Cover: Ways of the World: A Brief Global History, Value Edition, Volume 1, 5th Edition by Robert Strayer; Eric Nelson

Ways of the World: A Brief Global History, Value Edition, Volume 1

Fifth Edition  ©2022 Robert Strayer; Eric Nelson Formats: Achieve, E-book, Print


  • Headshot of Robert W. Strayer

    Robert W. Strayer

    Robert W. Strayer (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin) brings wide experience in world history to the writing of Ways of the World. His teaching career began in Ethiopia where he taught high school world history for two years as part of the Peace Corps. At the university level, he taught African, Soviet, and world history for many years at the State University of New York-College at Brockport, where he received Chancellors Awards for Excellence in Teaching and for Excellence in Scholarship. In 1998 he was visiting professor of world and Soviet history at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since moving to California in 2002, he has taught world history at the University of California, Santa Cruz; California State University, Monterey Bay; and Cabrillo College. He is a long-time member of the World History Association and served on its Executive Committee. He has also participated in various AP® World History gatherings, including two years as a reader. His publications include Kenya: Focus on Nationalism, The Making of Mission Communities in East Africa, The Making of the Modern World, Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse?, and The Communist Experiment.

  • Headshot of Eric W. Nelson

    Eric W. Nelson

    Eric W. Nelson (D.Phil., Oxford University) is a professor of history at Missouri State University. He is an experienced teacher who has won a number of awards, including the Governor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2011 and the CASE and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Professor of the Year Award for Missouri in 2012. He is currently Faculty Fellow for Engaged Learning, developing new ways to integrate in-class and online teaching environments. His publications include The Legacy of Iconoclasm: Religious War and the Relic Landscape of Tours, Blois and Vendôme, and The Jesuits and the Monarchy: Catholic Reform and Political Authority in France.

Table of Contents

The Combined Volume includes all chapters.
Volume 1 includes Chapters 1-12.
Volume 2 includes Chapters 12-23.

NOTE: Achieve for Ways of the World 5e includes additional activities and assessments for the book content. Along with the interactive e-books for the comprehensive edition with special features and primary and secondary sources and the companion source reader, Achieve provides quizzes for the source features in the book and the documents in the companion reader, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, study and writing skills tutorials, and a variety of autograded exercises that help students develop their historical thinking skills. Many of these resources are set up for quick use in the pre-built courses in Achieve, which can be customized easily, and Achieve also allows instructors to create quiz questions and upload their own documents. The table of contents here reflects only what appears in the Value Edition.


Versions and Supplements
Working with Primary Sources
Prologue: From Cosmic History to Human History


PART 1 First Things First: Beginnings in History, to 600 b.c.e.

THE BIG PICTURE Turning Points in Early World History

The Emergence of Humankind

The Globalization of Humankind

The Revolution of Farming and Herding

The Turning Point of Civilization

Time and World History



Out of Africa: First Migrations

Into Eurasia

Into Australia

Into the Americas

Into the Pacific

Paleolithic Lifeways

The First Human Societies

Economy and the Environment

The Realm of the Spirit

Settling Down: The Great Transition

Breakthroughs to Agriculture

Common Patterns


The Globalization of Agriculture

Triumph and Resistance

The Culture of Agriculture

Social Variation in the Age of Agriculture

Pastoral Societies

Agricultural Village Societies


Conclusions and Reflections: History before Civilization

Revisiting Chapter 1

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Something New: The Emergence of Civilizations

Introducing the First Civilizations

The Question of Origins

An Urban Revolution

The Erosion of Equality

Hierarchies of Class

Hierarchies of Gender

Patriarchy in Practice

The Rise of the State

Coercion and Consent

Writing and Accounting

The Grandeur of Kings

Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt

Environment and Culture

Cities and States

Interaction and Exchange

Conclusions and Reflections: Pondering "Civilization"

Revisiting Chapter 2

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View

PART 2 Continuity and Change in the Second-Wave Era, 600 b.c.e.–600 c.e.

THE BIG PICTURE The Globalization of Civilization



Empires and Civilizations in Collision: The Persians and the Greeks

The Persian Empire

The Greeks

Collision: The Greco-Persian Wars

Collision: Alexander and the Hellenistic Era

Comparing Empires: Roman and Chinese

Rome: From City-State to Empire

China: From Warring States to Empire

Consolidating the Roman and Chinese Empires

The Collapse of Empires

Intermittent Empire: The Case of India

Conclusions and Reflections: Enduring Legacies of Second-Wave Empires

Revisiting Chapter 3

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



China and the Search for Order

The Legalist Answer

The Confucian Answer

The Daoist Answer

Cultural Traditions of Classical India

South Asian Religion: From Ritual Sacrifice to Philosophical Speculation

The Buddhist Challenge

Hinduism as a Religion of Duty and Devotion

Toward Monotheism: The Search for God in the Middle East



The Cultural Tradition of Classical Greece: The Search for a Rational Order

The Greek Way of Knowing

The Greek Legacy

The Birth of Christianity . . . with Buddhist Comparisons

The Lives of the Founders

The Spread of New Religions

Institutions, Controversies, and Divisions

Conclusions and Reflections: Religion and Historians

Revisiting Chapter 4

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Society and the State in China

An Elite of Officials

The Landlord Class



Class and Caste in India

Caste as Varna

Caste as Jati

The Functions of Caste

Slavery: The Case of the Roman Empire

Slavery and Civilization

The Making of Roman Slavery

Comparing Patriarchies

A Changing Patriarchy: The Case of China

Contrasting Patriarchies: Athens and Sparta

Conclusions and Reflections: Pondering Inequality

Revisiting Chapter 5

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Continental Comparisons

Civilizations of Africa

Meroë: Continuing a Nile Valley Civilization

Axum: The Making of a Christian Kingdom

Along the Niger River: Cities without States

Civilizations of Mesoamerica

The Maya: Writing and Warfare

Teotihuacán: The Americas’ Greatest City

Civilizations of the Andes

Chavín: A Pan-Andean Religious Movement

Moche: A Civilization of the Coast

Wari and Tiwanaku: Empires of the Interior

Alternatives to Civilization

Bantu Africa: Cultural Encounters and Social Variation

North America: Ancestral Pueblo and Mound Builders

Pacific Oceania: Peoples of the Sea

Conclusions and Reflections: One History...or Many?

Revisiting Chapter 6

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View


PART 3 Civilizations and Encounters during the Third-Wave Era, 600–1450

THE BIG PICTURE Patterns and Processes of the Third-Wave Era

Third-Wave Civilizations

The Ties That Bind: Transregional Interaction in the Third-Wave Era



Silk Roads: Exchange across Eurasia

The Growth of the Silk Roads

Goods in Transit

Cultures in Transit

Diseases in Transit

Sea Roads: Exchange across the Indian Ocean

Weaving the Web of an Indian Ocean World

Sea Roads as a Catalyst for Change: Southeast Asia

Sea Roads as a Catalyst for Change: East Africa

Sand Roads: Exchange across the Sahara

Commercial Beginnings in West Africa

Gold, Salt, and Slaves: Trade and Empire in West Africa

An American Network: Commerce and Connection in the Western Hemisphere

Conclusions and Reflections: Globalization — Ancient and Modern

Revisiting Chapter 4

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Together Again: The Reemergence of a Unified China

A Golden Age of Chinese Achievement

Women in the Song Dynasty

China and the Northern Nomads: A Chinese World Order in the Making

The Tribute System in Theory

The Tribute System in Practice

Cultural Influence across an Ecological Frontier

Interacting with China: Comparing Korea, Vietnam, and Japan

Korea and China

Vietnam and China

Japan and China

China and the Eurasian World Economy

Spillovers: China’s Impact on Eurasia

On the Receiving End: China as Economic Beneficiary

China and Buddhism

Making Buddhism Chinese

Losing State Support: The Crisis of Chinese Buddhism

Conclusions and Reflections: Pondering Change in China

Revisiting Chapter 8

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



The Birth of a New Religion

The Homeland of Islam

The Messenger and the Message

The Transformation of Arabia

The Making of an Arab Muslim Empire

War, Conquest, and Tolerance


Divisions and Controversies

Women and Men in Early Islam

Islam and Cultural Encounter: A Four-Way Comparison

The Case of India

The Case of Anatolia

The Case of West Africa

The Case of Spain

The World of Islam as a New Civilization

Networks of Faith

Networks of Exchange

Conclusions and Reflections: The Islamic World and the Uses of History

Revisiting Chapter 9

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Christian Contraction in Asia and Africa

Asian Christianity

African Christianity

Byzantine Christendom: Building on the Roman Past

The Byzantine State

The Byzantine Church and Christian Divergence

Byzantium and the World

The Conversion of Russia

Western Christendom: Rebuilding in the Wake of Roman Collapse

Political Life in Western Europe

Society and the Church

Accelerating Change in the West

Europe Outward Bound: The Crusading Tradition

The West in Comparative Perspective

Catching Up

Pluralism in Politics

Reason and Faith

Conclusions and Reflections: Remembering and Forgetting

Revisiting Chapter 10

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



The Long History of Pastoral Peoples

The World of Pastoral Societies

Before the Mongols: Pastoralists in History

Breakout: The Mongol Empire

From Temujin to Chinggis Khan: The Rise of the Mongol Empire

Explaining the Mongol Moment

Encountering the Mongols in China, Persia, and Russia

China and the Mongols

Persia and the Mongols

Russia and the Mongols

The Mongol Empire as a Eurasian Network

Toward a World Economy

Diplomacy on a Eurasian Scale

Cultural Exchange in the Mongol Realm

The Plague: An Afro-Eurasian Pandemic

Conclusions and Reflections: Historians, Bias, and the Mongols

Revisiting Chapter 11

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas

A Wider View



Societies and Cultures of the Fifteenth Century

Paleolithic Persistence: Australia and North America

Agricultural Village Societies: The Igbo and the Iroquois

Pastoral Peoples: Central Asia and West Africa

Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: Comparing China and Europe

Ming Dynasty China

European Comparisons: State Building and Cultural Renewal

European Comparisons: Maritime Voyaging

Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: The Islamic World

In the Islamic Heartland: The Ottoman and Safavid Empires

On the Frontiers of Islam: The Songhay and Mughal Empires

Civilizations of the Fifteenth Century: The Americas

The Aztec Empire

The Inca Empire

Webs of Connection

After 1500: Looking Ahead to the Modern Era

Conclusions and Reflections: Perspectives on Turning Points

Revisiting Chapter 12

Revisiting Specifics

Revisiting Core Ideas


For Further Study


Product Updates

More robust options for building historical thinking skills and measuring progress toward learning outcomes.

  • Achieve, Macmillan Learning’s innovative new learning platform, pairs creative new teaching and assessment options with powerful insights into student work, so instructors can do more. Achieve comes loaded with the full-color comprehensive edition e-book with Working with Evidence and Historians’ Voices primary and secondary source features, the companion source reader, and abundant formative and summative assessments which are all tagged to learning objectives that are aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy. Drawing on principles of instructional design and popular assignments, Achieve provides customizable pre-built course options and resource filters that help instructors set up their courses with ease, and these courses can be integrated with all major LMS systems. Assignments and activities in Achieve include:
    • LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, which is designed to get students to read the text before class;
    • reflection activities that invite students to reflect on what they have read in each chapter;
    • instructor activity guides that instructors can use in class for either remote or in-person collaborative learning;
    • source and feature quizzes;
    • research and writing tutorials;
    • map quizzes; and
    • Building a Historical Argument activities, which enable students to hone their skills in constructing a thesis, identifying evidence to sustain historical arguments, and writing conclusions.

  • Robust reports in Achieve give instructors multi-level insights into student progress toward meeting learning objectives as well as how they have progressed on assignments so instructors can give students support where they need it most. Available with training and support, Achieve can help you take your teaching to a new level.

  • In Achieve, primary and secondary sources give fresh options for helping students hone their historical comprehension, empathy, analysis, and interpretation skills. For example, in Chapter 8, the Working with Evidence feature, “Society during China’s Golden Age,” explores the complex social world in Tang and Song China. Likewise, a “Cultural Encounters in Muslim Spain” feature in Chapter 9 explores the long period of cultural interaction between Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Spain from the eighth century to the sixteenth century. And Chapter 14’s primary source feature, “Consumption and Culture in the Early Modern World,” examines the cultural implications of consumption during the several centuries after 1500, using clothing, tea, porcelain, and coffee as examples. Finally, the Working with Evidence feature entitled “The Socialist Vision and Its Enemies” in Chapter 17 incorporates documents that illustrate some of the ways that socialism was expressed and contested as it took root in modern Europe. Corresponding Historians’ Voices explore topics such a diverse views on China’s economy (Chapter 8), religious tolerance in Muslim Spain (Chapter 9), and consumer culture in the early modern world (Chapter 14).

  • Thoroughly revised questions accompanying the narrative in Achieve further students’ critical thinking about history. These questions ask students to actively describe and compare historical developments, contrast civilizations, connect regions and ideas, assess patterns of continuity and change, and more. The most essential of these questions, labeled “Core Ideas,” are presented again in the concluding chapter review in the “Revisiting Core Ideas” section.

New “Then and Now” features in Achieve promote the skill of connecting with the past. Offered once in each part of the book, these essays examine a particular theme in both historical and contemporary settings. Themes include patriarchy, slavery, science, China’s role on the global stage, and more. The skill of connecting with the past is reinforced at the beginning of each chapter through updated vignettes called Connecting Past and Present that illustrate the continuing relevance of the chapter’s material in today’s world.

Narrative updates incorporate the latest scholarship on early humans, environment and disease, the spread of Islam in the Indian Ocean World, and modern science. Updates include:

  • Chapter 1: Revised coverage reflecting new dating for the first emergence of Homo sapiens, new evidence of early failed migrations out of Africa and interactions with other hominid species, new thinking on migration into the Americas,  new discoveries of cave paintings in Indonesia and bone flutes in Germany, updated coverage of the practice of slavery among gatherers and hunters in Alaska, new evidence of the fragility of many early agricultural communities, and updated population estimates for the Neolithic period.
  • Chapter 2: Updated coverage of First Civilizations incorporating new archeological evidence of early trade patterns and recent revisions in the dating of the Indus Valley, Chinese, Oxus, and Nubian civilizations.
  • Part 2 opening: New exploration of the reasons for the collapse of First Civilizations, with special emphasis on climate change, environmental degradation, and migrations.
  • Chapter 7: Revised discussion of the arrival of Islam in Southeast Asia with expanded coverage of Melaka.
  • Chapter 9: New section on Islam’s spread in southern India, especially in the Hindu Vijayanagar empire.
  • Chapter 11: Expanded analysis of the long-term impact of the plague on European society, especially the shift toward laborsaving technologies and the revival of slavery in Europe.
  • Chapter 13: Updated account of the Little Ice Age.
  • Chapter 15: Updated coverage on earlier Chinese and Islamic influences on European science and how the vast flow of knowledge from across the globe impacted the Scientific Revolution in Europe.
  • Chapter 17: New exploration of the links between the Industrial Revolution and our current climate crisis.
  • Chapter 22: New coverage of how twentieth-century scientific profoundly changed our understanding of the cosmos, impacted contemporary culture, and laid the groundwork for technological innovations that have transformed modern life.
  • Chapter 23: New discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of other modern pandemics.







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