Take Learning Beyond Class Time With Assignments and Assessments

Whether familiarizing students with lab concepts and expectations before arriving to class or helping students practice course concepts learned in class, Assignments and Assessments give students what they need to succeed.

Instructors can easily access reporting and analytics to identify student strengths and gaps in learning. And the best part is; our Assignments and Assessments are auto-graded, saving valuable time for instructors and TAs.

A screenshot shows the Chemistry assignment at Achieve. The Assignment consists of 8 questions on the left pane. The right pane shows question 8 of 8. The assignment score of 0 percent is displayed on the top.

Features & Capabilities

Class Preparation

Prelab assignments prepare students before they come to class so they can hit the ground running.

Insights on Class Performance

Instructors can easily track how their students are performing on assessments and identify any gaps in learning.

Reinforce Learning

Assessments can help students practice concepts learned in class, strengthen understanding, and increase their knowledge retention.

Test Banks

Our robust test banks can be used to create tests and quizzes to help students apply course concepts.

Supplement Your Custom Lab Solutions With Our Existing Content Collection

Our existing collection of lab content provides a wealth of supplemental resources for your course. Choose from hundreds of videos, simulations, illustrations, exercises, and more to complement your custom Lab Solution. You can always choose to create new content at a later time or modify our existing resources to fit your needs.

Not seeing your discipline listed?
Contact us below to discuss building custom tools for your course.


Lab Solutions That Engage Majors and Non-Majors

Whether you are adopting a prebuilt lab solution or electing to use customization services (formerly Hayden-McNeil Lab Solutions), Macmillan Learning Lab Solutions engage all lab students to better understand scientific concepts.

Jennifer Steuckle Headshot

“The process is so easy that I tell competitors that it would be more work to leave.”

-Jennifer Steuckle, West Virginia University

An illustration shows a pair of concentric circles forming a ring and two filled circles. The two filled circles are each colored blue and pink. The ring contains a shade of blue on the left and pink on the right.

Creating the Perfect Custom Lab Solution

Our guide to creating your perfect custom lab resources is intended to equip science educators with information to understand, evaluate, and navigate creating custom lab materials to suit their course needs. If you're ready to get started, schedule a quick call with a lab specialist below!

A poster by Macmillan Learning displays the title Creating the Perfect Custom Lab Solution. The poster shows students working in a laboratory. The text below is titled Simple Steps for customizing your lab course material
A circular icon representing

Ready to get started with Lab Solutions?

Contact us below to learn more about our Lab Solutions, or schedule a call with our specialists to get started.

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A circular icon representing

Existing Lab Solutions Customers  

Contact your account manager for help on your existing solutions. 

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