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her doubts as she absently rubs her thumb over   The woman still seems not to understand.  has learned that money is the beginning and   be back to pick you up at twelve o’clock. I don’t   1
 the back of her hand. We find our way to the   “I can’t read it. I don’t know how to read or   end of everything in this world, and when the   want you to go nowhere. You just wait right
 crowded auditorium where gray metal chairs are   write, and I’m askin you to help me.” My mother   woman finishes, my mother offers her fifty cents,   here. And listen to every word she say.” I touch   CLOSE READING  chapter 1
 set up in the middle of the room. Along the wall   looks at me, then looks away. I know almost all   and the woman accepts it without hesitation. My   her lips and press them together. It is an old,
 to the left are tables and other chairs. Every chair   of her looks, but this one is brand new to me.   mother and I are just about the last parent and   old game between us. She puts my hand down   There is an unspoken language between
                                                                                            mother and daughter. Help students trace
 seems occupied by a child or adult. Somewhere   “Would you help me, then?”  child in the room.  at my side, which is not part of the game. She   the instances where they communicate via
 in the room a child is crying, a cry that rises   The woman says Why sure, and suddenly   My mother presents the form to a woman   stands and looks a second at the teacher, then   Section 1  /  Elements of Fiction  looks or gestures. Yet, there is a breakdown
 above the buzz-talk of so many people. Strewn   she appears happier, so much more satisfied   sitting in front of the stage, and the woman looks   she turns and walks away. I see where she has   in communication during this scene. Ask
 about the floor are dozens and dozens of pieces   with everything. She finishes the form for her   at it and writes something on a white card,   darned one of her socks the night before. Her   students to consider the significance of this
 of white paper, and people are walking over   daughter and my mother and I step aside to wait   which she gives to my mother. Before long, the   shoes make loud sounds in the hall. She passes   new “look” (par. 22).
 Analyzing Short Fiction
 them without any thought of picking them up.   for her. We find two chairs nearby and sit. My   woman who has taken the girl with the drooping   through the doors and I can still hear the loud
 And seeing this lack of concern, I am all of a   mother is now diseased, according to the girl’s   curls appears from behind us, speaks to the   sounds of her shoes. And even when the
                      © Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers. For review purposes only. Do not distribute.
 sudden afraid.  eyes, and until the moment her mother takes her   sitting woman, and introduces herself to my   teacher turns me toward the classrooms and I
 “Is this where they register for school?” my   and the form to the front of the auditorium, the   mother and me. She’s to be my teacher, she tells   hear what must be the singing and talking of all   DIFFERENTIATION
 mother asks a woman at one of the tables.  girl never stops looking at my mother. I stare   my mother. My mother stares.  the children in the world, I can still hear my   Connections to Self
 The woman looks up slowly as if she has   10 back at her. “Don’t stare,” my mother says to me.   We go into the hall, where my mother   mother’s footsteps above it all.
 heard this question once too often. She nods.   “You know better than that.”  kneels down to me. Her lips are quivering. “I’ll   1992  Ask students to brainstorm as a class
 She is tiny, almost as small as the girl standing   Another woman out of the Ebony ads takes   about the meaning and importance of
 beside her. The woman’s hair is set in a mass of   the woman’s child away. Now, the woman says   shoes. For example, many students may
 curlers and all of those curlers are made of   upon returning, let’s see what we can do for you   purchase new shoes for the first day of
 paper money, here a dollar bill, there a   two.  Character                                 school, a dance, etc. Ask students to write
 five-dollar bill. The girl’s hair is arrayed in curls,   My mother answers the questions the   20  Characters are key to shaping a narrative. In a story with an external conflict, the main   a brief journal entry in which they identify
 but some of them are beginning to droop and   woman reads off the form. They start with my   character is usually the protagonist, who is in conflict with another person, called    their favorite pair of shoes, the event to
 this makes me happy. On the table beside the   last name, and then on to the first and middle   the antagonist. A conflict may also be internal, such as those in which a character   which they wore them, and memories
 woman’s pocketbook is a large notebook,   names. This is school, I think. This is going to   struggles with temptation or tries to reconcile two incompatible values or beliefs. The   associated with those shoes. Suggest that
 worthy of someone in high school, and looking   school. My mother slowly enunciates each word   main character in a literary work also usually grows or changes over the course of    they share their stories. Then, ask students
 at me looking at the notebook, the girl places   of my name. This is my mother: As the questions   the story; in fact, that change often structures the narrative. The clearest example of   in a whole-group setting to discuss the
 her hand possessively on it. In her other hand   go on, she takes from her pocketbook document   character change structuring a narrative happens in a coming-of-age story, also called   implication of the phrase “walking in
 she holds several pencils with thick crowns of   after document, as if they will support my right   a bildungsroman, which chronicles how a young character transitions from a state of   someone else’s shoes.” In what way
 additional erasers.  to attend school, as if she has been saving them   innocence to one of experience. Sometimes the change is gradual and sometimes it is   does the contrast between the nick in the
 “These the forms you gotta use?” my mother   up for just this moment. Indeed, she takes out   daughter’s new shoes and the loudness of
 asks the woman, picking up a few pieces of the   more papers than I have ever seen her do in   sudden, as with an epiphany, a term Irish author James Joyce used to describe when a   her mother’s old shoes (combined with the
                character suddenly realizes something significant about life. Regardless of how quickly
 paper from the table. “Is this what you have to   other places: my birth certificate, my baptismal   a character changes, the growth must be believable, and it must be clearly motivated   darned sock) help convey the daughter’s
 fill out?”  record, a doctor’s letter concerning my bout   by the circumstances of the story.  attitude toward her mother’s “first day”
 The woman tells her yes, but that she need   with chicken pox, rent receipts, records of   experience vs. her own?
 fill out only one.  immunization, a letter about our public   Authors reveal character through descriptions and through characters’ dialogue
 “I see,” my mother says, looking about the   assistance payments, even her marriage   and behavior. Considering how and why certain details are included in a story is key
 room. Then: “Would you help me with this   license — every single paper that has anything   to interpreting who the characters are, what they believe, and what motivates them.   DIFFERENTIATION
 form? That is, if you don’t mind.”  even remotely to do with my five-year-old life.   Let’s take a look at the main characters of “The First Day”: the mother and the
 The woman asks my mother what she   Few of the papers are needed here, but it does   daughter. The daughter, who tells us this story, serves as the protagonist, and we can   Scaffolding
 means.  not matter and my mother continues to pull out   learn about her by paying attention to what she chooses to share with us. For   AP  Teaching Tip. You may wish to ask
 “This form. Would you mind helpin me fill    15 the documents with the purposefulness of a   example, she describes in great detail the clothing she is wearing on her first day of   students to now explore the 2013 AP
 it out?”  magician pulling out a long string of scarves. She   school. Why are these details important? What do they communicate about the   Literature Prose Passage prompt. The
                                                                                            prompt, student essays, and scoring
                                                                                            commentary can be found at AP  Central.
 4                                                                                   5
                                                                                            The 2013 prompt includes an excerpt from
                                                                                            the beginning of The Known World, a novel
                                                                                            by Edward P. Jones. Review the prompt,
                                                                                            retrofit it using the new stable wording
 02_SheaLitComp3e_28114_ch01_xl_053.indd   4  27/10/21   9:05 PM  02_SheaLitComp3e_28114_ch01_xl_053.indd   5  27/10/21   9:05 PM  found on p. 138 in the Course and Exam
                    DIFFERENTIATION                                                         Description, and rescore essays using
                                                                                            the 6-point rubric. Then, in small groups,
                    Connections to World                                                    ask students to select a 500–700-word
                    The narrator shares that through her                                    sustained passage from “The First Day”
                    observations of her mother interacting with                             (similar to The Known World prompt), and
                    other characters, she realizes that “money is                           then adapt the language of the stable
                    the beginning and end of everything in this                             prompt to create an AP -style prompt for
                    world” (par. 20). Ask students to individually                          “The First Day.” Ask students to share their
                    list the values associated with money found                             passage and their retrofitted prompt with
                    in this section. Then, ask them to extend the                           the whole group.
                    significance of money to the world around
                    them, their own songs, etc. What are the
                    values associated with money?

                    chapter 1 / Elements of Fiction                                                                       5

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