Cover: Contemporary Human Geography, 2nd Edition by Roderick P. Neumann; Patricia L. Price

Contemporary Human Geography

Second Edition  ©2019 Roderick P. Neumann; Patricia L. Price Formats: Achieve, Read & Practice, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Mona Domosh

    Mona Domosh

    Mona Domosh is the Joan P. and Edward J. Foley, Jr. 1933 professor of geography at Dartmouth College. She earned her Ph.D. at Clark University. Her research has examined the links between gender ideologies and the cultural and material formation of large American cities in the nineteenth century, and the role that gender and "whiteness" played in the selling of American products overseas in the early twentieth century.  She is currently engaged in research that focuses on the material practices and everyday encounters of United States-based corporations in four different sites outside the United States (Scotland, Argentina, Russia, and India) before 1930.   Domosh is the author of American Commodities in an Age of Empire (2006); Invented Cities: The Creation of Landscape in 19th-Century New York and Boston (1996); the coauthor, with Joni Seager, of Putting Women in Place: Feminist Geographers Make Sense of the World (2001); and the coeditor of Handbook of Cultural Geography (2002).

  • Headshot of Roderick P. Neumann

    Roderick P. Neumann

    Roderick P. Neumann is a professor of geography in the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies at Florida International University. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley. He studies the complex interactions of culture and nature through a specific focus on national parks and natural resources. In his research, he combines the analytical tools of cultural and political ecology with landscape studies. He has pursued these investigations through historical and ethnographic research mostly in East Africa, with some comparative work in North America and Central America. His current research explores interwoven narratives of nature, landscape, and identity in the European Union, with a particular emphasis on Spain. His scholarly books include Imposing Wilderness: Struggles over Livelihoods and Nature Preservation in Africa (1998), Making Political Ecology (2005), and The Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products (2000), the latter coauthored with Eric Hirsch.

  • Headshot of Patricia L. Price

    Patricia L. Price

    Patricia L. Price is associate professor of geography at Florida International University. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Washington. Connecting the long-standing theme of humanistic scholarship in geography to more recent critical approaches best describes her ongoing intellectual project. From her initial field research in Mexico, she has extended her focus to the border between Mexico and the United States and, most recently, to south Florida as a borderland of sorts. Recent field research is on comparative ethnic neighborhoods, conducted with colleagues and graduate students in Phoenix, Chicago, and Miami, and funded by the National Science Foundation. She is using this work to discuss the Latinos/as, neighborhood change, civic engagement, immigrant and exile landscapes, and critical geographies of race. Price is the author of Dry Place: Landscapes of Belonging and Exclusion (2004) and coeditor (with Tim Oakes) of The Cultural Geography Reader (2008).

Table of Contents


  1. Human Geography: A Cultural Approach
  2. Geographies of Cultural Difference: One World or Many?
  3. Population Geography: Shaping the Human Mosaic
  4. The Geography of Language: Locating the Spoken Word
  5. Geographies of Race and Ethnicity: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?
  6. Political Geography: A Divided World
  7. The Geography of Religion: Space and Places of Sacredness
  8. The Geography of Agriculture and Food: Shaping the Land, Feeding the World
  9. Development Geography: Transforming Landscapes of Well-Being
  10. Urban Geography: A World of Cities

Product Updates

Contemporary Human Geography, 2e  is now supported in Achieve. Automatically graded homework problems contain hints, answer-specific feedback, and solutions to ensure that students find the help they need. Fully loaded with our interactive e-book and all student and instructor resources, Achieve has a variety of assessments, videos, and animations aligned with each chapter of the text. LearningCurve adaptive quizzing helps students prepare for class and drives them back to the text to reinforce their learning.

Updated: Subject to Debate This feature highlights a current controversy, asking students to think critically about both sides of the issue.

Updated: Maps Every map used throughout the text has been edited or updated.

All new
Doing Geography Experiential Learning

These activities at the end of each chapter put students in the role of a working geographer, giving them the information and resources they need to tackle a specific geographic exercise.

Doing Geography Active Learning
These activities provide instructors with ways to engage students in the classroom. With 3-5 activities per chapter, instructors can choose what works best for their classroom. Available in Achieve as an instructor supplement.

  • Curated Learning Path: Each chapter has a pre-built unit in Achieve. The authors have carefully selected each media type to guide students through all of the learning objectives.
  • 30 new video activities provide a brief video related to key concepts from each chapter.
  • Powered by ArcGIS Web Maps: Students use zoom and search tools, basemaps, and layers to answer questions and deepen their geographic understanding of key topics.
  • Powered by ArcGIS story Maps: One story map per chapter has been designed as an extension activity for students on a key topic.
  • Learning Curve: LearningCurve adaptive quizzing is individualized for each student, selecting questions—by difficulty and topic—according to their performance.
  • Pre-Built Homework tutorials: Homework for each chapter is designed to guide students to comprehension with wrong-answer-specific feedback, hints, and solutions.

More than any other book for the introductory human geography course, Contemporary Human Geography shows what geographers actually do—how they conduct research, develop new insights, teach us about the world from a geographer’s perspective, and apply their skills in a wide range of academic and professional pursuits.

More than any other book for the introductory human geography course, Contemporary Human Geography shows what geographers actually do—how they conduct research, develop new insights, teach us about the world from a geographer’s perspective, and apply their skills in a wide range of academic and professional pursuits.

Contemporary Human Geography is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for Geography students. It houses all of our renowned assessments, multimedia assets, e-books, and instructor resources in a powerful new platform.

With each chapter organized by five themes (region, mobility, globalization, nature-culture, cultural landscape), Contemporary Human Geography introduces students to geography concepts through fascinating topics such as the distribution of college sports, the relationship of beauty pageants and cultural identity, texting and language modification, and more, continually reinforcing geographers’ contributions to our understanding of how we live in a globalized, modern world. The authors frame this coverage using specific learning objectives to help students focus on essential concepts and prepare for class discussions, assignments, and exams.

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Roderick P. Neumann; Patricia L. Price | Second Edition | ©2019 | ISBN:9781319234713

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