Cover: Living Physical Geography Digital Update, 2nd Edition by Bruce Gervais

Living Physical Geography Digital Update

Second Edition  ©2024 Bruce Gervais Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Bruce Gervais

    Bruce Gervais

    Bruce Gervais is a professor of geography at California State University, Sacramento. He has been teaching physical geography for over 25 years. He holds a doctorate in geography from the University of California at Los Angeles. Bruce’s research focus is in paleoclimatology. For his doctoral research at UCLA, he studied ancient climates by using tree rings and fossil pollen preserved in lake sediments on the Kola Peninsula in northwestern Russia. He has published 12 peer-reviewed research papers detailing his work in Russia and California. Bruce enjoys spending his free time backpacking, learning Spanish, and with his family. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
The Geographer’s Toolkit 1. This introduction covers the traditional and modern tools and foundational concepts in wide use in geography.

Part I Atmospheric Systems: Weather and Climate Part I explores how solar energy in the atmosphere creates atmospheric phenomena and organized systems. One chapter is devoted to the topic of climate change.

Portrait of the Atmosphere

Solar Energy and Seasons

Water in the Atmosphere

Atmospheric Circulation and Wind Systems

The Restless Sky: Severe Weather and Storm Systems

The Changing Climate

Part II The Biosphere and the Geography of Life Part II is contextualized around solar energy’s work in the biosphere. Major ecological units and human modification of the biosphere are emphasized. One chapter is devoted to marine ecosystems.

Patterns of Life: Biogeography

Climate and Life: Biomes

10. Ocean Ecosystems
11. Soil and Water Resources

Part III Tectonic Systems: Building the Lithosphere Part III explores uplift and building topographic relief via geothermal energy.
12. Earth History, Earth Interior
13. Drifting Continents: Plate Tectonics
14. Building the Crust with Rocks
15. Geohazards: Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Part IV Erosion and Deposition: Sculpting the Earth’s Surface Part IV examines the work of solar energy, water, chemical reactions, and gravity in grading the Earth’s surface.
16. Weathering and Mass Movement
17. Flowing Water: Fluvial Systems
18. The Work of Ice: The Cryosphere and Glacial Landforms
19. Water, Wind, and Time: Desert Landforms
20. The Work of Waves: Coastal Landforms

Product Updates

Achieve is an online homework system and e-Book, that includes assignments fully aligned to the text. Instructors can easily implement Achieve with a dedicated Macmillan Client Success Specialist who can help set up a course. Achieve is an affordable all-digital option for students or can be packaged with the loose-leaf text.

  • Current Real World Data and Examples:
    While the topical sequencing and the ordering of the chapters remain largely the same, the author has updated every chapter with the latest information available about recent discoveries and significant events. There are dozens of new photographs, figures, and maps. In addition, familiar figures from the first and second edition have been reworked to further strengthen their pedagogical effectiveness and visual appeal
  • NEW Chapter Reviews: At the end of each chapter, there is a concise review of key points, a list of key terms, a 10-question quiz, as well as approximately 15 assessment questions. These questions in the text mirror questions found in the Achieve platform.
  • NEW Active Lecture Slides with Integrated Activities: Lecture slide decks include short activities throughout the deck that are ideal short and engaging classroom activities. The activity slides include answers and suggestions for use with iClicker, and are color-coded to make finding the next activity a snap.
  • REVISED ArcGIS Web Maps: Web Maps have been revised and updated to align with text changes, improve learning outcomes and student engagement, and address current topics.
  • REVISED ArcGIS Story Maps: This updated second edition includes both new and revised Story Maps and questions that complement the updated text, and delve into engaging and current topics.


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