Cover: Through Women's Eyes, Volume 1, 6th Edition by Ellen DuBois; Lynn Dumenil; Brenda Stevenson

Through Women's Eyes, Volume 1

Sixth Edition  ©2024 Ellen DuBois; Lynn Dumenil; Brenda Stevenson Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Ellen Carol DuBois

    Ellen Carol DuBois

    Ellen Carol DuBois (PhD, Northwestern University) is Distinguished Research Professor of History and Gender Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the author of Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women’s Movement in America, 1848–1869; Harriot Stanton Blatch and the Winning of Woman Suffrage (winner of the 1998 Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women’s History from the American Historical Association); and Woman Suffrage and Women’s Rights. With Vicki L. Ruiz, she coedited the influential anthology Unequal Sisters: A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women’s History. With Vinay Lal, she is coauthor of A Passionate Life: Writings By and About Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay. Her newest book, Suffrage: Women’s Long Road to the Ballot Box, appeared in 2020, the first comprehensive history of the American woman suffrage movement in a half century.

  • Headshot of Lynn Dumenil

    Lynn Dumenil

    Lynn Dumenil (PhD, University of California, Berkeley) is Robert Glass Cleland Professor of American History, Emerita, at Occidental College. She has written The Second Line of Defense: American Women and World War, The Modern Temper: American Culture and Society in the 1920s, and Freemasonry and American Culture: 1880–1930. Her articles and reviews have appeared in the Journal of American History, the Journal of American Ethnic History, Reviews in American History, and the American Historical Review.

  • Headshot of Brenda Stevenson

    Brenda Stevenson

    Brenda Elaine Stevenson (PhD, Yale University) is the inaugural Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History at the University of Oxford and the inaugural Nickoll Family Endowed Chair in History at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the author of the award-winning monographs: Life in Black and White: Family and Community in the Slave South; and The Contested Murder of Latasha Harlins: Justice, Gender and the Origins of the L.A. Riots. She is also the author of What Is Slavery?; the editor of the Journals of Charlotte Forten Grimké; and the co-author of The Underground Railroad. Her new monograph, What Sorrows Labour in My Parent’s Breast?: A History of the Enslaved Black Family, appeared in April 2023. She was appointed by President Biden to serve on the Civil Rights Cold Case Review Board in 2022.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. America in the World, to 1650
Indigenous Women
Reading into the Past Two Sisters and Acoma Origins
Europeans Arrive
African Women and the Atlantic Slave Trade
Conclusion: Many Beginnings
PRIMARY SOURCES European Images of Indigenous Women
Chapter 2. Colonial Worlds, 1607–1750
A Changed World for Indigenous Peoples
Southern British Colonies
*Reading into the Past Florence Hall’s Account of the Slave Trade
Northern British Colonies
Reading into the Past Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Beyond the British Colonies
Conclusion: The Diversity of American Women
PRIMARY SOURCES By and About Colonial Women
PRIMARY SOURCES Depictions of “Family” in Colonial America
Chapter 3. Mothers and Daughters of the Revolution, 1750–1810
Background to Revolution, 1754–1775
Women and the Face of War, 1775–1783
Revolutionary Era Legacies
*Reading into the Past Thirteen Toasts
Conclusion: To the Margins of Political Action
PRIMARY SOURCES Gendering Images of the Revolution
PRIMARY SOURCES Phillis Wheatley, Enslaved Poet
PRIMARY SOURCES Education and Republican Motherhood
Chapter 4. Pedestal, Loom, and Auction Block, 1800–1860
The Ideology of True Womanhood
Reading into the Past Catharine Beecher, The Peculiar Responsibilities of the American Woman
Women and Wage Earning
Women, Slavery, and the South
Reading into the Past Beloved Children: Cherokee Women Petition the National Council
Reading into the Past Mary Boykin Chesnut, “Slavery a Curse to Any Land”
Conclusion: True Womanhood and the Reality of Women’s Lives
PRIMARY SOURCES Sex Work in New York City, 1858
PRIMARY SOURCES Mothering under Slavery
PRIMARY SOURCES Godey’s Lady’s Book
PRIMARY SOURCES Early Photographs of Factory Operatives
Chapter 5. Shifting Boundaries: Expansion, Reform, and Civil War, 1840–1865
An Expanding Nation, 1843–1861
Reading into the Past Narrative of Mrs. Rosalía Vallejo Leese, Who Witnessed the Hoisting of the Bear Flag in Sonoma on the 14th of June, 1846  
Antebellum Reform
Civil War, 1861–1865
*Reading into the Past Charlotte Forten Grimké, “Life on the Sea Islands”  
Conclusion: Reshaping Boundaries, Redefining Womanhood
PRIMARY SOURCES Female Labor in the Gold-Rush Economy
PRIMARY SOURCES Women’s Rights Partnership: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
PRIMARY SOURCES Women on the Civil War Battlefields
Chapter 6. Reconstructing Women’s Lives North and South, 1865–1900
Gender and the Postwar Constitutional Amendments
Women’s Lives in Southern Reconstruction and Redemption
Reading into the Past Mary Tape, “What Right Have You?”
Female Wage Labor and the Triumph of Industrial Capitalism
Reading into the Past Leonora Barry, “Women in the Knights of Labor”
Women of the Leisured Classes
Conclusion: Toward a New Womanhood
PRIMARY SOURCES Ida B. Wells, “Race Woman”
PRIMARY SOURCES The Higher Education of Women in the Postbellum Years

Chapter 7. Women in an Expanding Nation: Consolidation of the West, Mass Immigration, and the Crisis of the 1890s
Consolidating the West
Late Nineteenth-Century Immigration
Reading into the Past Emma Goldman, “Living My Life”
Century’s End: Challenges, Conflict, and Imperial Ventures
Reading into the Past Clemencia Lopez, Women of the Philippines
Conclusion: Nationhood and Womanhood on the Eve of a New Century
PRIMARY SOURCES Representing Native American Women in the Late Nineteenth Century
PRIMARY SOURCES Jane Addams, “Twenty Years at Hull House”
PRIMARY SOURCES Jacob Riis’s Photographs of Immigrant Girls and Women

Product Updates

A new co-author, Brenda Stevenson, brings her expertise as a scholar of gender, race, slavery, and family to the revision, focusing on the period to 1900. 

New Reading into the Past boxes, including Charlotte Forten’s “Life on the Sea Islands.”

New scholarship throughout. Every chapter has been updated to integrate the latest scholarship and reflect the diversity of women who shaped and have been shaped by U.S. history.




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