcendentals (1-Term Access)

Second Edition  ©2019 Michael Sullivan; Kathleen Miranda Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Michael Sullivan

    Michael Sullivan

    Michael Sullivan, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Chicago State University, received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Before retiring, Mike taught at Chicago State for 35 years, where he honed an approach to teaching and writing that forms the foundation for his textbooks. Mike has been writing for more than 35 years and currently has 15 books in print. His books have been awarded both Texty and McGuffey awards from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA). In 2007, he received the TAA Lifetime Achievement Award. Mike is a member of the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges, the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Textbook and Academic Authors Association.

  • Headshot of Kathleen Miranda

    Kathleen Miranda

    Kathleen Miranda, Ed.D from St. John’s University, is an Emeritus Associate Professor of the State University of New York (SUNY), where she taught for 25 years. Kathleen is a recipient of the prestigious New York State Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and she particularly enjoys teaching mathematics to underprepared and fearful students. Kathleen served as director of Curriculum and Assessment Development at Old Westbury. In addition to her extensive classroom experience, Kathleen has worked as accuracy reviewer and solutions author on several mathematics textbooks, including Michael Sullivan’s Brief Calculus and Finite Mathematics. Kathleen’s goal is to help students unlock the complexities of calculus and appreciate its many applications.

Table of Contents

P. Preparing for Calculus
1. Limits and Continuity
2. The Derivative
3. More about Derivatives
4. Applications of the Derivative
5. The Integral
6. Applications of the Integral
7. Techniques of Integration
8. Infinite Series
9. Parametric Equations; Polar Equations
10. Vectors; Lines, Planes, and Quadric Surfaces in Space
11. Vector Functions
12. Functions of Several Variables
13. Directional Derivatives, Gradients, and Extrema
14. Multiple Integrals
15. Vector Calculus
16. Differential Equations

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